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that looked like a lot of fun. what'd you git arrested for?

It was awesome!


Lol, we're not really sure why I got arrested... In Arequipa, one night around 2AM apparently I just wandered away from my friends. I don't know what happened at all. I just remember waking up and there were people in full military garb with machine guns questioning me in Spanish... I don't speak much Spanish (virtually none lol)... I remember that much... Apparently at around 4AM I just appeared back at my hostel, no-one knows how I got back or anything.


Anyway the kicker is, I woke up with 200 soles (about $80CAD) in my pocket. Thing is, that's what I started the night with and I know I spent that much at the bar.


So apparently:


Arequipa >>> Blackout drunk >>> military >>> profit...



probably for the best that you don't remember how you earned that money

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that looked like a lot of fun. what'd you git arrested for?

It was awesome!


Lol, we're not really sure why I got arrested... In Arequipa, one night around 2AM apparently I just wandered away from my friends. I don't know what happened at all. I just remember waking up and there were people in full military garb with machine guns questioning me in Spanish... I don't speak much Spanish (virtually none lol)... I remember that much... Apparently at around 4AM I just appeared back at my hostel, no-one knows how I got back or anything.


Anyway the kicker is, I woke up with 200 soles (about $80CAD) in my pocket. Thing is, that's what I started the night with and I know I spent that much at the bar.


So apparently:


Arequipa >>> Blackout drunk >>> military >>> profit...



probably for the best that you don't remember how you earned that money



Lol... maybe I blew an alpaca or something. I heard alpacas cruise the streets looking for gringos, sex tourism innit?

did your bum hurt next morning?


Not anymore than usual :emotawesomepm9:

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Holy shit, I also took a video of myself specifically for this thread (and to help IDM Wizdomz):




Dyamn son-- pretty cool, mang. *A single tear rolls down cheek into the Earth... where a tree grows to shade the children.


Thanks to anyone who watched this shiz and nice comments, btw, mangz/womangz~! Please Subscribe to my YT channel for phuture ballz, because in several months time (to 9 years time), I will be releasing the ultimate IDM series, based on over 80 years of research. YOU WANNA KNOW HOW DEEP THE IDM HOLE GOEZ?!?!?!?! Then subscribe to my channel, because that is how you get the knowledge. The MIB have been on my tail for knowing such knowledge for years, but I have charmed them enough to smoke a casual spliff around a drum circle without them tripping out. And I mean the real MIB, none of this Fresh Prince Of Bel Air disinfo.

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This thread has taught me that sideways and upside-down portraits can screw with the brain in weird ways...


Seriously, I was looking at the upside-down photos from a couple pages ago, and after looking at them for quite sometime for some reason, I got dizzy after looking away.

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This thread has taught me that sideways and upside-down portraits can screw with the brain in weird ways...


Seriously, I was looking at the upside-down photos from a couple pages ago, and after looking at them for quite sometime for some reason, I got dizzy after looking away.

Baselitz read this post, closed his laptop, walked to the window to watch the sun set in the horizon, and as a single tear rolled down his cheek he whispered "mission accomplised"

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This thread has taught me that sideways and upside-down portraits can screw with the brain in weird ways...


Seriously, I was looking at the upside-down photos from a couple pages ago, and after looking at them for quite sometime for some reason, I got dizzy after looking away.

Baselitz read this post, closed his laptop, walked to the window to watch the sun set in the horizon, and as a single tear rolled down his cheek he whispered "mission accomplised"

Fuck, I bet.

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I'm on the margaritas :)


your lucky this thread exist! <>> cause later is gonna be: ''hey bcm, how was on your trip?'' and you'll go: ''i don't know... :( can't remember shit! must be all of those margaritas messed with my head! thank god i took pics of my self and i know where i can find them cause my camera is somewhere...somewhere....''

Edited by xox
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