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Guest SampleScience

nice, didn't realize Heathen Harvest was still active. Nebraska, do you know of any other halfway decent noise/experimental/ambient blogs or online magazines/review sites? I'm trying to find places I've overlooked for sending out my new record which is borderline noise and I'm coming up empty.


You can send it to me, check my podcast of electronic and experimental called Obscure Waves in my signature for contact infos.


I'm a Bastard Noise fan:



I like to see the gear!

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100 years old and surprisingly modern sounding. I was expecting something more like pierre schaeffer's bullshit, but this stuff is so much better. some of it almost sounds like granular synthesis.


pierre schaeffer's 'bullshit' sounds a lot better than this.

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This Lackthrow/Ginger Cortez collab is outstanding, and cheaper than bus fare (also previewable from bandcamp):



So far everything I've heard from Lackthrow has been very impressive.


intonarumori rebuilt:


Very cool. I want one.


I'm a Bastard Noise fan


I recently checked out a collab they did with T.E.F., which was excellent, and subsequently downloaded Recycled -also highly enjoyable.


I played my first noise show on the 16th and have reasonably decent video/audio of the event. Will post that as soon as I can figure out how to make it sync up properly. I hate video editing software so much.

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I'll be putting on this noise event in Oakland at Terminal this Friday (march 1st) anybody who resides in the Bay who likes noise or weird sound should come out! If you haven't seen Thomas Dimuzio or Scott Arford perform before, I highly recommend it. Both noise veterans who have refined their craft over many years. Thomas will be performing on a souped up modular synth rig and Scott will be doing a 70s mixer console internal feedback set (when ive heard him play before it's some of the most beautiful ambient/noise performed i've ever witnessed). Scott also performs in a band called Total Accomplishment with Holly Herndon

a quasi release party for 2 new releases. Voice of Eye / Thomas Dimuzio - The Unveiling of Darkness CD Fluorescent Grey - Ambiente 3xCD
facebook event

Edited by Awepittance
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I'm a Bastard Noise fan:



I like to see the gear!

That was pretty cool, I think I'll look more into them... I think I'm coming to find I enjoy more ambient-ish noise, or noise-rock (lightning bolt, etc..) than harsh noise... but I'm quite a noob with all this noise stuff. I haven't cared for any Merzbow I've heard really (which isn't really much though) I dig some Prurient though. It seems a hard genre to really get into and explore as it's so varied and much of it by nature and artistic choice is quite inaccessible.

Edited by ghOsty
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I'll be putting on this noise event in Oakland at Terminal this Friday (march 1st) anybody who resides in the Bay who likes noise or weird sound should come out! If you haven't seen Thomas Dimuzio or Scott Arford perform before, I highly recommend it. Both noise veterans who have refined their craft over many years. Thomas will be performing on a souped up modular synth rig and Scott will be doing a 70s mixer console internal feedback set (when ive heard him play before it's some of the most beautiful ambient/noise performed i've ever witnessed). Scott also performs in a band called Total Accomplishment with Holly Herndon








a quasi release party for 2 new releases. Voice of Eye / Thomas Dimuzio - The Unveiling of Darkness CD Fluorescent Grey - Ambiente 3xCD

facebook event

I am normally in the bay area and would be all over this, but alas I am away for a few months :(

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After browsing through the thread a bit more I think I am gonna check out that John Wiese album as well. I remember seeing that cover posted around somewhere, and it really does seem like interesting sound design.


Also I hear a lot of people talk about Throbbing Gristle and Wolf Eyes being artists worth hearing and having a somewhat metal appeal. This intrigues me, is this true? And where should I start?

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I wouldn't say Throbbing Gristle has much metal appeal, but they're definitely worth checking out. I don't like many of their albums start to finish, but they've always got a few interesting tracks on each. I don't care much for the distorted bass noodling and spoken word rants, and there's a lot of that on most of their albums... The tracks 'Satan' and 'Christ' off Giftgas are two standouts for me, and they're placed back to back which is nice. Check out the Giftgas album.

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Picked up the JK Flesh (Justin Broaderick and Prurient) Posthuman album this weekend, and I gotta say, it's awesome. Less harsh noise, more kind of a mix of industrial, noise and dub but it's all still pretty noisy and Prurient's elements are definitely there. Great stuff, I'll probably be giving this a lot of rotation in time to come.



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Zephyr I think you'd love it, it's quality stuff. I gave that Lasse Marhaug album a listen too (couldn't get the John Wiese collab link working though) interesting stuff, almost hypnotic at parts

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Prurient's live show is intense. That guy can get himself worked up into a fury like nobody's business.


i went to one of his shows in brooklyn. he had his back to the audience during the entire set. people were shouting "turn around" so they could see him. he eventually walked off looking pretty pissed off.

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