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Metal Appreciation Thread!

Guest Al5x

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Any love for Barrow Wight? That outro



Possibly biased because stoned


yyyeah i'm kinda torn about this whole NWOTHM thing.


on one hand strictly musically speaking this shit is right up my old dusty alley. one could say it's downright tailored to appease my old school headbanger needs... but that exactly is also the problem: it's mere emulation, aping the 75~85 decade meticulously right down to superficialities like dress code, album covers etc. ... frankly it's all just a tad too picturesque to not insult the intellect. also if those bands of old would have followed similar modi operandi and merely duplicated elvis n shit we would have never gotten heavy metal in the first place...


anyway that being said some of those new bands are quite concvincing indeed. i had never heard or read about barrow white but it sure is a nice blend with some excellent riffage and deliciously sloppy drumming. not much a fan of tongue in cheeck LOTR lyrics but hey whatevs.


another band in a similar vein i can't get enough of these days is




who only recently released their debut album:


while also somewhat anachronistic they really walk the walk. owing alot to dinosaur rockers wishbone ash, thin lizzy (yummy dual guitar leads galore!) and a bit tull they flawlessly simplify / condense shit in best NWOBHM manner into cuddly as well as catchy song formats. lyrically it's very obviously white light, putting off alot of people which i find kinda hilarious really. if neccessary just fade out the explicit heavenly terms and you're left with hymn after hymn about battles, spiritual survival and (daily) struggle... all good!


edit: and that voice... <3

Edited by jaderpansen
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I really need to get back into checking out newer metal releases.. I keep going back to my favourites when I should be looking forward into the future!



also I'm still trying to find Steve Reich influenced metal (or even just metal that is repetitive with no choruses and/or quick changes.. I'm certain it's out there, if anyone has some recommendations I'm all ears!

Edited by modey
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've stopped being able to enjoy Dopesmoker :( too many plays


Dopesmoker always was a little overrated, I prefer Holy Mountain more for regular listening.

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the new isis live album has a huge sound. they ended the band a few years back, and aaron harris has been working as a producer since then, so you know this is a special live album

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I think I've stopped being able to enjoy Dopesmoker :( too many plays

Dopesmoker always was a little overrated, I prefer Holy Mountain more for regular listening.

Agreed. I've a actually barely listened to Dopesmoker comparatively. Just the length gets to me sometimes.


I absolutely love OM though, I've heard all those albums a ton. I never understood why Sleep is so much bigger honestly. To my ears they sound almost the same. And yet seeing OM live last year - there were maybe 150-200 people there? Tops? Sleep however sold out a 1500 capacity venue last month!

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the new isis live album has a huge sound. they ended the band a few years back, and aaron harris has been working as a producer since then, so you know this is a special live album

I haven't listened to many of those live albums, but I've recently been starting to listen to Isis again so I may have to give it a try.. I love that 15+ minute version of Celestial that they played live.


I got so burned out on post-metal but I'm kinda starting to enjoy it again.. and may actually end up writing some again someday.

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^ that 15-min version (actually a JKB remix) was the very last thing I saw of them live right before they called it quits. it will forever be a special memory.


having said that, I'm not really excited by these live albums. idk why, they don't grab me.

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Earth is fuckin' great. Saw them in a smaller venue last Fall and it was awesome... I was supposed to see them again with Boris playing the Pink anniversary tour over the Winter but one of the two shows that got cancelled the whole tour had to be Minneapolis because Atsuo got sick (still pretty fucking bummed about that, I hope they come back)... Anyways... The recent collab album with The Bug is pretty good shit.


Also... NEW ELDER OUT TODAY! So fucking good!

Edited by ghOsty
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