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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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oh and i started hanging out with a gorgeous girl from work on the regular, but she doesn't want to get involved with somebody she sees at the office every day. even though she says she gets giddy when my arm is around her and shit. goddammit

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I was excited to find a universal power adapter that would work with my Line6 dl4 delay pedal, but the volume drop that occurs when I use the Line6 is fucking ridiculous (like a third the volume of the original signal). Luckily since I'm using it for knob twiddling in this instance, I can just leave it switched on and adjust the mix knob accordingly. But if I were using it as a stomp box with a guitar it would be completely unusable, unless for some reason I wanted my volume to drop substantially every time I used delay. But why would anyone ever want that? Fix ur fucken pedal designs, Line6.

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so get fired, simple

i start vesting my stock in the company in late may, so i should probably stick around til then. i do like her more than the job though.

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I was excited to find a universal power adapter that would work with my Line6 dl4 delay pedal, but the volume drop that occurs when I use the Line6 is fucking ridiculous (like a third the volume of the original signal). Luckily since I'm using it for knob twiddling in this instance, I can just leave it switched on and adjust the mix knob accordingly. But if I were using it as a stomp box with a guitar it would be completely unusable, unless for some reason I wanted my volume to drop substantially every time I used delay. But why would anyone ever want that? Fix ur fucken pedal designs, Line6.

it's designed that way so people will be forced to listen harder to hear the wicked shit you're doing with it.

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Guest Aserinsky

I poured coffee all over my jumper and need it for tonight as I don't have any other clean decent jumpers, only hoodies for lounging around in. I managed to wash it off in the sink and left it in front (not on) the heater before I left for lectures, but it's still wet and the tumble dryer at the laundrette downstairs is broken, so now I have to attempt to dry it by hand before a couple of hours.

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Spent an hour trying to identify the classical piece that plays at 3:00 on. Still have no clue.




edit: please tell me if you know omg


and my new tattoo itches

your part starts at around 11:00

it's really stunning


you owe me a pic of your new tattoo :emotawesomepm9:

Edited by eugene
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builders are in the kitchen all this week, at 8 this morning about six lads burst into the house and started what sounded like smacking a metal pipe against the wall and filling the whole house with smoke. i would normally be out the house 9-6 but i have a really bad fever, so tomorrow i can either go into work and try not to snot and diarrhea over everyone, or stay in and be trapped with radio 1 and amber leaf smoke.

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sometimes when I'm listening to amazing music, I get really excited and feel an overwhelming urge to talk to somebody about it, share it, mutually enjoy it with someone, except there's no one around me who listens to/appreciates the same shit.


I feel this way right now listening to Autonomic podcast #1.

awe =(


I felt this way for years. I'm lucky my girlfriend now has identical taste in music to me.


At least WATMM's here to talk to about music. WATMM is totally tolerant about everyones opinion on music lol.n :cerious:

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sometimes when I'm listening to amazing music, I get really excited and feel an overwhelming urge to talk to somebody about it, share it, mutually enjoy it with someone, except there's no one around me who listens to/appreciates the same shit.


I feel this way right now listening to Autonomic podcast #1.


pretty sure this is how chatmm syncs were born

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sometimes when I'm listening to amazing music, I get really excited and feel an overwhelming urge to talk to somebody about it, share it, mutually enjoy it with someone, except there's no one around me who listens to/appreciates the same shit.


I feel this way right now listening to Autonomic podcast #1.

aw man! When I come to Sydney I'll introduce you to the local chip guys (godinpants, 10k, abortifacient, among others); they love their electronic microgenres!

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I am watching the following movies in theatre next week:

2001: Space Odessey

Clockwork Orange



American Werewolf in London

Battle Royale


Reservoir Dogs

Pulp Fiction


Kind of the opposite of a problem, but I didn't know where else to post it and I wanted to brag.


I was excited to find a universal power adapter that would work with my Line6 dl4 delay pedal, but the volume drop that occurs when I use the Line6 is fucking ridiculous (like a third the volume of the original signal)...

it's designed that way so people will be forced to listen harder to hear the wicked shit you're doing with it.


Those clever bastards!

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The "what do you do" threead reminded me that I really have not been thinking in terms of career lately and am going nowhere. That realization could actually inspire the solution to the problem but it sure doesn't feel good.

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most of my acquaintances have girlfriends now, but the incredible part is that they are kinda like me in personality (mainly, not being extroverted), and some of them have like pretty dull and boring interests/life... I think I'm too ugly then...

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The fucking tape deck in my late model Honda Accord shit the bed.


It'll load a cassette but then it just keeps auto-reversing in an attempt to play. Eventually after 3 or 4 back and forths it just gives up and ejects. This happens regardless of whether it's an ordinary tape or the line-in adapter I have for my mp3 player.


Thankfully I don't do a lot of driving but if anyone has some protips hit a brutha up.

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zephyr you are a piece of shit for being able to see 2001 at the cinema

Haha I know! What makes me even shittier is that I won't appreciate it nearly as much as all the people who would kill to see it on the big screen. It's one of my least favorite Kubrick films.


FWP: no longer seeing all nine of those films, as the cost is twice would we had thought. We're only going to see the two Kubricks, the two Scorseses, and maybe Oldboy. I'm sort of bummed to not be seeing Pulp Fiction in theatre... but when the time comes we'll probably just splurge and watch all the ones we intended to originally, money be damned.


FWP2: that sourdough loaf I bought at a $2 discount from Thrifty's (? Fairways?) is fucking dismal and had I known how bad it was I would never have bought it. Even if it were free it would not be worth the disappointment I experienced at how sub par it is.


FWP3: typos.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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