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I just started playing Kentucky Route Zero. Wow, this game is incredible. A real work of art. I feel like a new era of video games is being opened up now. More and more games are coming out that can honestly be considered art. Journey, Limbo, and now this




It's like reading a book.

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Just watched the trailer for that, the graphical style is beautiful. Definitely interested in checking that out, the animation is excellent too. Thanks!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

to get ready for SC2:HoTS ive started playing SC2 again, anyone wanna join me? shoot me a pm with your friend code and ill send you a friend request. id rather play with someone here than some whinny little brat thats just gonna bad mouth me the whole time.

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Everyone who owns an iOS device should download this game


It's great! Wonderful atmosphere, great music, and 2 minutes ago it scared the living shit out of me. So, put on your headphones and enjoy this little gem.


PS. You might want to download the Year Walk Companion guide. It'll give you background info about the things you'll encounter throughout the game.

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^ just saw that on the app store yesterday, looks pretty awesome!


but I got sucked into path of exile, so I'm gonna let myself get sick of that first. =P

So none have played Spore I take it?


my gf loves that game. it's a bit cutesy for me, but it is pretty damn fun.

Edited by luke viia
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Guest vletrmx

I know it sounds corny, but Year Walk was a real experience, you know? The art was beautiful and the puzzles were good, but the between the mysteriousness and the SPOILER bleak fcked up conclusion, I just felt like I'd had the rug pulled out from under me (and that's the best feeling). Also, 100% more infanticide than every other game in the App Store, so you know it's art

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Everyone who owns an iOS device should download this game


It's great! Wonderful atmosphere, great music, and 2 minutes ago it scared the living shit out of me. So, put on your headphones and enjoy this little gem.


PS. You might want to download the Year Walk Companion guide. It'll give you background info about the things you'll encounter throughout the game.


Playing this but fuck it sure is confusing. But I don't want to use the guide... ugh.

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Everyone who owns an iOS device should download this game


It's great! Wonderful atmosphere, great music, and 2 minutes ago it scared the living shit out of me. So, put on your headphones and enjoy this little gem.


PS. You might want to download the Year Walk Companion guide. It'll give you background info about the things you'll encounter throughout the game.


Playing this but fuck it sure is confusing. But I don't want to use the guide... ugh.


It's not a guide. It just brings you information about the things people would encounter during a Year Walk such as who "the huldra" was and where one could encounter a "huldra". It doesn't guide you but it gives you hints.

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Guest disparaissant

finally getting the hang of ck2, started as brittany and ended up taking over most of ireland for shits and giggles before my ruler died and i got fucked over by succession. now i've got to take it all back again and i'm not quite sure i want to bother.

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Bought Tokyo Jungle on a whim round my friends house at the weekend. Fucking hell, this game is excellent. Excellent and so hard to describe to somebody without sounding like an idiot. Beyond the whacky premise there's actually a rock solid roguelike kinda game here. It's so good that I now want a PS3 to own it myself, it's the PS3's first killer app.


Do any UK folk not want their PS3 and want to sell it to me? I'm not joking. fanx

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Guest Aserinsky

Currently playing this for the first time...




I'm fucking loving it so far, gotta be one of the few games where there's just a real sense of joy whilst playing it, even though it's frustrating me atm (currently having to grind a bit before getting to the third sanctuary, I hate having to grind!).

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Bought Tokyo Jungle on a whim round my friends house at the weekend. Fucking hell, this game is excellent. Excellent and so hard to describe to somebody without sounding like an idiot. Beyond the whacky premise there's actually a rock solid roguelike kinda game here. It's so good that I now want a PS3 to own it myself, it's the PS3's first killer app.


Do any UK folk not want their PS3 and want to sell it to me? I'm not joking. fanx

There are some solid deals on the PS3 in the UK (bundles, etc.) right now...

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Guest jasondonervan

Those enjoying Kentucky Route Zero might want to check out 'Limits and Demonstrations' (it's free):


Limits and Demonstrations began life as test software for graphics cards but "grew and mutated into more of a companion piece to the main story," developer Cardboard Computer explained in its most recent super-secret newsletter. "We hit on the idea of presenting various graphics card features that the game requires as a virtual art gallery. From there we started working out ways to fit it into the narrative and mythos of the game. We thought it could be a group exhibition of a few characters from the game, or maybe more of a natural history collection of found objects from along the Zero."

The final result is an exhibition of art by Lula Chamberlain, who hasn't yet been officially introduced, as viewed by three other characters from the game. Some of the work in the gallery is inspired by real-life material, while at least one piece is based on content that was ultimately cut from the game. There's no direct narrative connection between Limits and Demonstrations and Kentucky Route Zero (at least as far as I can tell) but it provides a useful look at the game's visual style, conversation system and, for lack of a better term, its overall "vibe."


Dat Gantz Graf exhibit...


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Back to playing where I left off almost four months ago with Fallout: New Vegas, after taking a break from XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Currently on the Old World Blues DLC again. Seems like the Gamebryo engine is starting to show its age though.

I guess Big MT is the Fallout equivalent of Area 51. While the most enjoyable of the DLCs, Old World Blues certainly has no shortage of sexual innuendo.

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Anyone played Metal Gear: Rising yet? I downloaded the demo tonight but haven't gotten to it yet, it looks pretty cool. I know it's not a stealth-action game like the rest of the series but, the gameplay seems a lot like the fast paced melee combat ala Zone of the Enders, but set in the MGS universe. ZoE:2nd Runner is one of my fav PS2 games ever and I love the MGS series, so this is a plus in my book, should make a great replacement until ZoE:3 comes to light. I also kinda like hack and slashers (so sick of God of War, though) so I'll probably end up picking this up eventually.

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Guest jasondonervan

Yep. The demo isn't that representative of the final product, which itself throws you in at the deep end in regards to controls and such. That aside, once you get going it's great fun, and I say that despite not being a fan of Vanquish (yet having enjoyed Bayonetta).

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