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Margaret Thatcher has died.

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Guest Aserinsky


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Is it me getting old and grumpy or are kids more ignorant and stupid today than before? It probably doesn't help that they can now broadcast their ignorance with such ease for all the world to see. Perhaps it's been like this the whole time, now it's just more apparent.

Thatcher seems to be a unique case in that respect. On one hand, it seems somewhat disturbing that so many people don't know about such influential political figures. On the over hand though, there's a frequent criticism among many that in order to criticise Thatcher you must have been alive to have a valid opinion. When you place prominent figures like that in a vacuum of time like that, which is pretty ridiculous because Thatcherism as an ideology is still heavily prominent today and her actions have certainly made a huge impact on society (or in her opinion a lack thereof), its kinda a given that many younger people aren't going to know who she is. Then again when I was a teenager there was a huge culture of anti-intellectualism that inevitably most people grow out of; social media probably just presents it in a way we've never encountered to up close before.


Interesting a similar principle of avoiding criticism happens whenever a political leader dies, in that they're instantly presented in the media as an untouchable figure and any criticism regarding their actions instantly becomes immoral. WATMM's favourite political hunk Glenn Greenwald wrote a piece for the Guardian today that summarises how such handling of a prominent figure's death can distort history.

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I'm all for celebrating the death of this selfish callous fuck, but one of her protégés is in power now - we're just as fucked as we were in the 80s. Can he die as well?

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Did we post the Ken Loach quote here yet? No?

How should we honour her? Lets privatise her funeral. Put it out to competitive tender and accept the cheapest bid. Its what she would have wanted.

/stuff people write on facebook.
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Guest Aserinsky

Yup, the Equatorial Guinea coup d'etat attempt of 2004; one of the most disgusting examples of white man's burden. Taking into consideration the gollywog controversy regarding Carol Thatcher in 2009 as well, it's highly questionable what morals the Thatcher family actually had behind closed doors. I guess it's not exactly surprising coming from someone that labelled Nelson Mandela a terrorist until public opinion stated otherwise.

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Meh, I dunno. She wasn't a hero to me or something. It's just, you open these kind of threads and people seem to be loving the news. That can't be right?


If someone spent their days making the world worse for the many for the benefit of the few then I think it's fair.

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Pisses me off when people die and it's a source of amusement for people, particularly when they don't really know what they're talking about.


Don't get pissed off so easily :)


yeah i mean if she was just any other person who wasn't complicit in heinous acts working tandem with Ronald Reagan i could understand getting miffed maybe, but come on dude this is Margaret Fucking Thatcher, are you sure that people here celebrating don't know what they're talking about? Or maybe it's possible *you* don't?


If you're a fan of her I could also understand getting miffed, but if that's the case a lof of people including me will spew venom at you in this thread

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