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Million Dollar Extreme's Youtube account got pulled down


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yeah I guess no matter how "ironic" his comedy is, when you peel away the layers the underlying message is always ultimately negative and disturbing. too bad a lot of it is so funny

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I always thought the mean-spirited bastard aspect of Sam's personality was impossible to ignore, all irony aside.  It is interesting to see the occasional nugget of comedy gold come out of all that, and to see comedy from that perspective in general.  But it always baffled me how many people thought the racist shit was purely ironic.  Maybe the best example of cognitive dissonance in the watmm collective.

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ultra super hyper levels of meta irony


at some point though, this becomes meaningless and indistinguishable from the real deal in terms of practical effect. and I think that point comes much quicker than people think, especially in an interconnected world. private opinions aren't really private anymore when they're plastered all over social media and the like.

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Nick Rochefort was underrated, though. He could have actually been a cool character actor like Harry Dean Stanton or some grizzled mofo like that. If I were a director, I'd give him a cameo as a world weary bartender offering blunt but profound advice or something. 

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But it always baffled me how many people thought the racist shit was purely ironic.  Maybe the best example of cognitive dissonance in the watmm collective.


how about the opposite: hyde not being racist = does not compute 


also, hyde being racist or reactionary or mean or whatever is completely irrelevant to him being funny or not imo. but i guess some people judge the value of something by its underlying motivations, which is intellectually lazy and wrong, imo. i'm not saying i'm not guilty of this sometimes. 

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I don't think anyone said his shitty character qualities disqualify him from being funny.  It just happens that he hasn't been coming up with funny content for quite some time now.  As for him not being racist... I'm not sure why anyone would be thinking that at this point.  It's the fact that many people didn't seem to realize it earlier on that is surprising.  The ironic vs. genuine stuff seems more obvious than a lot of people are making it out to be.  But whatevs.  Enjoy it if you enjoy it.

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Nick Rochefort was underrated, though. He could have actually been a cool character actor like Harry Dean Stanton or some grizzled mofo like that. If I were a director, I'd give him a cameo as a world weary bartender offering blunt but profound advice or something.

Definitely one of the best sketches in the series, he nailed that character...


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one thing i'm sure of is i could listen to him speak with that cheap jamaican accent for hours.


that particular skit doesn't have a hint of hate in it, it's just funny.

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the "bitch i'm angelic" one in world peace is a fav of mine though i can imagine some ppl will think it's racist. he's just doing a particular character and that character happens to be black. it's quite similar to a character david cross has done a few times on mr show and in his standup act. 




good point, there's something Louis CK mentioned in his recent stand up about stereotypes, especially voices and accents, that's perpetually hilarious even if you are completely self-aware of how offensive it is. He can't rectify that fact which is why he still does it. 


This comes to mind too.



Shows like the Office and 30 Rock have had bits revolving around hopelessly oblivious racism done in the name of comedy espoused by characters who aren't mean-spirited but just really, really, out of touch.


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he's a little older and pissed at sjw's. 

It's a subconscious push back from people like this. 



It's a being told how to think even if you don't think it that annoy's. Having to police your own thoughts just to make sure every single possible option won't be offended. 

Edited by marf
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^ Hah, hadn't seen that before.


I get what your saying, it's a valid point similar to ones mentioned earlier. 


For example Trey and Matt of South Park nailed that 20+ years ago and since then gradually became more nuanced and mature about it. Whereas Sam is on som destructive feedback loop where he's in his own echo chamber of what he finds hilarious and meaningful. I don't think he's pushing boundaries anymore so much as imploding.

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