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Aphex Twin for wasting his talent and somehow, year on year, becoming more petulent and immature and less appreciative of the luck he's had which allows him to make music all day and not have to offer anything to the music world. Which could be the stance of a struggling musician but I'm not one of those, I just don't think like some that 'he doesn't owe us anything'. He doesn't, of course, but I thought he released music to offer something to the world, not please people, or make money, which is what he says is the reason.

I love this idea of AFX as the Benjamin Button of the music world :biggrin: ...putting out his more mature music (Ambient Works) as a youngster and then disco DJing other peoples tracks in his 40's :music:

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Aphex Twin for wasting his talent and somehow, year on year, becoming more petulent and immature and less appreciative of the luck he's had which allows him to make muic all day and not have to offer anything to the music world. Which could be the stance of a struggling musician but I'm not one of those, I just don't think like some that 'he doesn't owe us anything'. He doesn't, of course, but I thought he released music to offer something to the world, not please people, or make money, which is what he says is the reason.


I don't see the point of him anymore, I went to see him live and he didn't play any of his own tracks, only remixes (of his tracks) and average techno other people would play. I like musicians and artists who have a love and desire for their art and want everything they do to be outstanding, and whom are also able to do this without thinking 'more outstanding' means diluted and more mainstream. At the moment I enjoy as much following people like Sufjan Stevens and Animal Collective as I do their output. Sufjan in particular put on a live show with his Age of Adz tour that was far beyond anyone in the audience was expecting, at the end everyone on stage looked totally taken aback by the huge applause they received. Animal Collective are also prolific, they release additional solo albums, visual albums, eps and don't tend to treat either making music or releasing it as such a huge chore. I just heard the other day that Sufjan Stevens is releasing another christmas album box set in November.


The most Aphex Twin does as a treat is put up average acid tracks onto Rephlex which sound like similar and alternative versions of tracks released 5 years ago. His couldn't care less attitude was attractive when he was actually releasing music. Before people realise it'll be 10 years since The Tuss and then 20 years since drukqs. When I wonder why film directors go such a long time before making another film the reasons are usually because they were researching, trying to find a story they believed in, or mostly having immense trouble with financing the project, so as frustrating as it is it's at least understandable. I think he needs a near death experience to remind him that he's mortal and should not waste any more time.


And Muse for thinking little of music and being offensive.


Yeah I mean I've always taken that as a defense mechanism against critics and the general music media, which I bet is a complete pain in the ass, especially when it comes to this type of music. But it's obvious he's very affected by it ie quite good story and the whole drukqs fiasco. And by fiasco I mean no one liked it really at all, and I'm fairly convinced he thought it was his magnum opus, not just his "most personal work" or whatever the fuck people said. This is probably why he invented this whole feud with WARP about the Aphex Twin name, as a shield to hide his serious butthurt over the reception of drukqs. This is probably why we haven't seen an "Aphex Twin" album, and probably won't ever again, or if we do it will be some serious Chinese Democracy shit. Thus we get him retreating to whiny petulance about his music, more and more secretive, more and more focused on just DJing other people's work: it's safer critically in some weird way because now he's built up this whole decade of absence blah blah I have 6 albums done... builds up the anticipation the pressure and that's entirely his fault. BOC have surely felt/feel this as well. Ae are the only ones that seem mature enough to handle the second half and twilight of their careers successfully.


I bet I've got a lot of facts wrong and I'm ready for JR to correct me, but this doesn't seem like an implausible psychological analysis to me.

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To be fair, if Aphex just stepped back for a minute and took a deep breath, he would have realised that people thought Drukqs was quite good.

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Aphex Twin for wasting his talent and somehow, year on year, becoming more petulent and immature and less appreciative of the luck he's had which allows him to make muic all day and not have to offer anything to the music world. Which could be the stance of a struggling musician but I'm not one of those, I just don't think like some that 'he doesn't owe us anything'. He doesn't, of course, but I thought he released music to offer something to the world, not please people, or make money, which is what he says is the reason.


I don't see the point of him anymore, I went to see him live and he didn't play any of his own tracks, only remixes (of his tracks) and average techno other people would play. I like musicians and artists who have a love and desire for their art and want everything they do to be outstanding, and whom are also able to do this without thinking 'more outstanding' means diluted and more mainstream. At the moment I enjoy as much following people like Sufjan Stevens and Animal Collective as I do their output. Sufjan in particular put on a live show with his Age of Adz tour that was far beyond anyone in the audience was expecting, at the end everyone on stage looked totally taken aback by the huge applause they received. Animal Collective are also prolific, they release additional solo albums, visual albums, eps and don't tend to treat either making music or releasing it as such a huge chore. I just heard the other day that Sufjan Stevens is releasing another christmas album box set in November.


