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Guest Mirezzi

The worst part of Prometheus being an inevitably and inexorably shitty movie is that Scott was given hundreds of millions of dollars to make it. Meanwhile, the director out there capable of making the modern equivalent of Alen is sucking dick at a bus station or cannibalizing the faces of our homeless.


Go away already you sorry old fucks. That includes Spielberg, Scorcese, Scott, and a few other Surnames.



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I can't wait to see how the Blade Runner sequel turns out.


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Guest sirch

what's worse is that the modern Scott is too busy jerking off in Minecraft to fully realize his talent.


yeah. it's exactly this!

like compson said before, there are no visionaries anymore. the young bloods are all on their sofas playing xbox and playstation,

or watching cats do awesome funny things on youtube.

we're all too comfortable now. and everybody complains about this and that being shit (myself included) but nobody can be bothered to do anything about it.

we're all just numbed by technology and media... and we like it too much to change.

the planet and the human race is doomed, motherfuckers..

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Hi guys, i just got back from the cinema. I REALLY enjoyed it, it is beautifully made and very watchable and i need to see it again for all the little details i missed. Alien DNA definitely, More sci-fi thriller than sci-fi horror tho. Prepare for a shit-storm of disappointment from the general public expecting alien 5.

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I find it hard to believe that after all the hype, cheesy trailers and leaks anyone was expecting this film to be something else?


It was noticeably better than I expected to the point where I was actually surprised.

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Hi guys, i just got back from the cinema. I REALLY enjoyed it, it is beautifully made and very watchable and i need to see it again for all the little details i missed. Alien DNA definitely, More sci-fi thriller than sci-fi horror tho. Prepare for a shit-storm of disappointment from the general public expecting alien 5.


Yay! Kaen is notoriously tough to please. Re-engorging...

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It was noticeably better than I expected to the point where I was actually surprised.


Me too, i was buzzing throughout and am still buzzed now, i just wanted to stay and see another showing. You can tell lindelof had a hand in this film, his stamp is all over it, the simplest questions answered, even bigger ones brought up. Bring on a mother fucking sequel!!


oh and i nearly forgot, fassbender steals the show, again.

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How gory was it? I only ask because my gf expressed an interest in seeing it but she tends not to handle that sort of thing well.


Theres a few instances of body horror but it is not bad at all. It is effective, not vomit-inducing.

Edited by kaen
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How gory was it? I only ask because my gf expressed an interest in seeing it but she tends not to handle that sort of thing well.


Theres a few instances of body horror but it is not bad at all. It is effective, not vomit-inducing.


Ah, thanks.

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It's a high dissapointment when something that looks so beautiful and stunning in its shots is rendered a mess by shoddy acting/plot holes that are left for marketing reasons (I guess my main qualm is bad writing that I would've expected to be chucked in the bin during the actual production process..... didn't quite think it through right imo. Had a nice idea to go on which had real potential but just didn't deliver for me..)


Bad character arcs/no real tension throughout whatsoever... considering half the stuff that was on the screen I was amazed at how much there was a lack of connection to the actual characters/events.....


I won't spoil it for others yet to see it, let folks make their own minds up about it of course :)


it does *look stunning, gorgeous shots...... major points lost, director lost in how nice things look himself and completely overlooks the important building blocks of what makes a film work....


Shame, it had real potential as well. Could have been truly awesome but the ball was dropped hardcore in my eyes..... :(


PS: maybe an extended cut that actually attempts to sort some plot holes out might go some way to take away the slight sour taste... I'm not holding my breath though.


I guess that's the price one pays for getting all the top end equipment/crew to make something *LOOK really nice. Or maybe Ridley Scott really has lost his spark on what makes films work. Looking back at the likes of Blade Runner, it's amazing because the character arc is fairly strong along with a world/environment that is entirely believable, and the score obviously is a winner. Intentionally avoided spoilers for this film/went in with mild expectations of "this might actually be a really good film", came out miffed. Oh well, not the end of the world, life goes on etc etc.

Edited by Macca
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How gory was it? I only ask because my gf expressed an interest in seeing it but she tends not to handle that sort of thing well.


Theres a few instances of body horror but it is not bad at all. It is effective, not vomit-inducing.


Ah, thanks.

