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New WATMM Heading


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i would try to get music more prominent, we and makers really dominate the header. maybe try we, then stack are over the and then music makers?


i would also tweak the 'r' a bit too because it really creates an awkward space, especially in makers where it butts up to the s. also consider heavy-ing up the stroke in your 'w' icon because it looks a little weak next to the type, being that it is so bold.

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Indifferent. Never paid attention to the old one and wont with this either (though if i were to pay attention i would probably think horrible font / bad design)


Since you (mis)quoted Azatoth's neutral comment into one you feel is more of your opinion, I'd like to know what you think would or how you would improve it so it's not so "horrible", unless your comment was just a nasty dig at me and irrelevant to the design.

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more kerning, more emphasis on music, less 90's sci fi font. Maybe it feels weird because it's so different, but if I got used to the new forum look I can probably get used to this.

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more kerning, more emphasis on music, less 90's sci fi font. Maybe it feels weird because it's so different, but if I got used to the new forum look I can probably get used to this.


LOL @ 90's sci fi font - perhaps I'll try a few variations... but considering the music we're talking about is all from the 90's... :emotawesomepm9:

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the we are the music maker bit is cool but i'm not into the stuff around it. like the blue maybe needs to be a bit lighter but that wouldn't be cool

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That's nice Jules! But why's the WATMM Logo look like the mouth of a vampire bunny? :lol:


I'll certainly take that layout into consideration if I try some more variants.

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i like it! WE MAKERS is definitely what i noticed first, but i kinda like that. we could do a compilation album called WE MAKERS, or perhaps WEE MAKERS with watmmers' children composing all the tracks.

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just pulling the 'your electronic music resource' might be helpful by allowing the rest to be enlarged or centered different or something. the theme change was pretty bad though, not gonna lie; glad it's not a have-to thing and there are options. i'm happy with that.


have you considered setting the forums/etc, search, and all that to be 'locked' to the top bit of the screen, where the forum/site content otherwise floats under it? i've seen it becoming more popular on some sites, and i find myself scrolling from the bottom of a thread back to the top again rather often. not a big deal by any means.


and now that i'm looking at it, there's a WATMM-Gen Disc-Gen Banter or whatever set of links at the bottom of each page, just honestly never noticed it before as small/light as they are. the lock thing i'm sure would be a hassle, was just curious.

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just pulling the 'your electronic music resource' might be helpful by allowing the rest to be enlarged or centered different or something. the theme change was pretty bad though, not gonna lie; glad it's not a have-to thing and there are options. i'm happy with that.


have you considered setting the forums/etc, search, and all that to be 'locked' to the top bit of the screen, where the forum/site content otherwise floats under it? i've seen it becoming more popular on some sites, and i find myself scrolling from the bottom of a thread back to the top again rather often. not a big deal by any means.


and now that i'm looking at it, there's a WATMM-Gen Disc-Gen Banter or whatever set of links at the bottom of each page, just honestly never noticed it before as small/light as they are. the lock thing i'm sure would be a hassle, was just curious.


I've done fixed header bars on sites before; they're not too hard to do and you are absolutely right they are useful. Good idea!

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Guest Drahken

At the very least move the your 'electronic resource' line down a bit so there is a clean line of space between. The t touching the u make my my eyes read music as mystic and is probably the most awkward thing about it. The m in music also looks smaller than the other letters and makes it looks a bit off. That might just be because of the curve on the m.

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too close to the logo, looks messy, lowercase really?

looks too crowded, imo. i can live with the font though.

It's a bit messy, but also totally 90s. I can live with this this.

And yes, could possibly be a bit wider to use up more of the helder space, letters do look a bit crowded...

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just pulling the 'your electronic music resource' might be helpful by allowing the rest to be enlarged or centered different or something. the theme change was pretty bad though, not gonna lie; glad it's not a have-to thing and there are options. i'm happy with that.


have you considered setting the forums/etc, search, and all that to be 'locked' to the top bit of the screen, where the forum/site content otherwise floats under it? i've seen it becoming more popular on some sites, and i find myself scrolling from the bottom of a thread back to the top again rather often. not a big deal by any means.


and now that i'm looking at it, there's a WATMM-Gen Disc-Gen Banter or whatever set of links at the bottom of each page, just honestly never noticed it before as small/light as they are. the lock thing i'm sure would be a hassle, was just curious.


I've done fixed header bars on sites before; they're not too hard to do and you are absolutely right they are useful. Good idea!


oh, cool. well if that ends up being implemented, i'll take a little credit when everyone hates it. only seems fair. ha

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