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watmm movie night (a hypothetical construct)


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i'm sure this thread has already been started somewhere but fuck it. what i have to say is relevant!


of course this can't actually happen due to the logistics of everything, but a forever alone guy can always fantasize.


group of watmmers (not too massive, maybe a group of like 20)

alcoholic beverages


big screen tv


and, after careful deliberation, the following films in order


to warm up



to settle in



to storm the fucking barricades



i would absolutely expect baph, hahahat, and jules to be at this gathering.

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rambo is a good one, but i was kinda trying to go for films that had an abundance of ridiculousness to them


Hackers, Aliens (come on, the fucking dialogue man), and Commando are prime rib examples of ridiculousness on high tomorrows.


although Rambo gains ridiculousness points for Sly's rant at the end.

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I'd be delighted to host the WATMM splatter night, designed for those who love violence, horror, gore and ridiculousness. Movie list is as follows:








Beautiful. Start with a nice, tight horror flick with disturbing elements. Then follow with my favourite horror, disturbing elements cranked up to eleven. Then finish with high octane stupidity and gore.

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