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Burial & Four Tet / Thom Yorke - Ego / Mirror

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On 12/4/2020 at 3:41 PM, jules said:

same. they almost feel like demos or something. Thom's voice is incredibly high in the mix.

was expecting a lot more from these tracks, at least ego/mirror is still somewhat obtainable on discogs..scalpers got to this new one haaaard 

*edit* just checked discogs and ego/mirror is not obtainable wtf, it was like 30 quid before this new one came out...fuckin scalpers

Edited by mause
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Why are people holding this to such a high standard?

i guess the answer is they have all individually made tracks that are far more effective separately.  

its weird that if it doesn’t meet some kind of standard you consider it bad.

imagine it’s just friends doodles. They can be precious but not necessarily perceived as amazing works of art. They aren’t pushing this. It’s black label releases of a couple tracks separated by several years time. With zero hype.


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54 minutes ago, endera3rd said:

 its weird that if it doesn’t meet some kind of standard you consider it bad.

yes - the standard of being good - as people have come to expect from these high profile artists. how is that weird?

Edited by species8472
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23 hours ago, endera3rd said:

With zero hype.

Absolutely zero, they literally didn't want anybody hear it -- this black labeled nothing with Thom Yorke's whining all over it -- stupid internet unexpectedly got its claws on it.

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On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, endera3rd said:

Why are people holding this to such a high standard?

because three high profile, innovative talents went through all the effort to press such an exclusive record? seems like a fair reason to get an elevated expectation to me..its also not that the expectations were all that high either, neither are the tracks even that bad..but thats the problem. why go to all this effort to drop a couple of "okay"  tracks when between them, these three can do outstanding stuff.


On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, endera3rd said:

i guess the answer is they have all individually made tracks that are far more effective separately.  

but we know they can do some amazing music together, Ego/Mirror are both outstanding tracks and Moth/Wolf Cub are too..


On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, endera3rd said:

its weird that if it doesn’t meet some kind of standard you consider it bad.

imagine seeing a new aphex record or a boc 12" silently show up, would you be all that weird to expect something more than just okay? would it be unreasonable to feel a little let down if a new OPN 12" didnt feel a whole lot more than meh?

the tracks arent "bad" they're just fine but not a whole lot more than that..in all honesty i kinda woulda preferred "bad" tracks so there was something to talk about but ive listened to these two tracks a handful of times each over the last couple of days and i cant remember anything about either of them.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, endera3rd said:

imagine it’s just friends doodles. They can be precious but not necessarily perceived as amazing works of art. They aren’t pushing this. It’s black label releases of a couple tracks separated by several years time. With zero hype.

im sure most of our friend's doodles dont get pressed to vinyl on XL Records and sold in a instore only exclusive. hats off to them if yours do. this kinda project is what soundcloud or bandcamp are for.


On 12/6/2020 at 1:51 PM, endera3rd said:


im trying. i really, really am trying.

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