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Nmesh is reissuing Welcome to Warp Zone, an epic 4+ hour mix of video game music from a really talented vaporwave producer. It's really great, taking a simple theme and going way over the top with it.




My friend and I made a couple trailers for him under our Smash TV alias, we'll have another one out in about a week or so.




love nmesh and excited for this for sure



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Nmesh is reissuing Welcome to Warp Zone, an epic 4+ hour mix of video game music from a really talented vaporwave producer. It's really great, taking a simple theme and going way over the top with it.




My friend and I made a couple trailers for him under our Smash TV alias, we'll have another one out in about a week or so.




love nmesh and excited for this for sure






hahaha brilliant!

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Yeah, I know I keep banging on about this release from 2012 but it's just a classic. I sure wish the artist would release something else. I've never heard anyone quite like him/her.





From Tinymixtapes in 2012:


A multi-screen video advertising display loops colorful images of a pale-faced geisha pushing birth control pills gently between her lips. She smiles at the camera all satisfied, before a garish logo appears in Mandarin characters, presumably endorsing the pharmaceutical company responsible for the capsule that the young lady so contently consumes. A second female face appears, this time closer to the camera. She also places a pill into her mouth and smiles, unaffected by the rain as it falls softly across the shadowy metropolis in front of her. The scene is a perplexing one, despite its iconic status — not as a futuristic GlaxoSmithKline-fronted porno, but as a vociferous and trippy forecast from Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, a film that encapsulates an ultramodern and bewildering landscape illuminated by repetitive digital advertising and flickering neon Kanji.

Scott’s depiction of a futuristic Los Angeles was brought to mind on more than one occasion while reading Adam Harper’s recent Dummy article on the ambiguous subject of “vaporwave,” an esoteric branch of sample-based electronic music produced by mostly anonymous artists remolding both flaccid commercial audio vapidity and hits and misses from pop music’s past and present. The glossy landscape of the so-called “Virtual Plaza” that Harper describes is a consumer-driven, pixelated realm, with pristine boutiques showcasing pop music and corporate-video soundtracks, looped, pitch-shifted, and tempo-manipulated to varying degrees of aggressiveness.
Despite the fact that Mediafired is established in the vaporwave discussion and that the first official video from this release features looped images of supermodels sipping seductively from Pepsi cans in a fashion not dissimilar from the birth control ad, The Pathway Through Whatever does not fit comfortably into the Virtual Plaza. Whereas vaporwave artists such as INTERNET CLUB, VΞRACOM, and LASERDISC VISIONS/NEW DREAMS LTD. toy with the music they borrow from with lurid irony, the Portuguese artist behind Mediafired displays a sweeping degree of passion and delight in the tracks that are sampled here, which makes for a positively belting listen.
Limited to 100 cassettes via Beer On The Rug and leftover stock from the Exo Tapes release, this remarkable collection blends generous helpings of 80s and 90s pop music with distorted loops and heavily treated samples à la Daniel Lopatin’s eccojams project. It embraces deflated parcels of middle-of-the-road, fragmented radio half-memories and breathes fresh life into them, allowing every tune to swell, collide, and twist majestically into the next, like a spellbinding audio ballet that leaves traces of each newly imagined piece with the listener long after the cassette spool has run out of tape. The extracts used here are delivered carefully out of their original contexts, but they appear expressively selected, consisting of remapped tracks by the bizarre likes of Kate Bush and Backstreet Boys, Queen and Inner Circle.
While the material selection is certainly interesting, it’s the treatments they undergo that make the album such a charming listen. From the four-second looping of Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights” that comprise the entirety of “Pixies” to the thundering drum ricochets and reverb-soaked vocals of Queen’s “Innuendo” on opening track “Innuintendo,” each song is re-imagined and re-explored from new and dramatic angles that balloon entirely out of proportion as often as it shrinks back into gentle rhythmic convulsions. The samples aren’t blended with “original” material; the samples themselves are the material, and they embody a more reflective and complete sound here than in their original incarnations.
Unlike the heady and meditative virtual spaces that labelmates Macintosh Plus and Midnight Television quite beautifully propound, Mediafired adopts a decidedly different approach that not only subverts the samples’ original contexts, but also redrafts each from scratch to create a shimmering can of ohrwürmer. Sure, The Pathway Through Whatever is being carried wholeheartedly by the gentle vaporwave, but it’s so aesthetically detached from it that it becomes an anomaly of the best kind.
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surely mediafired did other work under different aliases? they must be aware of how well regarded that album is as a vw classic. why would you stop doing what you do if people enjoy it?


