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stupid first world achievements and successes


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Went to see Battles live yesterday in Reims (700km flight) in a really small venue, the concert was great and after the show I had the chance to shake hands and talk a little to them. Bought a copy of the EP C/B EP reissue in the club and got it signed by all 3 members :emotawesomepm9: They look kind of chill to say the least !

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Lol god dammit. I always post in the FWS for my FWP. Oh well. Chalk that one up on the list too. Mods, ban me if needed, I'll do my time.


I'll add a FWS to even things out - Rented a machinedrum and pretty sure I'm gonna buy it. Fuckin' awesome lil' box it is...




wrung thraed, blysk? still, no greater achievement than knowledge of self. :catsalute:


though it's entirely possible that he just got a cold and this had nothing to do with the cocaine.



Nah, I know my body well enough to know the difference between colds and sinus infections. After 6 years of fighting constant infections due to a deviated septum and malformed right maxillary sinus, I know the feeling quite well. This is the first I've had in a year and a half since my surgery to repair both of those.




After 6 years of fighting constant infections due to a deviated septum and malformed right maxillary sinus, I know the feeling quite well.


Me too, I feel your pain. I should probably get the operation, but fuck it.




Having dealt with the same medical condition, and having been diagnosed with a deviated septum as well as having the surgery that also removed my tonsils and adenoids I believe the diagnosis to be inaccurate, or at the very least, over diagnosed as the problem.


More commonly what is the problem is that you get sinus infections and begin taking antibiotics to heal said infection. It works, but then your immune system is compromised so you cannot stay healthy for very long. If you use more antibiotics you are setting the stage for fungal infection, and this is especially true if your diet is not adequate. Having battled with this problem for at least a decade and curing it myself, I can give you a couple tips for improving the situation.


What works:


- Fixing your gut microbiome, if you have leaky gut due to years of antibiotic use and inadequate diet then you will have an malfunctioning immune system that will worsen your overall ability to live with healthy sinuses. A clear sign you might have leaky gut is if you feel a "flare up" after you eat certain foods. If you see mucus on your stool it's likely that your gut lining is literally disintegrating and coming out of your body. This is a very bad sign. Certain foods and supplements help heal the gut, and can be used as part of a gut healing protocol.


- Improving your diet = reducing sugar intake including carbohydrates, alcohol, starches, and high sugar fruits (sour is better generally). If you can go full keto that will also improve the situation. Fasting for a few days, which one can achieve on a keto diet, has been shown to reboot the immune system.


- Rinsing your sinuses once or twice daily with a mixture of Himalayan Pink Salt (this is my preference, it is the most gentle) ( around a teaspoon in 8 oz of water, or you could add more to create a hypertonic solution aimed at making a less friendly place for unfriendly invaders in your sinus cavities) Methylsufonylmethane (MSM) aka sulfur, use 500 to 1000 mg per 8 oz of warm water. If this solution dries your sinuses then apply bacitracin to the inside of the nose with a q-tip after rinsing the sinuses.


- you can add a natural antibiotic protocol to this solution, by using grapefruit seed extract, garlic oil, and/or tea tree oil. All of these things inflame your sinus cavities, because they are hard on the soft membranes, but if you use a VERY SMALL AMOUNT in your sinus rinse it can also improve the situation, but I wouldn't use any of these everyday. Generally I use 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract, 2 drops of garlic oil, or 1 drop of tea tree oil in a 8 oz solution.


- If you have reoccurring infection even after using antibiotics and the methods outlined here, then try an antifungal protocol. If you visit a doctor for antifungals request an oral dosage as well as a lozenge/oral rinse. They will try to convince you that you are wrong about this diagnosis, but force them to prescribe it. Reason being, antibiotics and diet set the stage for fungal infection and chronic sinusitis. Studies have shown above 95% rate of fungal infection in people who suffer from chronic sinusitis. If you don't want to visit a doctor you can use a topical anti-fungal and rinse your mouth daily as well as applying it via the sinus rinse solution + q-tips inside the nose. I would start with a 14-30 day protocol.


- Supplement with high doses (1+ grams per day) of vitamin C & around 4000 IU of Vitamin D per day for the average sized adult male.



I used to suffer from permanent sinusitis and infection, and I am cured now after applying the anti-fungal protocol using dissolved lotrimin (anti-fungal) and MSM.


I now only do a maintenance routine of rinsing my sinuses a few times a week with himalayan pink salt and 1000mg of MSM in warm water.


I also used to have allergies with symptoms such as dry itchy eyes, sneezing, malaise, etc., but I no longer suffer from those issues.


I hope this helps. If it works let me know, because I'm very curious.


I've even been so desperate to inject hydrogen peroxide into my sinus cavity. I don't recommend it btw...


disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and not responsible if you kill yourself or experience complications or permanent sinus damage.