The bbfc is actually bloody useful nowadays at revealing why they gave something the certificate that they did :


Spoilered as although it reveals no plot points, some scenes are discussed



PROMETHEUS is a science fiction horror film in which a group of people travel to a distant moon. It was classified '15' for strong violence, gore, threat and horror.


The film contains a number of scenes of strong violence that feature heavy blows and bloody detail. For example, in one scene a character's arm is broken, revealing blood and bone, and in another scene a character's head is smashed against the floor, resulting in a large spurt of blood. This emphasis on bloody detail exceeds the terms of the BBFC's Guidelines at '12A'/'12' and is more appropriately classified at '15' where the Guidelines state 'Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury'. There are also some scenes featuring gory detail, both when dead bodies are seen and when people are injured. One scene features some gory surgical detail that exceeds the type of 'occasional gory moments' that may be permitted at '12A'.


The Guidelines at '12A'/'12' also state 'Moderate physical and psychological threat may be permitted, provided disturbing sequences are not frequent or sustained'. The second half of the film in particular features a sense of threat towards the central characters that is both frequent and sustained.


PROMETHEUS also includes one use of strong language and one implied use of strong language, when a remark is broken up by static. It also includes some undetailed verbal sex references and a brief scene in which a couple start to have sex, without any nudity or other detail.



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The worst part of Prometheus being an inevitably and inexorably shitty movie is that Scott was given hundreds of millions of dollars to make it. Meanwhile, the director out there capable of making the modern equivalent of Alen is sucking dick at a bus station or cannibalizing the faces of our homeless.


Go away already you sorry old fucks. That includes Spielberg, Scorcese, Scott, and a few other Surnames.




I am sorry things aren't going that well for you that you need to suck dicks. Hope everything works out for you.


Just came back from watching the movie and it was a pretty standard sci-fi fair without anything groundbreaking. It's trying to be all profound by asking these deep questions, but in the end it never explores them any deeper before it goes into standard run away from monster sort of trope and set ups a rather superficial reason to make a sequel. Some story elements are rather irrelevant or could have been handled better like mentioned.


Weyland being secretly on the ship was silly and the reveal did nothing, him being Vickers dad, big deal, no point. Why hire Guy Pearce and make him look like an old guy, instead of you know, get a real old guy to play the part. We've only seen the young Weyland in a viral video that the majority of the move going audience hasn't probably seen.This makes me believe that some parts have been cut such as scenes with a younger Weyland and his daughter Vickers, that could perhaps mirror the relationship between Shaw and her father?

. The creature design was uninspired.


The tentacle monster in the end, meh, was it trying to be a callback to some Lovecraftian horror that the original Alien got its inspiration from? The Engineer design was pretty lame too, but I can let their humanoid appearance slide since they were supposed to be our makers.


Some characters were written stupidily

Fifield was the guy with his "puppies" to survey the place and is the one who gets lost, with the biologist who just bails like that after finding a dead extra-terrestrial for the first time, I don't buy that


Yeah, the story was lacking at places, but it's still not a "bad" movie. Probably one of the better blockbuster sci-fi flicks (not that there have been many worth noting) lately. It looked and sounded great, but I also found the music non-descript and bland. The 3D wasn't gimmicky and was there to add depth and sense of scale which it pulled off well. The third act was pretty packed and it looked like Scott needed to cram too much into the film. I hope there will be an extended cut that improves it much more. The ending I find at one level amusing

Shaw and a talking head on an alien ship going towards the Engineers homeworld, sounds like it could be a funny odd-couple type sitcom following their adventures across space

. Props to Fassbender, he played the android well. The other actors did well with what was given. Rapace pulled off a good Ripley-version, actingwise it didn't really bother me. It's the story and pacing that is the biggest problem with it. As mentioned it feels like a lot of material was left on the cutting floor and I hope that an extended version will pull it all together, much like the extended cut of Kingdom of Heaven was much improved over the theatrical cut.

As for the Engineer in the end

flipping out and killing everyone without seemingly any reason, since it's unknown what David said to it, it could be that, or as was explained they wanted to kill humans for some reason that will either be explored in a possible sequel or an extended scene somewhere. Maybe David said he was his "grandchild" and in the Engineers eyes he was an abomination, his creations shouldn't themselves create new forms of life. Who knows.


