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classic watmm


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Shrug ...


Seems like every time I log into WATMM for a few lol's, the threads get deleted, someone gets banned, WATMM goes into an uproar, and Joyrex stoically tells people "tough shit."


Nice that Joyrex said that hathathat contributed nothing, when he was easily the most active and passionate member in the Aphex Twin forum, and maybe the most prolific in YLC's as well.


I prefer this "living in fear" of being banned over a joke/opinion site that WATMM is morphing into. Change "We are the Music Makers" to "We are the Admin Drama Mamas" imo


Small piece of advice, you guys don't have resort to "I'm the parent, you are the child, and you are punished ... forever" mentality of handing down discipline. Might want to try leveling with well established members of the community, see if you can get them to understand why you don't approve of their actions, develop some mutual respect, and move forward as a community. This secular way of thinking imposed on a community far after its been well established which directly contradicts with the way the majority of the community feels will always result in a negative outcome.

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seems like a lot of you guys just want to press joyrex's buttons more for the sake of trying to start trouble rather than for genuine love for the forum. not all of you complainers, but definitely some. i do wish more people gave him credit for keeping this place a fun place to hang out for so many years, and i still do find it fun even if some threads are not allowed anymore. i'm over that, it is no big deal and i actually do support a lot of those decisions.


i am curious though about 1 thing joyex. for one, i love genban and i couldnt imagine watmm without it. if you want all serious content about music, how would you expect that to happen without new content from those artists? obviously when aphex and/or boc release some new stuff you will see those subforums take off but with one proper album from those two artists in over ten years, it seems there isn't much to chat about other than bitching about not having music from the people that this forum was built around.


that said, i do regret that this thread turned into this, i am not one to bitch about much here and i genuinely enjoy most of the members. i have a few favorite posters but i can't really think of anyone who really annoys me at all around here to be honest. and i also have no probs with the way it is run at all by any of the mods.


General Banter was created in the first place to get all the non-music discussion out of (what was then) our primary discussion forum, long before the Featured Artists subforums, etc. People got tired of trying to find legitimate music discussion mired amongst all the non-music threads, so General Banter was created. I don't mind GB at all, but I do not want it devolving into some 4chan/reddit/whatever variant that people start coming here primarily, and show a passing interest in electronic music.


Also, WATMM's focus may have been at one time the Featured Artists and nothing else, but look at how EKT and the Music Discussion forums have blossomed (and in MD's case, has almost caught up and will eventually surpass GB in terms of threads and posts made), so WATMM really is now about 'The Music Makers' - whether they be one of our own, or some new artist nobody's never heard of before, but now is aware of thanks to the great community of music-loving fans here. I see the Featured Artist subforums more as a focused discussion group, as it is true most of the Featured Artists are either in long hiatuses or their output is sporadic at best, their respective back catalogues of releases and their role in the history of electronic music lends itself well to continued debate and discussion.



that is completely rational and understandable. thanks! i was just worried that genban was going to go away. i spend probably 50% of my time in there and 50% in the music forums. the new and upcoming releases is actually what got me browsing this forum 7 or 8 years ago anyway.

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

good analogy. 4chan has no memory either!


wrong. there's an archive out there.




Thinking of making my own forum, blog or something that will have no restraints whatsoever, very gaarg-like.


please do. I miss your works.


ps. bye hat

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Why would you care whether or not I was being genuine? Can anyone really claim to 'know' anyone online?

Yes, I don't want my Administrator being a fake cunt. The more genuine the better.

Yes, I don't see how you could have a community if no one felt that they knew one another to the extent that the internet allows.

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then don't deal with him and put him on ignore, it's not like he's trying to hack watmm or has enough influence to form some revolutionary uprising against you..


Ha, that's rich - let me go tell Obama just to ignore the Republicans. Besides, I can't ignore anyone, even if I wanted to - and that's not the point here.


Seriously - would you allow someone to come into your house or place of business and talk to you like that and not respond or do something about it?


Have you ever seen Seven? The movie with Freeman and Pitt. Remember the ending. hahathathat won.


No, I haven't seen it, and if you think he won... well...


seems like a lot of you guys just want to press joyrex's buttons more for the sake of trying to start trouble rather than for genuine love for the forum. not all of you complainers, but definitely some. i do wish more people gave him credit for keeping this place a fun place to hang out for so many years, and i still do find it fun even if some threads are not allowed anymore. i'm over that, it is no big deal and i actually do support a lot of those decisions.


i am curious though about 1 thing joyex. for one, i love genban and i couldnt imagine watmm without it. if you want all serious content about music, how would you expect that to happen without new content from those artists? obviously when aphex and/or boc release some new stuff you will see those subforums take off but with one proper album from those two artists in over ten years, it seems there isn't much to chat about other than bitching about not having music from the people that this forum was built around.


that said, i do regret that this thread turned into this, i am not one to bitch about much here and i genuinely enjoy most of the members. i have a few favorite posters but i can't really think of anyone who really annoys me at all around here to be honest. and i also have no probs with the way it is run at all by any of the mods.


