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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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old guy at my work i have to deal with sometimes, he has nicknames for everyone. i'm newer then most of the guys so he doesn't have a name for me, actually he thinks i don't like him so when asked today what my nickname is he calls me "Useless".. so i call him "old man" FIGHT FIGHT . it doesn't bother me at all, and not really a problem, but it's a good story and now i'm just gonna ignore the guy as best as i can.


it's funny you think maturity comes with age but i've worked with numerous people, mostly construction type people, and there are some real immature assholes out there that are significantly older.

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I want to drive to Vung Tau asap so I can get out of the city and catch some sun this weekend but the girlfriend has been preparing diner for the last hour by bashing every ingredient to pieces. Just drop the ingredients in the pan ffs!

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Borrowed 4 dvds from my local lending libary last week and only had time to watch one of them. Parenthood is a mutha.


Also looking for a new domicile to house the expanded Dobalina clan whilst trying to sell our current one is pure masochism.

What do you call the baby of your household clan? Bub Dobalina.


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everyone's starting to be really nice to me at work and it's freaking me out.

lol I hate when that happens

Yeah proper awkward after all this time of being practically invisible. I shall get a big head.

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I put too many toppings on my hot dog =(


I finally got my summer car to start but now I have to call to get it insured =(


I'm going to have a really awesome dinner later but it's not later yet =(


I'm full of fwp today.


Edit: either that or maybe I'm just whiny.

Edited by StephenG
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Lately, I've been feeling really tired and lazy. With many headaches. I don't know why. I know my lifestyle (at the moment) is prettyy sedentary, but I've lived like that since 2010 (16 then, 19 now).


What is happening to me?


I'm feeling a bit stressed because I'm trying to create my professional persona, so that should be motivating enough. Still, though, I think I'm experiencing depression.


Help this bro out.

Edited by logakght
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Lately, I've been feeling really tired and lazy. With many headaches. I don't know why. I know my lifestyle (at the moment) is prettyy sedentary, but I've lived like that since 2010 (16 then, 19 now).


What is happening to me?


I'm feeling a bit stressed because I'm trying to create my professional persona, so that should be motivating enough. Still, though, I think I'm experiencing depression.


Help this bro out.

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Well, you might be experiencing depression, which is a bummer. You might also be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to have a new personality - "professional persona" - which is bound to cause some cognitive dissonance. Just do good work and be yourself, you'll be fine.


Check the depression thread for other suggestions-some great stuff in there.

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Going on the first real date I've been on since moving out of the place my ex and old roommates live. It's a friend of my current roommate and the girl is cute as a damn button.


Nervous as fuck.

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Going on the first real date I've been on since moving out of the place my ex and old roommates live. It's a friend of my current roommate and the girl is cute as a damn button.


Nervous as fuck.


What are your plans?

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Going on the first real date I've been on since moving out of the place my ex and old roommates live. It's a friend of my current roommate and the girl is cute as a damn button.


Nervous as fuck.


What are your plans?


Welp, a friend I used to work in restaurants with owns this trendy little French bar/bistro in this trendy ass strip my house and is gonna hook it up as a favor. We're meeting up for drinks and food there and then who knows what.

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Going on the first real date I've been on since moving out of the place my ex and old roommates live. It's a friend of my current roommate and the girl is cute as a damn button.


Nervous as fuck.


What are your plans?


Welp, a friend I used to work in restaurants with owns this trendy little French bar/bistro in this trendy ass strip my house and is gonna hook it up as a favor. We're meeting up for drinks and food there and then who knows what.



That sounds great!


One of my favorite places here in Calgary is like that, seats about 25 people... downstairs is a wine bar and jazz club. Good times.


I hope you have a great time, no need to be nervous you handsome devil you. lol


Hope you hit it off.

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I dunno how to fucking conclude my essay

Would you be willing to share some of it? the essay I mean



But it's in spanish.



I dunno how to fucking conclude my essay


"In conclusion: fuck you."






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i saw goblin a few weeks ago, it was pretty nuts. also pretty expensive. ive never heard of them before.

they were ripping out some blistering moog solos though.

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Bah I have no idea how to meet girls anymore. it was so easy back when I drank and did way too much cocaine.


I think I just need to start going to shows and clubs again.


Any suggestions WATMM?

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