Edited by azatoth
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As for the Engineer in the end

flipping out and killing everyone without seemingly any reason, since it's unknown what David said to it, it could be that, or as was explained they wanted to kill humans for some reason that will either be explored in a possible sequel or an extended scene somewhere. Maybe David said he was his "grandchild" and in the Engineers eyes he was an abomination, his creations shouldn't themselves create new forms of life. Who knows.



Yes, if the engineers really wanted to destroy humanity, how come the engineer didn't take one of the other ships to earth to do so, instead of going out of his way to kill one woman, in the most ridicilous manner? And why did she have a squid baby? And why did the squid made from two human beings and magic DNA goo + engineer fusion become a xenomorph? to please fans? well fuck me. The movie was just filled with nonsenical shit like this. Good job on spoiling the end of the movie in the trailers though, good job.


Edited by Gocab
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Guest fondles the cat

just watched this after avoiding spoilers for the past few weeks


someone really should have made ridley scott sit down and watch alien vs predator before he made this

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just watched this after avoiding spoilers for the past few weeks


someone really should have made ridley scott sit down and watch alien vs predator before he made this



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As for the Engineer in the end

flipping out and killing everyone without seemingly any reason, since it's unknown what David said to it, it could be that, or as was explained they wanted to kill humans for some reason that will either be explored in a possible sequel or an extended scene somewhere. Maybe David said he was his "grandchild" and in the Engineers eyes he was an abomination, his creations shouldn't themselves create new forms of life. Who knows.



Yes, if the engineers really wanted to destroy humanity, how come the engineer didn't take one of the other ships to earth to do so, instead of going out of his way to kill one woman, in the most ridicilous manner? And why did she have a squid baby? And why did the squid made from two human beings and magic DNA goo + engineer fusion become a xenomorph? to please fans? well fuck me. The movie was just filled with nonsenical shit like this. Good job on spoiling the end of the movie in the trailers though, good job.




Why did she have a squid baby? Because that's just the way it is after having sexy time with an infected person? The story had far bigger problems than not explaining the intricacies of alien/human hybrid genetics. Only a sperglord would get hung up on details like that.


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Meanwhile, the director out there capable of making the modern equivalent of Alen is sucking dick at a bus station or cannibalizing the faces of our homeless.

Fucking lol. Can you please talent scout for some of these unsung heroes.

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Ok - so let's really talk about this movie. Some of you must have watched it by now.

There were so many things about movie that made absolutely no fucking sense at all and things that were totally irrelevant. For instance, why the fuck should we care that old man Weylon is Charlize Theoron's father. Was this supposed to be some kind of twist? Did I miss something? When she said "yes.......father", and the ominous music started playing, I was thinking to myself, "ok, sooooo he's her father. So what?". Plus, this "twist" led to nothing. Why were we supposed to know that he was her father?


Also, do old people no longer look like old people on film? Or did someone think it would be fucking hilarious to dress up Guy Pearce as an old guy? Either way, it looked like shit and ended up being unintentionally funny - especially when he suited up in the exo-skeleton. And then he got killed. Just like that. How do you pitch that to a, what I expect to be a rather intelligent movie director, like Ridley Scott? I bet it went something like this:

"So then Weylon has been on this ship the entire time and it'll be a huge fucking surprise to everyone (it wasn't), and then 10 minutes later he gets destroyed by one of the creatures who created all life on Earth."

And that's another thing... Why the fuck did the "engineers" who created life on Earth, who are basically our Gods, decide to rip everyone apart? Doesn't seem like a very sensible thing to do to your own creations.


Another thing... The music sounded extremely uninspired. The theme melody was so terrible that when I got home I wanted to figure out how to play it on my piano just to see if I could modify it to make it any better. I could. This is of course very subjective, and it's going to make me sound like an asshole for saying this.





I'll post more over the weekend...


so wait,


did i just hear about a possible 'giant beat down' :emotawesomepm9:



ill pay to go see that, it was probably one of the only enjoyable scenes in Silent Hill where pyramid head rips that bitches skin off like some kind of snuff porn metal album cover

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Guest Mirezzi

Meanwhile, the director out there capable of making the modern equivalent of Alen is sucking dick at a bus station or cannibalizing the faces of our homeless.

Fucking lol. Can you please talent scout for some of these unsung heroes.



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