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I think the MediaFired™ album 'The Pathway Through Whatever' is the best vaporwave I've ever heard. A track like 'Tender Age' that just takes a simple loop sample of 'Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way' and somehow makes it sound almost like some religious revelation is just stunning.


For me, vaporwave works best when it takes some tiny little moment and invests it with something far beyond its original worth.

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I think the MediaFired™ album 'The Pathway Through Whatever' is the best vaporwave I've ever heard. A track like 'Tender Age' that just takes a simple loop sample of 'Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way' and somehow makes it sound almost like some religious revelation is just stunning.


For me, vaporwave works best when it takes some tiny little moment and invests it with something far beyond its original worth.


I couldn't agree more. The Pathway Through Whatever is to me, the epitome of vaporwave, and Pixies is a track I show pretty much first in order when I'm giving someone new to the genre examples of what vaporwave is.. (but always the video, as I kind of feel like that song and video exist as one). (along with Nobody Here by Chuck Persons, and usually something from Internet Club, and of course Mac + Lisa Frank).

Edited by Lane Visitor
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so the emu is the main rompler you use? the 3d-ness could maybe be the unique effects the unit has that aren't captured in the soundfont version? when i get some money together soon i'd love to paypal you some cash to record some samples for the sample thread we have here. you can just go through a few patches and hit some notes and chords and maybe a couple of riffs and send me a long wave file to chop up.


also funny that you mention corporate disaster, prdctvsm as i had a song on one of his releases recently.



this one:


Well it's the only romper I have haha, but yeah I'll use it from time to time. Ahh interesting, I hadn't thought about the onboard fx contributing to the 3d aspect. Oh man, that sounds like a fun project, I'm down once i have a moment.. let's stay in touch about that (:





fantastic stuff.. just checked this out over the weekend, first thing waking up sat morning. very relaxing and fun.

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I think the MediaFired™ album 'The Pathway Through Whatever' is the best vaporwave I've ever heard. A track like 'Tender Age' that just takes a simple loop sample of 'Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way' and somehow makes it sound almost like some religious revelation is just stunning.


For me, vaporwave works best when it takes some tiny little moment and invests it with something far beyond its original worth.


I couldn't agree more. The Pathway Through Whatever is to me, the epitome of vaporwave, and Pixies is a track I show pretty much first in order when I'm giving someone new to the genre examples of what vaporwave is.. (but always the video, as I kind of feel like that song and video exist as one). (along with Nobody Here by Chuck Persons, and usually something from Internet Club, and of course Mac + Lisa Frank).




I'm familiar with Chuck Persons (OPN) but the others are new to me. Are they worth checking out?

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btw look how quickly the buzz w PC Music fizzled out and how long vaporware has stayed... not that i don't love PC Music, just interesting how hipster journalism tries to package things as the "next thing" or create a phenomenon.

Edited by Lane Visitor
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It's remarkably resilient. Undoubtedly the various spin-off sub-genres have helped keep it fresh and interesting, but there are still 'classic' vw artists like catcorp putting tapes out that sell out within a day or two. I don't keep up with the original vibe stuff these days but it's incredible how its popularity has only increased over time.

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It's remarkably resilient. Undoubtedly the various spin-off sub-genres have helped keep it fresh and interesting, but there are still 'classic' vw artists like catcorp putting tapes out that sell out within a day or two. I don't keep up with the original vibe stuff these days but it's incredible how its popularity has only increased over time.





In many ways, heavy sample-based vw feels more authentic than some of the bullshit that radio tracks sample or "re-create". When I first heard Kanye's rip off of Daft Punk, I was pissed but couldn't help loving the re-interpretation after letting it soak in. Same goes for a good amount of these hits that sample, but then when it comes to the total throw-away ones like Black Eyed Peas "I Had The Time of My Life" or the new one where Ariana Grande's team is sampling what Portishead already tastefully sampled on Glory Box, or the countless other ones.. when I realize that, it puts things into perspective, and makes me feel that something as cliched vaporware as even the Mac + track is so much more ahead of its time, brilliant and raw than any other of the insincere re-nterpretations of original tracks used to assemble many of these throwaway hits we hear on the radio every day.


p.s. that whole recreation thing is total bullshit.. at least in vaporwave, the original recording is still used and people know that they're hearing warped versions of other things... of course that goes without saying vaporwave has atmosphere and effect and concept to go along with it lol

Edited by Lane Visitor
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Well yeah, the vaporwave stuff, particularly the early stuff (and those in the same vein) is totally recontextualising - taking something that's maybe a bit naff and making something very different with it. A lot of the pop sampling really feels like 'hey, remember this song?' which is totally different. I really don't get sampling unless you're going to create something interesting and unexpected with it. Same as what I love about FSOL, they could make a track out of 10 different, totally unrelated pieces of music, throw in some original sounds and it becomes a sublime ambient piece. Not just 'it's that track I recognise with a beat and some different vocals'.

I couldn't give a shit how over-exposed it is, Floral Shoppe is a fantastic record. Some straight forward stuff and then some gorgeous more ambient tracks. My bootleg CDr of it is on regular rotation.

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I think the MediaFired™ album 'The Pathway Through Whatever' is the best vaporwave I've ever heard. A track like 'Tender Age' that just takes a simple loop sample of 'Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way' and somehow makes it sound almost like some religious revelation is just stunning.


For me, vaporwave works best when it takes some tiny little moment and invests it with something far beyond its original worth.


I couldn't agree more. The Pathway Through Whatever is to me, the epitome of vaporwave, and Pixies is a track I show pretty much first in order when I'm giving someone new to the genre examples of what vaporwave is.. (but always the video, as I kind of feel like that song and video exist as one). (along with Nobody Here by Chuck Persons, and usually something from Internet Club, and of course Mac + Lisa Frank).




I'm familiar with Chuck Persons (OPN) but the others are new to me. Are they worth checking out?




Internet Club, Infinity Frequencies, most of Vektroid's New Dreams Ltd. stuff I would definitely recommend. Love that really early vw vibe.


骨架的 is the other early heavy hitter


also while technically not vaporwave 1991 is one of my favorites


some reddit threads I started that mention more good recs of early and/or releases that are early vaporwave sounding







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Do you ever just close your eyes and imagine you and all your loved ones are in a whole new world where we can all re-invent ourselves, surroundings, live to our full potentials, all getting along, living our dreams, adventuring and journeying and playing and laughing?

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Nmesh is reissuing Welcome to Warp Zone, an epic 4+ hour mix of video game music from a really talented vaporwave producer. It's really great, taking a simple theme and going way over the top with it.




My friend and I made a couple trailers for him under our Smash TV alias, we'll have another one out in about a week or so.


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Nmesh is reissuing Welcome to Warp Zone, an epic 4+ hour mix of video game music from a really talented vaporwave producer. It's really great, taking a simple theme and going way over the top with it.




My friend and I made a couple trailers for him under our Smash TV alias, we'll have another one out in about a week or so.




love nmesh and excited for this for sure

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