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up to the last main mission on gta5. my attention is starting to wander to other games, mostly because i don't really want to end the storyline. has been great. can't see myself doing all the other side missions after i end the main mission (what typically happens with me with open world games - fallout 3 was the same despite there being a ton of the world i hadn't explored yet).


anybody played the new deus ex: human revolution update? i absolutely loved the shit out of the game on the first playthrough, wondering if it's worth playing it through again.


shame watch dogs has been delayed. looks amazing. mostly because it looks like deus ex: hr + gta, admittedly... ;)



edit: any wii u recommendations beyond sports club? probably should use the bloody thing more.

Not sure what you're into, but New Super Mario Bros. U and Super Luigi U are the best games on it right now, in my opinion. Darksiders II is good if you haven't played it on another system, and the Wonderful 101 is great as well.


There really aren't a ton of Wii U games that can be recommended because, well, there aren't many that exist at the moment. I hear the Wii U version of Rayman Legends is the best version. Super Mario 3D World comes out on Nov. 22. I am so looking forward to it.

Pikmin and windwaker?

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up to the last main mission on gta5. my attention is starting to wander to other games, mostly because i don't really want to end the storyline. has been great. can't see myself doing all the other side missions after i end the main mission (what typically happens with me with open world games - fallout 3 was the same despite there being a ton of the world i hadn't explored yet).


anybody played the new deus ex: human revolution update? i absolutely loved the shit out of the game on the first playthrough, wondering if it's worth playing it through again.


shame watch dogs has been delayed. looks amazing. mostly because it looks like deus ex: hr + gta, admittedly... ;)



edit: any wii u recommendations beyond sports club? probably should use the bloody thing more.

Not sure what you're into, but New Super Mario Bros. U and Super Luigi U are the best games on it right now, in my opinion. Darksiders II is good if you haven't played it on another system, and the Wonderful 101 is great as well.


There really aren't a ton of Wii U games that can be recommended because, well, there aren't many that exist at the moment. I hear the Wii U version of Rayman Legends is the best version. Super Mario 3D World comes out on Nov. 22. I am so looking forward to it.

Pikmin 3 is the reason I own that system, excellent game.


Played that new Zelda for 3DS, talk about fugly, shit

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I WANT to play System Shock 2. Never have done it.




that's System Shock 1. I haven't played that one myself, but I have played SS2 and it is absolutely worth it. I'm currently playing through Bioshock 2 for the first time and have also got Bioshock Infinite ready to go right after that.


there is a consistent feel across all the *Shock games, in the environments, atmosphere and storytelling. right now I feel like they're my all-time favourite franchise, more so than the Half-Life series which has proved to be so intermittent that my loyalty is starting to fade.

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up to the last main mission on gta5. my attention is starting to wander to other games, mostly because i don't really want to end the storyline. has been great. can't see myself doing all the other side missions after i end the main mission (what typically happens with me with open world games - fallout 3 was the same despite there being a ton of the world i hadn't explored yet).


anybody played the new deus ex: human revolution update? i absolutely loved the shit out of the game on the first playthrough, wondering if it's worth playing it through again.


shame watch dogs has been delayed. looks amazing. mostly because it looks like deus ex: hr + gta, admittedly... ;)



edit: any wii u recommendations beyond sports club? probably should use the bloody thing more.

Not sure what you're into, but New Super Mario Bros. U and Super Luigi U are the best games on it right now, in my opinion. Darksiders II is good if you haven't played it on another system, and the Wonderful 101 is great as well.


There really aren't a ton of Wii U games that can be recommended because, well, there aren't many that exist at the moment. I hear the Wii U version of Rayman Legends is the best version. Super Mario 3D World comes out on Nov. 22. I am so looking forward to it.

Pikmin 3 is the reason I own that system, excellent game.


Played that new Zelda for 3DS, talk about fugly, shit


Yeah, the art style isn't great. I don't know why they chose to make it look like that when they can do a variation on the Wind Waker style or something that pops more. In motion, it doesn't look terrible, but it could be better. I loved A Link to the Past, but it's this new game's art style that keeps me from rushing out to buy it. A really striking art style is what usually makes me decide to pay attention to a game. I think they failed on that aspect here.

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I tried to start a replay of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood


But holy shit the missions in that game are monotonous and boring.


ACII is still the only truely amazing AC game that has been made (yet to play Black Flag though)

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Guest Gravity

Just started Alice: Madness Returns. Bought it during the steam halloween sale for only $5, great deal... Looking forward to some purty level design.

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I really enjoyed Brotherhood on my first playthrough. But this time it just bores the hell out of me.


It doens't get close to ACII in my book. It's one of the only games, I can think of, that I've completed 3 times, and I've enjoyed all those playthroughs equally. Best part of that game is the variety in setting, the story and the mission structure. They haven't come close recapturing that balance in any AC game since.


Revelations is garbage. That game is the epitome of an unispired sequel and what happens when a series suffers from over-annualization.


But the fact they create new settings and open-worlds to explorer for each game, somewhat justifies the annualzation, it's just a shame that the games has gotten progressively worse with each installment since ACII.


But again, I haven't played Black Flag yet. What I've seen of it, actually looks quite fun.

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Is AC4 its own separate story or do you need to play the other 3? I don't usually skip ahead but meh.


The story (or backstory... you know, what goes on with Abstergo and so on) is fucking weird. I haven't played the game, because I'm gonna wait until the new consoles come out, but I do know a tiny bit about the whole Abstergo situation...