The most Aphex Twin does as a treat is put up average acid tracks onto Rephlex which sound like similar and alternative versions of tracks released 5 years ago. His couldn't care less attitude was attractive when he was actually releasing music. Before people realise it'll be 10 years since The Tuss and then 20 years since drukqs. When I wonder why film directors go such a long time before making another film the reasons are usually because they were researching, trying to find a story they believed in, or mostly having immense trouble with financing the project, so as frustrating as it is it's at least understandable. I think he needs a near death experience to remind him that he's mortal and should not waste any more time.


And Muse for thinking little of music and being offensive.


Yeah I mean I've always taken that as a defense mechanism against critics and the general music media, which I bet is a complete pain in the ass, especially when it comes to this type of music. But it's obvious he's very affected by it ie quite good story and the whole drukqs fiasco. And by fiasco I mean no one liked it really at all, and I'm fairly convinced he thought it was his magnum opus, not just his "most personal work" or whatever the fuck people said. This is probably why he invented this whole feud with WARP about the Aphex Twin name, as a shield to hide his serious butthurt over the reception of drukqs. This is probably why we haven't seen an "Aphex Twin" album, and probably won't ever again, or if we do it will be some serious Chinese Democracy shit. Thus we get him retreating to whiny petulance about his music, more and more secretive, more and more focused on just DJing other people's work: it's safer critically in some weird way because now he's built up this whole decade of absence blah blah I have 6 albums done... builds up the anticipation the pressure and that's entirely his fault. BOC have surely felt/feel this as well. Ae are the only ones that seem mature enough to handle the second half and twilight of their careers successfully.


I bet I've got a lot of facts wrong and I'm ready for JR to correct me, but this doesn't seem like an implausible psychological analysis to me.


Dr Lopez, I might be correct in thinking we aren't the best of pals here in watmm, maybe that's just me? Dunno. Either way that post is spot on. The sentence on Autechre at the end just nailed it. I think thats the best post I've read that sum up the collective thoughts of Aphex fans towards the man himself. Well it's exactly how I see it anyway. But you put it 100 times better.

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Ae are the only ones that seem mature enough to handle the second half and twilight of their careers successfully.

Totally. Ae just get on with it, totally unconcerned with how its percieved.


Back on topic: Ellie Goulding is shit.

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And i hate cockrock, ie. Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Flaming Lips, anything like that is unbearable.


It's cool if you hate them, but Flaming Lips are one of the least cockrocky bands in existence.


Yeah totally, they are more rockcocky than cockrocky

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Aphex Twin for wasting his talent and somehow, year on year, becoming more petulent and immature and less appreciative of the luck he's had which allows him to make muic all day and not have to offer anything to the music world. Which could be the stance of a struggling musician but I'm not one of those, I just don't think like some that 'he doesn't owe us anything'. He doesn't, of course, but I thought he released music to offer something to the world, not please people, or make money, which is what he says is the reason.


I don't see the point of him anymore, I went to see him live and he didn't play any of his own tracks, only remixes (of his tracks) and average techno other people would play. I like musicians and artists who have a love and desire for their art and want everything they do to be outstanding, and whom are also able to do this without thinking 'more outstanding' means diluted and more mainstream. At the moment I enjoy as much following people like Sufjan Stevens and Animal Collective as I do their output. Sufjan in particular put on a live show with his Age of Adz tour that was far beyond anyone in the audience was expecting, at the end everyone on stage looked totally taken aback by the huge applause they received. Animal Collective are also prolific, they release additional solo albums, visual albums, eps and don't tend to treat either making music or releasing it as such a huge chore. I just heard the other day that Sufjan Stevens is releasing another christmas album box set in November.


The most Aphex Twin does as a treat is put up average acid tracks onto Rephlex which sound like similar and alternative versions of tracks released 5 years ago. His couldn't care less attitude was attractive when he was actually releasing music. Before people realise it'll be 10 years since The Tuss and then 20 years since drukqs. When I wonder why film directors go such a long time before making another film the reasons are usually because they were researching, trying to find a story they believed in, or mostly having immense trouble with financing the project, so as frustrating as it is it's at least understandable. I think he needs a near death experience to remind him that he's mortal and should not waste any more time.


