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MBV - Loveless


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Yeah I love me some shoegaze and MBV are legends of this sound. Loveless is great, so is Isn't Anything... i also like the Ecstacy and Wine EP

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I got chills when I heard "Sometimes" for the first time, one of the songs I had on repeat after discovering it. But Loveless...I gave it a couple proper listens years ago and it didn't blow me away. I think it sounded different than I expected. There have been hyped bands/albums that I have loved immediately...Interpol and Slint for example, but I'm still not a huge MBV fan beyond a few songs, and I thought I would be at this point.


I generally enjoy most shoegaze so at some point I need to try again. But I'm on generally on the same page as Beerwolf at the moment.

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Guest Greg Reason

No negative comments? Maybe those who dislike are keeping quiet lol. It's a brave man who wades into a 24-post thread of praise :happy:


What's not to love? :cisfor:


Such a beautiful creation. Stuff like 'To Here Knows When' and 'Loomer' just go so deep inside, it's almost shameful how vulnerable MBV can make a person feel

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It's on!


Found at the back of the drawer between Metallicas Ride the Lightning and Mercury Rev's Deserters Songs :biggrin: .


Tbh it seems a lot more musical than I remember it, rather than a wall of drone which has always been my impression. It has this carnival sound to it, like snatches of filtered sound you would hear at a funfair.


Seems like Brainfood. And not the chore it was last time I listened.

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I will be honest and say at the 6th song mark it's beginning to wear me down a little (pussy :wink: ). The sound (and I remember this from long ago) begins to get oppresive and a bit much. Like I need a gasp of fresh air or something.


The 8th tune starts (Sometimes) and that feels a much better. Classic tune!

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some of the best moments of the album are the long drone out sections. i will say my mom used to complain when i played this album that it made her feel dizzy. 'why do they make it warble so much?'


"come in alone..."


i just might listen to this today. there was a time I was convinced this album was the word of the deepest spirituality. over time it kind of started to sound less meaningful because of terrible bands like Slowdive [controversial? they always sounded like emo whiney crybaby music to me lol. though pygmalion is an awesome release] and post 00s MBV ripoffs kind of tainting the music.

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over time it kind of started to sound less meaningful because of terrible bands like Slowdive [controversial? they always sounded like emo whiney crybaby music to me lol. though pygmalion is an awesome release] and post 00s MBV ripoffs kind of tainting the music.


I always thought Souvlaki was about as good as Loveless. Slowdive's cover of "Some Velvet Morning" is pretty boss.

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This was an album I got in the late 90s because a girl I used to like and hung out with had it. Dumbass teenage me got the album because she had it. Though I never listened to it more than once or twice back then. But I started seeing it pop up on the internets like 5 years ago, remembered I had it and got into it.


I always skip Touched though, makes me think of dinosaurs n shit with the tribal drumming and whatever the guitar is doing. Kinda ruins the mood of the album for me. =\

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They are all good.


It's funny, when I try and think of my favorite track off Loveless, I always end up thinking of a track from Isn't anything.


I thought this one was on Loveless, but I was wrong.




great fucking song

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Not to compare anything at all here, but just speaking of all this shoegaze, I passed up a few of Lush, Ride and Chapterhouse albums today. Need i bother w/ any of theses? I almost just bought the ones that came out in 1990 but i thought i'd run it passed the experienced shoegazers first. I've already got Souvlaki.

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Not to compare anything at all here, but just speaking of all this shoegaze, I passed up a few of Lush, Ride and Chapterhouse albums today. Need i bother w/ any of theses? I almost just bought the ones that came out in 1990 but i thought i'd run it passed the experienced shoegazers first. I've already got Souvlaki.

Nowhere (Ride) and Spooky (Lush) are masterpieces. I personally haven't heard anything else by either band though.

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I absolutely love loveless, listening to it still a lot... especially during rainy days... but...




this is still their best record though imho


... I agree !

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