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Any other group/artist with the same run of quality albums as ae?


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Many would disagree, but I don't think Dinosaur Jr. has had any major dip in quality. And they came back just as strong. 10-11 albums though, that's a tough one.

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This thread is stupid, Its hard for you to think of more bands because most bands dont stay together for 11 albums, i can think of many band with almost perfect discographies (that would be a better/fairer question to ask, bands/artists with almost perfect discographies). 11 albums is too much for any band, autechre did it good for them i guess.

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The Martin brothers could fit the requirements for quality and output for some.


Starflyer 59 - Just released LP13 and they are all high quality (some better than others but all very good) to me.

Joy Electric - Also just released LP13 but for me, I really dig the last 6 or 7 but I can't stand the earlier stuff. I know most fans would disagree and think that some of his earliest works are the best. I just don't like the singing style of that era.

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This thread is stupid, Its hard for you to think of more bands because most bands dont stay together for 11 albums, i can think of many band with almost perfect discographies (that would be a better/fairer question to ask, bands/artists with almost perfect discographies). 11 albums is too much for any band, autechre did it good for them i guess.

lol, angry much?

of course it's subjective, it's not like I judge a band as good only if they can release 11 solid albums. I just find ae's longevity pretty remarkable.


I'm also curious how many successful "duos" there are that have made amazing music, historically. Electronic music seems to have more than usual - offhand there's Orbital and Boards of Canada, to name two. How about historically, were any classical composers duos?

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This thread is stupid, Its hard for you to think of more bands because most bands dont stay together for 11 albums, i can think of many band with almost perfect discographies (that would be a better/fairer question to ask, bands/artists with almost perfect discographies). 11 albums is too much for any band, autechre did it good for them i guess.

lol, angry much?

of course it's subjective, it's not like I judge a band as good only if they can release 11 solid albums. I just find ae's longevity pretty remarkable.


I'm not angry, i just find the question posed by the op a bit unfair (maybe you should phrase it better or something, to me it sounds a bit of fanboism), i dont think we should give autechre awards for being able to record 11 albums because the circumstances allowed them to, dont get me wrong good for them but you know, Mat Jarvis released one album in 20 years.

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Squarepusher has 12 or 13 LPs I think, but they're kind of hit and miss.

Feed Me Weird Things and Big Loada are two of TJ's top albums I think. Hard Normal Daddy and Selection Sixteen are good too. Pretty much most of this pre-Y2K works.

Never delved much into his 21st Century stuff, aside from Hello Everything.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Sonic Youth had an absolutely exceptional 15 album run (up until The Eternal, which was dull), almost all of which I think are pretty special records in their own way. NYC Ghosts is the obvious combo breaker that loads of people hate but I still have a soft spot for it. Throw in the SYR discs, the EPs, the soundtrack work, the countless collabs/side projects etc and you have a discography that few can fuck with.


The bolded titles are top drawer imo:


Sonic Youth

Confusion is Sex

Bad Moon Rising






Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star

Washing Machine

A Thousand Leaves

NYC Ghosts

Murray Street

Sonic Nurse

Rather Ripped

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Yeah. Even if you only counted electric-era Miles Davis, sick run.


Even if you only counted 'classic quartet' Coltrane stuff and afterwards, sick run.


David Bowie from late 60's up until, say, Scary Monsters and Super Creeps.


Milton Nascimento from '66-'78 is definitely a sick run.


Some people might count Will Oldham's ouevre.


Broadcast didn't put out a bad note.


Same with Burial (IMO, obv).


I would definitely count Deerhoof.


Flaming Lips are prolific and awesome.


Flying Lotus hasn't put out a bad note (IMO).


Same with Four Tet (IMO).


I'm not much of a Zappa fan but according to some criteria he would qualify.


Some might say Tortoise and Jesus Lizard.


Wayne Shorter's run of 60's albums are perfect IMO.


Joni Mitchell?


Robert Johnson's tragically-small ouevre is spotless.


Lou Reed's solo stuff until about '77 or so.


Some might say Morrissey.


Everything Polvo did save for the most recent album.


Some might try to say Robert Pollard but they would be way wrong because dude loves to release random shitty stoned basement jams.


Scott Walker?




All of the Velvet Underground ablums are perfect (except Squeeze, but that doesn't count obviously).



And for the record I will say I love all of the early Squarepusher, so sick run in my book.

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I'll most likely catch quite a lot of shit for this but I find Venetian Snares has fairly decent quality control if you ignore the last few releases he's done. Not every track or every album is good but it is plentiful and prolific and most of it is pretty good.

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I would definitely count Deerhoof.


came here to mention them, 10 albums since holdypaws all very strong.



bardo pond

dead can dance


mouthus - only active since 2004 but super consistent 12 albums run

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Yes to Plaid and Steve Roach. Steve Roach has put out a ridiculous amount of music over the last few decades, and ignoring cover art/names, most of it is total quality. If you like that sort of thing. 'Blood Machine' (with Vir Unis) is a particularly original and wonderful listen.

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