Internet Club and 骨架的 are the same way, they haven't nor probably ever return to the scene.


Although I must agree that mediafired is a particularly special release. I'm sure purlieu could recommend something similar but in my more limited knowledge I could only say that Nmesh and death dynamic shroud.wmv have put out similar albums, along with the album Adult Contemporary Novel by Pursuing Paradise. That's a bit of rougher and more "out there" album sampling 90s and even 00s era stuff including cheesy alt rock.


Mediafired had other aliases under Exo Tapes but I have not checked them out: Frase Infinita, Imediat.ez, In Media Res, jccg, Phrase Infinita, Phrase Infinitiva, Sofa Pits, The Exhalers

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Internet Club is still active as Wakesleep, but their music's very different.

If you don't count the recent Vektroid remaster / reissue records, I think Infinity Frequencies is probably the only one of the original lot around.


I've never been overly taken with Pathway Through Whatever, sacrilege that may be. I think it's maybe just a bit too full on for me. Of those early ones, I love the really stripped back ones with short tracks, sounds getting lost in tape hiss the most. Mediafired is like a vaporwave anxiety attack in comparison.

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Internet Club is still active as Wakesleep, but their music's very different.

If you don't count the recent Vektroid remaster / reissue records, I think Infinity Frequencies is probably the only one of the original lot around.


I've never been overly taken with Pathway Through Whatever, sacrilege that may be. I think it's maybe just a bit too full on for me. Of those early ones, I love the really stripped back ones with short tracks, sounds getting lost in tape hiss the most. Mediafired is like a vaporwave anxiety attack in comparison.



I can totally see people not being really taken with it.  For me it's just the choice of samples, they aren't blended with original material - the samples are the material but they are somehow reinvented, invested with a sense of other-worldly grandeur that goes far beyond their original worth.


Listening to 'Tender Age' is like witnessing some secret revelation on the nature of time and its transience - and yet all I'm really listening to is a clever bit of sampling from something as lame and shallow as the Back Street Boys.

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@ lane; thx 4 link 2: 壊れたリフトBROKENLIFT - 'MAXIMUM COMFORT',

lovely haunted mallsoft (:




& dat mediafried 'pathway thru w/e ' is a special boi. its simple, & feels felt as opposed 2 contrived.

'pixies' is a classic, better than any kate bush anything lol.

mediafried's nostalgia is disturbing 4 he reminds us of how awful & forced the original hype pop songs he samples were, & how tired & dated & redundant said songs r now.

his reduction, or deconstruction, of samples is so stripped back, anxious & trancelike, that its emotionally exploitative imo, kinda nasty.

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@ lane; thx 4 link 2: 壊れたリフトBROKENLIFT - 'MAXIMUM COMFORT',

lovely haunted mallsoft (:




& dat mediafried 'pathway thru w/e ' is a special boi. its simple, & feels felt as opposed 2 contrived.

'pixies' is a classic, better than any kate bush anything lol.

mediafried's nostalgia is disturbing 4 he reminds us of how awful & forced the original hype pop songs he samples were, & how tired & dated & redundant said songs r now.

his reduction, or deconstruction, of samples is so stripped back, anxious & trancelike, that its emotionally exploitative imo, kinda nasty.



anytime man, glad you felt it too.. it just totally took me away. that haunted mallsoft vibe you're talking about (almost true muzak) is something that I'm really drawn too. There are elements of it in some classic mallsoft like Hologram Plaza. But that album speaks for itself as it combines the best elements of the genre with a bit of nu disco-ish 80s pop as well. Those slow haunting moonlight 50's style lovers lane / jazz type ditties with a shit ton of dark spring verb are just so good--sometimes i prefer that to the 80s 90s samples tbh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any recommendations for any "Name Your Price" or free albums/EPs?


V N C F | P L E A S U R E D I S T R I C T



V N C F | I N T E R N E T G O L D


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good tune


Odd coupling of music and footage...early 90s chillout Will Smith "Summertime" vibes does not make me inclined to think of American jets bombing the shit out of Vietnam in the 60s...but that's just me



Any recommendations for any "Name Your Price" or free albums/EPs?


V N C F | P L E A S U R E D I S T R I C T



V N C F | I N T E R N E T G O L D





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this sounds a lot like a track on some ambient album based on walter benjamin's arcades project. i think it was called passagenwerk and the track was "flaneur" or something. i could have all of that wrong. i'm racking my mind trying to remember who the artist is. it's very obscure. 

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originally composed mallsoft from your beloved donovan hikaru


im planning to create an original mallsoft album that captures a very specific mood  






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