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which style should i choose to release my music?

Guest Helper ET

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i know man. it's weird how people start thinking exactly the same at the same exact time. and it keeps happening.


anyway, you wouldn't want to release under different names necessarily. people might use the "brand name" as incentive to purchase your tracks.



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Guest Helper ET

oh, im very serious. i meant everything i said. im going to attempt to release my music before and if my health problem kills me, and i think that im dealing with a lot less time that i always thought i had. i actually wanted to wait for several more years to perfect the music and write even better stuff, as ive got lots to learn about music itself, and the changing industry, but the state of the world, and the state of my health, lead me to believe that if i dont change my game plan, these tunes will rot on my computer forever. which sucks, because i didnt want to release them until i was 100% confident in them...it just isnt going to happen though i dont think


great ideas here guys. ill be back later today to discuss some of them. i cant do it right now because i just woke up, and there is a stranger from the bar sleeping in my bedroom

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Guest AcrossCanyons
there is a stranger from the bar sleeping in my bedroom


careful there et, could be an alien lifeform after your life force!!!

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Guest hahathhat



so as some of you may remember, ive got a decent repertoire of music that ive written. ive basically been hording it from everyone. its time to release some of it. i cant explain why because i dont understand, i just have this feeling that im supposed to do it, and my entire life has basically been building up to it


my question is, under what style should i release it? and by should, i mean, what would listeners prefer in this day and age? dont misinterpret me, i make music for me, and dont really care what people think about it. i think releasing is different though, its for the people. say i was to try to start a small career out of it, which is what ive basically been dreaming my entire life. i didnt rush out though after i thought i had some cool tunes. i spent years developing my sound, and its still morphing. but some of this stuff ive written should just come out. it would be plain wrong if it didnt


what style though? ive got multiple versions of all my favorite songs, im also able to rewrite any song of mine into another style. i just dont know what type people want now days. i ask because im trying to not be so selfish. i want to give the people what they want. this is actually an incredibly complex issue i believe, for reasons im not going to get into because it would take so long to type out, but lets have some ideas


house? dance? pop? fucking insane shit that makes venetian snares sound like the beatles?


another reason why i want to release it is because ive been suffering from a serious health issue, and i may pass away relatively soon. i want my best stuff to get out there before that happens


peace and love to you all


keep it. hide in a corner and cry.

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