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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Guest disparaissant

started making falafel, made pitas, had all the ingredients soaked and chopped and measured and ready to go, realized i don't have a food processor. oops. had to mash up chickpeas with a potato masher in a cast iron skillet. what a pain in the ass.

Edited by disparaissant
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Not totally applicable but I wasn't sure where to put it:


So yesterday I was talking to this rock dude in a music studio & in the next room a different band starts playing some reverby guitar with chorus effects & high pitched saw pads. Then a (live, uptempo) drum beat comes in & the dude's like


whoa, nice dubstep!


and i'm like no dammit the internet warned me about this

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i guess my shit worked itself out, because my FWP is now having purchased wax paper when i needed parchment paper. fuck

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had to mash up chickpeas with a potato masher in a cast iron skillet. what a pain in the ass.


lol were you holding the potato masher in your ass?


that tickled me.

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Three weeks and no scene release of CS6 yet.

lol what upgrades are you really dying for? er, for that matter, what do you work primarily in?

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-Was supposed to fly home today, flight was delayed 30 minutes.

-It was 97 degrees Farenheit as we boarded the poorly air conditioned plane when we were told another 30 minute delay was occurring due to weather. We were to dodge it by flying over Canada.

-Another 30 minute delay, due to bad weather over Canada, we were to dodge it by flying under Tennessee. We were all very sweaty and unhappy at this point.

-Flight was canceled, we all unboard the plane.

-I wait in line with several of the other disgruntled passengers for 40 minutes, only to be told that we're in the premium customer service line, and that we have to go in the other line.

-I wait for 2 hours in the other customer service line, lugging my luggage around. Luckily my laptop was charged, so I spent 1 of the hours listening through Merzbow's Merzbeat.

-Now I leave tomorrow. Wish I could've speant that 7 hours in the airport doing something else though.

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Officially moving to St. Paul tomorrow, I'm with my girlfriend at her parent's house. She's going through all her old stuff her mom has saved and getting all sentimental wanting to bring stuff we don't need to the apartment. I'm afraid I'm gonna end up with a bedroom full of stuffed animals... if this does become the case, I'm turning the living room into a mancave.

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i pay 1395 a month for rent, and if it's late, i owe 1510. but for some reason, i got a bill (well before rent is due), for 1510. it's stupid that i'm stressing about this. I mailed a check out today and it should arrive by the 1st of the month. i shouldn't stress about this, right?


Who still uses cheques and mail them in the 21st century??!

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The girls I like aren't interested in me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me.



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Just had a turkey Benny at an all day breakfast joint near my apartment, and it was as unfitting a combo as it sounds. Who put these fried eggs in my thanksgiving dinner? Fuuuuck. The last time i ordered something that sounded kind of wrong from the same joint it ended up being pretty good, so I thought I'd try my luck again.

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i try to be a purveyor of the finest manners imaginable, but ive given up holding doors for people who are slightly far away, its awkward as fuck.

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i woke up about 1 hour and a half later than i should have today. i have nothing to do anyway and at first i felt like i wasted my day but it's been a good day , soooooo, it's allllll good i guess

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I just spent 2 and a half hours trolling watmm while sitting at sonic in my work van.


I deliver dry cleaning, and those 2 and a half hours could've been spent doing my job and I would be done with a proper amount of time for myself at the end of the day, now I have to run my ass off.


Plus, I started compiling a soundtrack to a zombie movie I wish I could make, but I know that with my skills and resources, I could not create anything proper....and I believe the soundtrack to be incredible, with the majority being pop songs from the 60s-70s.....would be epic.

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I just used proper twice in my post without being aware and now I feel as though I have a very limited vocabulary.


Plus I'm still sitting here at sonic posting this. And the carhop girl has come by to ask me if I need any condiments about 5 times now, making me look like a creepster in my white creep van who has nothing better to do than hang out in the sonic parking lot.

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