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Relationship Advice...

Guest appleneon8

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trust your gut. but I'd say this, if you do move in, make sure you are renting. buying something together could be very complicated if things don't work out.


and if things do work out, and you get married...dont crush on a woman you work with 12 years from now...



Not sure if best to follow Jules advice :tongue:

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Guest appleneon8

Many thanks for the replies.


Jefferoo: she hasn't properly met my friends or family yet (I live out of my home country), but I know that they will see the same thing I see. She's very likeable as she is one of those people with a positive energy/happy to be alive kind of personality. Very sincere too.


Lumpen: actually we are both already outside our home countries and before meeting each other had planned on moving on to another country anyway. So it's more of a question of picking the same place on the map, so we can continue to be together...


Also, currently we are in this really shitty, claustrophobic city yet with barely anything to do, so I'm thinking that if we can still be happy with each other when the context is not favourable at all, then if we were somewhere else it can only be even better.

Even though we still have time to figure things out, we are still considering renting two different places though, just to make sure we can choose to not be in each other's face shall we want to.

One last thing, I should mention that she is very pragmatic and logical, so it is very easy to solve issues with her. We make a very good team if you know what I mean. We are also in complete agreement over the "big topics" (mariage, kids, priorities in life, money...).

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Sounds great man. I think your worries are healthy but it seems like you are pretty sure about this. Do stuff that makes you happy! If it doesn't work out do more stuff! Keep it real. Have fun. Oh, and make sure to post updates, so 90% of us WATMMs can get a window into what a good relationship is like.

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Okay, I get it that you're going through the newly in love phase and your hormones are turning your brain into mush, but 3 months is nothing. It's impossible for you to have any idea what might be around the corner. Those three months can easily turn into a 2 year hell hole. Everything is super for a while, but then real life, and all those dark bits that you have managed to hide from eachother, start infecting your relationship. You start noticing that she's trying to manipulate you, even though she said she doesn't believe in doing that, and you find yourself doing the same to her. You realize she knows you too well and you find yourself almost too vulnerable to be comfortable. You realize that all that love you feel can turn into the coldest ice dagger if something goes wrong.


Then either one of two things happens; you start fighting together to keep it up or the relationship turns into complete shit.


I'm just trying to scare you. Don't worry too much, the inevitable will happen with time. Either you are compatible, or you aren't after a certain point, and then you should be glad the less time & energy you have wasted. Relationships kind of steer themselves but people like to imagine they are in control.


The one long-term thing you should be concerned about is that if you get in over your head and get your heart broken, you might find it difficult to trust someone who actually deserves it. But that usually takes a few shit relationships to happen. Have fun and try to appreciate the good bits.

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trust your gut. but I'd say this, if you do move in, make sure you are renting. buying something together could be very complicated if things don't work out.

and if things do work out, and you get married...dont crush on a woman you work with 12 years from now...


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trust your gut. but I'd say this, if you do move in, make sure you are renting. buying something together could be very complicated if things don't work out.

and if things do work out, and you get married...dont crush on a woman you work with 12 years from now...



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Be careful. If there's one thing daytime television has taught us, it is that when a woman that seems to good to be true gets together with a timid guy and asks him to travel abroad with her, the only possibility is that she will disappear from their hotel room upon where he will be forced to act as a drug courier if he ever wants to see her again. He inevitably ends up in prison where he realizes it was all just a hoax and that she was just used by bait by a hidden crime syndicate.

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Guest cult fiction
Be careful. If there's one thing daytime television has taught us, it is that when a woman that seems to good to be true gets together with a timid guy and asks him to travel abroad with her, the only possibility is that she will disappear from their hotel room upon where he will be forced to act as a drug courier if he ever wants to see her again. He inevitably ends up in prison where he realizes it was all just a hoax and that she was just used by bait by a hidden crime syndicate.

This has happened to me more times than I care to recount. Make sure you have a second passport, and keep it in a hidden compartment in the sole of your shoe.

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This has happened to me more times than I care to recount. Make sure you have a second passport, and keep it in a hidden compartment in the sole of your shoe.


i just reported you to the homeland security hotline sand n-word

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I would wait at least a year before doing anything drastic like moving in and spiting bills. Date her for a year and see how you both feel about each other after that. Within a years time one or both of you should know if you are ready for the "next" step.


My sister thought she was in love, she thought she found her dream guy till he went bat shit crazy with her and devastated her emotionally. She still has a hard time getting over him and they were together for 4 months.


Tread lightly my friend.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Ditch the bitch.











edit: nah, just let yourself go, let's not analyze our lives too much, let yourself live this great experience. Even if it ends badly, it's gonna be worthwhile.

Edited by the anonymous forumite
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Be careful. If there's one thing daytime television has taught us, it is that when a woman that seems to good to be true gets together with a timid guy and asks him to travel abroad with her, the only possibility is that she will disappear from their hotel room upon where he will be forced to act as a drug courier if he ever wants to see her again. He inevitably ends up in prison where he realizes it was all just a hoax and that she was just used by bait by a hidden crime syndicate.

This has happened to me more times than I care to recount. Make sure you have a second passport, and keep it in a hidden compartment in the sole of your shoe.


your avatar and this post are a winning combination. i picture the dog saying this, world weary, wearing tiny shoes that open to reveal a miniature passport containing this photo: photo-5997.jpg?_r=0

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the only claim you made is that soft ass bitches need to step up for themselves


implying that someone is "stepping up for them" at the moment


stop while you're ahead



ps - i love you vamos.

Edited by luke viia
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