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I'm not a doctor


I never take antibiotics for minor head colds, even though I get them all the time (I have a mild one right now, they don't really bother me that much to be honest). I've probably only taken them about 2-3 times my entire adult life (once for an ear infection, incredibly painful) and the other times with a bad flu with a fever.


You said you also had the surgery though, so not sure why you think all the other things you did were the cure and not the surgery? By surgery I presume you mean they unblocked your nasal airways? That's the most likely thing to have fixed your allergy problems, also good for preventing head colds apparently (makes it less likely for pollen and other things to settle in the nasal cavity). I also suffer from hayfever, it used to trigger asthma when I was younger (asthma is almost entirely gone now, might need a puff on an inhaler once a year, maybe every other year). Allergies in general tend to dissipate on their own anyway as you age (as your immune system slowly gets it's act together), the hay fever is less of a problem now than it was five years ago as well.

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Eat more animals, eat less plants. Supplement zinc, magnesium, and optionally quality mushroom extract. Eat during a small limited amount of hours daily and give your intestines a rest. Food deprivation strengthens the immune response generally.

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I'm not a doctor


I never take antibiotics for minor head colds, even though I get them all the time (I have a mild one right now, they don't really bother me that much to be honest). I've probably only taken them about 2-3 times my entire adult life (once for an ear infection, incredibly painful) and the other times with a bad flu with a fever.


You said you also had the surgery though, so not sure why you think all the other things you did were the cure and not the surgery? By surgery I presume you mean they unblocked your nasal airways? That's the most likely thing to have fixed your allergy problems, also good for preventing head colds apparently (makes it less likely for pollen and other things to settle in the nasal cavity). I also suffer from hayfever, it used to trigger asthma when I was younger (asthma is almost entirely gone now, might need a puff on an inhaler once a year, maybe every other year). Allergies in general tend to dissipate on their own anyway as you age (as your immune system slowly gets it's act together), the hay fever is less of a problem now than it was five years ago as well.




I had the surgery 10 years ago. It did not stop the sinusitis. I fixed the problem completely 2 months ago, using the method I outlined above + good diet & supplementation.

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Also, there is not a relationship between allergies, which is an immune response, and open nasal passages. I do not even accept that my deviated septum was the root cause of anything, or even that big of a deal, nor do I accept that it has been improved much at all by the surgery.


The thing is, that deviated septum is an issue, but it also requires inflammation in the cavities to become a serious problem.


Deviated septum, which is common, is an easy way to get people into your office for expensive surgeries.

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Also, there is not a relationship between allergies, which is an immune response, and open nasal passages.


It's an immune response to pollen in your nasal passages tho, there's an obvious relationship.

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Also, there is not a relationship between allergies, which is an immune response, and open nasal passages.


It's an immune response to pollen in your nasal passages tho, there's an obvious relationship.



right, but a deviated septum doesn't play into that, because the thing that you're allergic to will cause inflammation which will close those passages anyway. it's just something they can easily identify in order to get your insurance to cover it.


but closed nasal passages does not cause allergies. that's what I'm saying. allergies cause closed nasal passages.


and allergies can be fixed by fixing your immune system and overall health. I did this by myself. Even after my surgery if I had a response to something I still wouldn't be able to breath out of my nose very well.


a lot of things are being treated improperly. sinusitis and allergies are two of those things.

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right, but a deviated septum doesn't play into that, because the thing that you're allergic to will cause inflammation which will close those passages anyway. it's just something they can easily identify in order to get your insurance to cover it.


it does, or at least it can, depending on the degree to which it causes a blockage (most people have it to some degree, it's only in extreme cases that you should get something done about it). it's not causing an allergic reaction, just making you more susceptible to one. if you can resolve the allergic reaction some other way, then great, surgery should be a last resort type deal.

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It's a topsy turvy world out there.


We still have to do the front brakes, but I'm glad we got it done. Gives one a feeling of self satisfaction not relying on a mechanic.

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not to doubt your workmanship but did you test them? you don't want to be in an emergency braking situation and find that they don't work.

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you better check yo, these things can be tricky sometimes.


one way to find out is to take a quick mental inventory of any ambitions or dreams you had planned in for the next 5-10 years and tick off which have been destroyed beyond hope. if we're talking over 50%, there's a good chance you have def bought a house.



congs on tha real. in these times this is no easy feat.


Edited by usagi
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you better check yo, these things can be tricky sometimes.


one way to find out is to take a quick mental inventory of any ambitions or dreams you had planned in for the next 5-10 years and tick off which have been destroyed beyond hope. if we're talking over 50%, there's a good chance you have def bought a house.



congs on tha real. in these times this is no easy feat.



Actually, I took over the house that I've lived in for the past 7 years and I got it 15% under what it costs, so as soon as I sell it I should be able to make some money off of it. Kinda makes me want to sell it immediately.

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