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Ashton Kutcher starring in Steve Jobs movie

Rubin Farr

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Yeah it's not April Fools anymore, it's real. This is not the film based on the Isaacson book, so there may be hope yet. I was hoping for Jeremy Davies or even Noah Wiley to play the role again.



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To his defense though, they both can be equally annoying. So the casting is OK from that perspective.


Also, the start trek outfit should be replaced by the black turtleneck. And there should be more hair on top.

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well, kutcher does sort of looks like a young jobs. hasn't this already been done though?




(didn't read the article)

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He certainly looks the part.


But the question is: can he play the character of an insufferably rude and cuntish megalomaniac?


But who will play you in the movie of your life? oh thats right you are not important enough to have a movie based on your life.

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He certainly looks the part.


But the question is: can he play the character of an insufferably rude and cuntish megalomaniac?


But who will play you in the movie of your life? oh thats right you are not important enough to have a movie based on your life.


very witty.

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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.

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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.


And I'm just saying that the guy was a complete twat. He would consistently call people's hard work (and I quote) "absolute fucking shit" to their faces. Now, I'm all for not sugar coating things, but I think it's just polite to not completely demean someone in front of work colleagues when they've put a lot of effort into something.


The man was a cunt not only to his workers, but to his friends and even his own family.


For the record, I'm just fine not having a "fucking empire".

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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.


this comment is so terrible im actually cringing at it on the internet which is not something that happens very often.

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To his defense though, they both can be equally annoying. So the casting is OK from that perspective.


As true as that may be, I think the fact that he probably can pull of a good likeness to Jobs helps. I just think he's a pretty shitty actor.

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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.


this comment is so terrible im actually cringing at it on the internet which is not something that happens very often.



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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.

then again, this is the internet. why reserve your criticisms of somebody because their accomplishments? seems a bit silly.


we should make "COI" as popular as LOL

it already exists, but it's known as SMH

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Guest Backson

My issue is that I have never seen Ashton Kutcher play a character who wasn't a massive fucking retard.


How can you play Steve Jobs if every role you've ever played pivots around the idea that you are a retarded manchild who yells things?

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I'm just saying, you shouldn't be slagging people off that are a billion time better than you, yes he was a insufferably rude and cultish megalomaniac, but so are most people, the difference is that he build a fucking empire while most people are just worthless miners.


And I'm just saying that the guy was a complete twat. He would consistently call people's hard work (and I quote) "absolute fucking shit" to their faces. Now, I'm all for not sugar coating things, but I think it's just polite to not completely demean someone in front of work colleagues when they've put a lot of effort into something.


The man was a cunt not only to his workers, but to his friends and even his own family.


For the record, I'm just fine not having a "fucking empire".


Virtually anyone who ever did things on grand scales were utter cunts.

Pick someone - maybe you're an RMS fanboi? How about Karl Marx? Mother Teresa?


Someone can put a lot of effort into something and it can still be shit.

Now personally, I think the veneration of Jobs is fucking ridiculous. He was a successful guy, made some great tech and got rich. Hardly worthy of a biopic. But then, cultures need their heroes. It just seems that recent ones kind of fall short of the epics of the past.

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I think it's inteteresting that so many people who are highly accomplished and exceptional are total cunts. If it was a subject, I would study it.

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