So, in ACIV you're playing a guy who works as a beta tester or something like that for Abstergo, because Abstergo now works with Ubisoft (yes, you read that right) on the Assassin's Creed franchise. Talking about breaking down the fourth wall, huh? It's fucking weird.


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Guest Gravity



So, in ACIV you're playing a guy who works as a beta tester or something like that for Abstergo, because Abstergo now works with Ubisoft (yes, you read that right) on the Assassin's Creed franchise. Talking about breaking down the fourth wall, huh? It's fucking weird.




:wtf: Odd indeed, hah.

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I finished Bioshock 2. finally. I've owned this game pretty much since it came out almost 4 years ago but was unable to play it on my aging rig, and in the intervening years I took a hiatus from playing new games because I was lazy/cheap about building a new rig, so... even though this is one of my favourite game series I'm still catching up. Infinite is installed and ready to go next.


anyway, I loved it, so I'm going to rant disjointedly about it.


I know this game, though still praised, is not as highly praised as its predecessor or its successor, on account of not being a true Irrational game like them, and therefore having reduced involvement from Ken Levine. however they've managed imo to build on what he's established and keep it true to the Shock spirit. this has true Shock game feels (though there were no memory hallucinations, which I found mildly disappointing).


the game mechanics are more fleshed out, the world of Rapture is as brooding and atmospheric as ever, and the characters and storytelling are still totally solid. the Splicers still say the most hilarious/deranged shit which makes you want to just lurk and listen instead of taking them out. also I found the Little Sisters in particular took on a greater character of their own, more so than in the first game. that whole aspect of the story, with the Little Sisters/Eleanor, was rather heartwarming and sweet, I'm not afraid to say (I saved them all - things would've been different if I hadn't, I'm sure).


my biggest criticism was a technical one: the sound is still a problem. I got it working well enough that it didn't totally break immersion (at one point I was playing a level with no ambient sounds, which I found totally intolerable) but it's annoying to see that this has carried over from the first game, which also had similar issues. I wonder if they've fixed it in Infinite.


other criticisms I can think of simply have to do with the style of the game and the way it's been built, so you either love it or hate it. I can see why some people wouldn't like the engine/models/physics, if you don't like the whole steampunk thing. stuff is kind of rubbery/wooden. also the combat can get overwhelming - when shit kicks off, it gets crazy pretty quickly and given the variety of weapons/ammo types/plasmids/tonics you can easily get confused about wtf to do with that much choice. enemies target you accurately and aggressively, so if you hesitate, you get fucked up.


I thought it was interesting they had a tonic that cheapened the cost of Adam for plasmids significantly but limited you to just the drill and hack tool. I might try that on my next playthrough, it'll be hard as fuck.


anyway, good job, 2K Marin. pity you were hit so hard with layoffs recently, you deserved better for this.


here's some lush screenshots just because (I took like 200+ fucking screenshots):






























I melted a puddle of ice and found this guy






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btw as much as I'd love to see a well-made Bioshock movie featuring an original plot of its own, I'm pretty sure they'll never get it right and I'm glad it was cancelled.

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3rd post in a row but whatever:


I just checked my Steam inventory for the first time in ages and I saw a gift copy of Bioshock le first in there. I have no idea how I got it, maybe as a promo deal when I bought Bioshock 2? anyway, I'm happy to give it away to the first person who expresses interest. PM me your Steam id and it's yours.


edit: I also have Half-Life 2: Episode One, I'd like to give that away as well. that's been in my inventory for like 5 years now.

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Is AC4 its own separate story or do you need to play the other 3? I don't usually skip ahead but meh.


The story (or backstory... you know, what goes on with Abstergo and so on) is fucking weird. I haven't played the game, because I'm gonna wait until the new consoles come out, but I do know a tiny bit about the whole Abstergo situation...



So, in ACIV you're playing a guy who works as a beta tester or something like that for Abstergo, because Abstergo now works with Ubisoft (yes, you read that right) on the Assassin's Creed franchise. Talking about breaking down the fourth wall, huh? It's fucking weird.




Wait... let me just correct something...



You're a game designer on AC4 whose job it is to find the best memories for the game



This screenshot is from your log in the game...







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I really enjoyed the modern sci-stuff in the first five (lol) games, but after the ending if AC3, I honestly think they should just drop it already. I have nothing against all the God/Pieces of Eden stuff during the historical segments, but the modern segments are completely unneeded now, because of how AC3 ended. So pls, Ubisoft, stahp.

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Guest Pennywise

I said it before on here. I'd like to see a scarier version of Bioshock In the style of Amnesia. Man I'd love that game.


Maybe a couple of years after, and the splicers are super fucked up and mutated.


Trying to hide from an angry big daddy would be pretty scary if it was done right

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Isn't all of HL2 and its DLC free on Steam?


nah, not from what I'm seeing. HL2 Ep1 is currently $7.99



Maybe a couple of years after, and the splicers are super fucked up and mutated.


they're already super fucked up and mutated.


that's a cool idea but it'd be a totally different game.

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Guest Pennywise


Isn't all of HL2 and its DLC free on Steam?


nah, not from what I'm seeing. HL2 Ep1 is currently $7.99



Maybe a couple of years after, and the splicers are super fucked up and mutated.


they're already super fucked up and mutated.


that's a cool idea but it'd be a totally different game.


Yeh, that's not a problem. I'd like to explore a less cartoonish rapture

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