General Banter was created in the first place to get all the non-music discussion out of (what was then) our primary discussion forum, long before the Featured Artists subforums, etc. People got tired of trying to find legitimate music discussion mired amongst all the non-music threads, so General Banter was created. I don't mind GB at all, but I do not want it devolving into some 4chan/reddit/whatever variant that people start coming here primarily, and show a passing interest in electronic music.


Also, WATMM's focus may have been at one time the Featured Artists and nothing else, but look at how EKT and the Music Discussion forums have blossomed (and in MD's case, has almost caught up and will eventually surpass GB in terms of threads and posts made), so WATMM really is now about 'The Music Makers' - whether they be one of our own, or some new artist nobody's never heard of before, but now is aware of thanks to the great community of music-loving fans here. I see the Featured Artist subforums more as a focused discussion group, as it is true most of the Featured Artists are either in long hiatuses or their output is sporadic at best, their respective back catalogues of releases and their role in the history of electronic music lends itself well to continued debate and discussion.


i used to give joyrex crap because he got his lame threads while mine got deleted. i kind of regret that now, because after Lame Thread Joyrex came Crabby Overbearing Joyrex. i guess we should try to hang onto Crabby Overbearing Joyrex in case Deleting WATMM Joyrex is next.


at least we still have the WATMM toilets

what happened to gaarg?


No, hathathat-banning Joyrex is next...


also... i'm not jumping on the hassle-joyrex-wagon here cos it's your site, you can make your own rules as you see fit... i personally don't miss tits and ass threads but i hate the OTT censorship of typical adult conversation.


anyway i find it surprising and slightly saddening that you say you acted or played along with humour you didn't agree with or find remotely funny. cos we all know you would flol and lmfao heartily and contribute and create similarly puerile posts and threads with gusto... i guess i'm a little disappointed to see that a grown man with kids feels he has to be something he's not in order to fit in with the crowd.


It wasn't an act - I do genuinely find some of those things funny, but I realized that I was developing an alternate persona just to feel like I was better connected with what I saw was the "vibe" of the forums at the time, and it wasn't really who I am, so I stopped acting like that. I realized that like you said, I was being something I'm not, so I made the change and decided not to condone behaviour that I didn't feel was a true reflection of myself, since whether I like it or not, this site reflects upon me, for better or worse. I don't want to be associated with anything that I would be ashamed to show anyone. I felt this site was becoming that way, as well as losing focus about why I started this site to begin with, and by being the Administrator of this site, I set the example - if I act like a silly ass, then everyone else follows suit, thinking that's acceptable behaviour, etc. This is why other forums often fail and die on the vine because the moderators or admins themselves don't set an example, or worse, they set the wrong example and it gets amplified by all the site's members acting in kind.


That's fair enough I suppose. I didn't like the thought of you being some character act.


Why would you care whether or not I was being genuine? Can anyone really claim to 'know' anyone online?

I would say after meeting them a few times irl and going to meet them at various gigs and chatting to them a fair few times then yeah you would.... those friendships started here though ;)

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i was remembering when i first joined here and everything was like *little tiny picture of the cookie man with his paw up* ahaha, yes, those were the day. remember how deleted... was always like "i don...know how ..to spel loll" haha, loll. and fredmcgrif was always the one we wanted to like us most. zaphod, cool guy i remember (think he posts as max mischeif now -- RUDE) encey, winning the philosophical threads except when he got pwnt in the trash humpers one -- fail lol. but anyway, i think gen ban should be split into subforums so those who don't want to look at boobs threads can get to the penz0r ones (i'm looking at you jorex *winking repeatedly*) that was when oscarlick was never wrong (at least he could never prove it). then aphex twin came out -- rush up edge! yes! anyway, thanks for all these years watmm, i'll miss you.


*back flips out of wolf mask*

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Seriously - would you allow someone to come into your house or place of business and talk to you like that and not respond or do something about it?


Come to my work. Heh. Ahh customer service, you have to be a saint wearing magical armour just to get through some days.

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If you read Joyrex's post carefully, you can see that he didn't really mean to ban hahathhat. He meant to ban some fellow who went by the name of hathathat. Clearly he accidentally banned hahathhat due to the similarity of their names.



I'm sure this quaint little confusion will be cleared up in the next couple of days.

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