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90's hipsters - what did they look like


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Im old. Id say there was hipsters. It was attached to music more. I guess film /art students termed 'artfags' would fall into hipster. I liked i better then. We just bought everything at the goodwill and salvation army. There were no H&M;s or american apparels. I wore a lot of army shirts


Yeah, this. And term hipster was applied, at least by '98 or so.


And there was a lot of deliberate post-Kramer-style hipsterism; the fucking lapels. THE FUCKING LAPELS.


It was so much more authentic back then.
























It had integrity.

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In a modern sense, they came about at the same time as yuppies (in the early '80s), but they're descended from the Beatniks and before that the "Lost Generation" types of the '20s and '30s, so not necessarily. Hipsters force gentrification and overdevelopment because their presence in an area attracts yuppies, who then force them out to continue this cycle until a real estate crash, when the hipsters oftentimes come back, along with less desirable elements, and force out yuppies. Though hipsters these days are in and of themselves somewhat gentrifiers, by forcing out the area's original population.
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vintage clothing, as in actual old used clothing. in the 90s you could be poor and a hipster.




like doug from doug (tv series) :crazy:




It's hard because "hipster" to me means somebody who genuinely thinks they are cooler than everyone else, whereas a lot of 90s fashion was "we look fucking crap and we know it"




The 90's were pretty damn ironic though, which is a staple of hipsterism.

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in the early 90s i had a type of GQish haircut and dressed a little like morrissey.


mid to late 90s i sported that ceasar do and wore those addidas style soccer shirts with the 3 stripes on the sleeves that go up to the collar, track suits, north face bubble jacket and some vintage ski jackets and vintage puffy vests. when i was feeling edgey, i'd throw on some ski googles on my head!

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

vintage clothing, as in actual old used clothing. in the 90s you could be poor and a hipster.




like doug from doug (tv series) :crazy:




It's hard because "hipster" to me means somebody who genuinely thinks they are cooler than everyone else, whereas a lot of 90s fashion was "we look fucking crap and we know it"




The 90's were pretty damn ironic though, which is a staple of hipsterism.


I can't say I agree with the irony thing. comedy in the 90s was all about irony and sarcasm, but when it came to the music, it was all about sincerity.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I've come to the realization that the reason I hate today's hipsters is because they are wealthy people feigning being all about art when they're just as materialistic as the mainstream and even more fashion conscious.

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am i the only one that would totally sex up elaine from seinfeld?


no you are not. she still looks good too.


docs will never go out of style. hope yall dint chuck em' out cos you was afraid to be unhip...


i agree. docs are timeless.

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I never had a pair of Docs because so many posers had them.

Instead, I had a pair of these bad boys...


I was the only kid in school with a pair and they went well with my Danzig t-shirt.


i had a pair similar to those... the toe was rounded though.

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i kind of thought that 90's goth and punk (especially early 90's) were the polar opposite of hipsterism. it wasn't yet a mass-produced fashion trend, there was no pitchfork, it was completely DIY, and the people into it were living it as a lifestyle (and the real ones still are, i <3 them). You didn't just wear docs and diy chains, you actually went out train-hopping and did fucking tree planting in the summer and traveled with no money and wore docs partially because back then they lasted a very long time. you didn't just wear black, you went to crazy parties where people tie each other up and do other wild shit. alternative lifestyles were genuine, not for posers or wusses. the music was provocative and about social issues, unlike today's industrial which bastardizes the entire concept of what punk and industrial were about


hipsterism in my books is all about posing and faking it, pretending to be underground as long as it's 'safe'. it has fuck all to do with what you wear, although yes, there does seem to be hipster fashion trends, and they are typically less than glamorous and very forgettable


also, docs rule. so do motorcycle boots.

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back in the day all we had was Q magazine


spin used to be pretty tight when i was coming of age... that's where i got the idea to buy maxinquaye

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docs will never go out of style. hope yall dint chuck em' out cos you was afraid to be unhip...


i wore my docs till they died in about '95. After that i migrated full time to skate shoes, which seemed more practical/cheaper.

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It's funny. The whole "hipster" thing was totally different. I feel like back then, people divided into many more varied cliques.

There really wasn't such thing as a "hipster". Instead, your style was more directly linked to the music you listened to.

You were either a punk, a metalhead, a goth, a raver, a hip-hopper (or yo-boy), a houser (anyone remember that? I was a houser in 6th/7th grade) an grunger, a skanker, an alternative rocker, a dead-head or a stoner.

If you were trying to be any one of those things, you were called a "poser" (also known as a "poseur").

I remember calling many people "posers". With whatever you were, either you were living it or you were a poser.


Posers -> image.jpg


Now, from what I gather, either you are a punk, emo, hipster or a juggalo.


Also, jocks listen to heavy metal now. Fuck that. This world is going to shit.




When I was in High School in the early 90's metal was still totally fringe... I remember how shocked I was the first time I saw a US Army commercial using metal as the soundtrack? :facepalm: :facepalm:

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hmmmm, early 90's hipsters were very different from late 90's hipsters..


same with the 80's.


nowadays it's all just one big amalga-gamma-mation of the past, hybridized bullshit, and 'whatever'. the same as it ever was.

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