And Muse for thinking little of music and being offensive.


Yeah I mean I've always taken that as a defense mechanism against critics and the general music media, which I bet is a complete pain in the ass, especially when it comes to this type of music. But it's obvious he's very affected by it ie quite good story and the whole drukqs fiasco. And by fiasco I mean no one liked it really at all, and I'm fairly convinced he thought it was his magnum opus, not just his "most personal work" or whatever the fuck people said. This is probably why he invented this whole feud with WARP about the Aphex Twin name, as a shield to hide his serious butthurt over the reception of drukqs. This is probably why we haven't seen an "Aphex Twin" album, and probably won't ever again, or if we do it will be some serious Chinese Democracy shit. Thus we get him retreating to whiny petulance about his music, more and more secretive, more and more focused on just DJing other people's work: it's safer critically in some weird way because now he's built up this whole decade of absence blah blah I have 6 albums done... builds up the anticipation the pressure and that's entirely his fault. BOC have surely felt/feel this as well. Ae are the only ones that seem mature enough to handle the second half and twilight of their careers successfully.


I bet I've got a lot of facts wrong and I'm ready for JR to correct me, but this doesn't seem like an implausible psychological analysis to me.




Dr Lopez, I might be correct in thinking we aren't the best of pals here in watmm, maybe that's just me? Dunno. Either way that post is spot on. The sentence on Autechre at the end just nailed it. I think thats the best post I've read that sum up the collective thoughts of Aphex fans towards the man himself. Well it's exactly how I see it anyway. But you put it 100 times better.


Yes, holy fuck that was bang on and very thorough. That just made the thread and was probably the most sincere and relevant post about RDJ I've seen, well...probably since I joined.

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(1) Older people are too mature to hate newer music, contrary to the popular impression created by everyone's observation ever that older people really fucking hate newer music; and (2) WATMM hates ABBA but apparently nobody bothers mentioning National Socialist Black Metal.


Interesting, watmm.


Edit: Still, fuck P Diddy. Also, fuck NSBM. Also, I'm old and everything is turning to shit and what are you doing on my lawn, please get off.


haha, good point


also, does Burzum count as NSBM? Who does? Skrillex likes Burzum, so how does he fit into that meta-discussion?


In my morbidly curious google searches for such bands I've always found it hard to even find any self-proclaimed NSBM bands that weren't just shitty pissy racist metal bands from parts of Europe and the US, including, rather ironically, a lot of former Eastern Bloc countries. I guess the subgenre is so small and fringe hating it is unnecessary? (but yeah srsly fuck NSBM in terms of its goals and motivation and for the record the few ABBA songs I know are fucking pop music masterpieces)


i'm with sweepstakes "the cult of mac". definitely.


yeah that was bang on - and furthermore I can't stand overly twee/indie songs written and played specifically when bands and artists deny rights to their songs being used - it's quite shameless how often it's done, there are in-house "indie" bands now for that kind of marketing :mellow:


one band i truly, truly hate...




Ah damnit. You found the one band I might still have enough energy to hate.

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When i hear Lilly allen, it makes me smile and the lyrics are so good, fuck you Bush, i hope they keep playing it forever and! I'm so mature and don't hate it at all! i also like Muse alot, death to everything except Muse

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yadda yadda yadda, aphex twin, yadda... afx yadda, cry cry


sirch, I might be correct in thinking we aren't the best of pals here in watmm, maybe that's just me? Dunno. Either way that post is spot on. The sentence on AFX at the end just nailed it. I think thats the best post I've read that sum up the collective thoughts of Aphex fans towards the man himself. Well it's exactly how I see it anyway. But you put it 100 times better.

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yadda yadda yadda, aphex twin, yadda... afx yadda, cry cry


sirch, I might be correct in thinking we aren't the best of pals here in watmm, maybe that's just me? Dunno. Either way that post is spot on. The sentence on AFX at the end just nailed it. I think thats the best post I've read that sum up the collective thoughts of Aphex fans towards the man himself. Well it's exactly how I see it anyway. But you put it 100 times better.


lol. thanx ;)

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yadda yadda yadda, aphex twin, yadda... afx yadda, cry cry


sirch, I might be correct in thinking we aren't the best of pals here in watmm, maybe that's just me? Dunno. Either way that post is spot on. The sentence on AFX at the end just nailed it. I think thats the best post I've read that sum up the collective thoughts of Aphex fans towards the man himself. Well it's exactly how I see it anyway. But you put it 100 times better.


when did objective analysis become cry cry?

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