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I love you Eugene but what do you have to say about this?


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Watto is more of a Jewish stereotype that Goebbels would be proud of. But then again, both Jews and Arabs are Semitic people, so I guess it's anti-semitic. Star Wars is pretty full of racist stereotypes when you think about it.


Yeah I agree actually, he looks more like a caricature of a hasidic Jew. Wonder what Spielberg thought of that.


(without reading the article)

as far as i understand the final resolution will be based on 67 lines plus land swaps, so the palestinians will get land equal (or about equal, 97% was the number being thrown) to the size of west bank+gaza. so theoretically it doesn't really matter if settlements are getting expanded (though maybe there is something about land quality and water that i should look into) if that princple is upheld, and it probably us as otherwise palestinian wouldn't enter the negotiations. another things that "new housing units" in the settlements doesn't necessarily mean land grab, the last batch of of approved construction was to be done in already existing settlements.


regarding legal stuff it's a clusterfuck im not really capable of getting into, while it's true that the whole of west bank is regarded as a palestinian territory some land trade is being conducted anyway between the settlers and palestinian land owners, if there are expulsions it usually went through high court which isn't known for pro settlement bias so you need to look into each case specifically and why the expulsion actually happen, it's usually more complex than "x palestinains were expelled from their homes because israel is evil". there's also this mess with ottoman and british laws (that are still used as a basis for land claims) clashing with israeli ones and international ones that is impenetrable for me.


"Denial" ain't just a river in Egypt, lol.


I quite like you as well, Eugene, but your rationalizations on this point are comical. The MO of the most whacked-out Israeli settlers has nothing to do with rights, ethics, or law, it is simply: "we take whatever we can get away with."

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Watto is more of a Jewish stereotype that Goebbels would be proud of. But then again, both Jews and Arabs are Semitic people, so I guess it's anti-semitic. Star Wars is pretty full of racist stereotypes when you think about it.


Yeah I agree actually, he looks more like a caricature of a hasidic Jew. Wonder what Spielberg thought of that.


(without reading the article)

as far as i understand the final resolution will be based on 67 lines plus land swaps, so the palestinians will get land equal (or about equal, 97% was the number being thrown) to the size of west bank+gaza. so theoretically it doesn't really matter if settlements are getting expanded (though maybe there is something about land quality and water that i should look into) if that princple is upheld, and it probably us as otherwise palestinian wouldn't enter the negotiations. another things that "new housing units" in the settlements doesn't necessarily mean land grab, the last batch of of approved construction was to be done in already existing settlements.


regarding legal stuff it's a clusterfuck im not really capable of getting into, while it's true that the whole of west bank is regarded as a palestinian territory some land trade is being conducted anyway between the settlers and palestinian land owners, if there are expulsions it usually went through high court which isn't known for pro settlement bias so you need to look into each case specifically and why the expulsion actually happen, it's usually more complex than "x palestinains were expelled from their homes because israel is evil". there's also this mess with ottoman and british laws (that are still used as a basis for land claims) clashing with israeli ones and international ones that is impenetrable for me.


"Denial" ain't just a river in Egypt, lol.


I quite like you as well, Eugene, but your rationalizations on this point are comical. The MO of the most whacked-out Israeli settlers has nothing to do with rights, ethics, or law, it is simply: "we take whatever we can get away with."


it's their wish but they can't operate outside of the grid, im not defending them because im against this stuff but many times they do have a case with legal land purchase.

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What a dumb thread.


yeah, really. Yet another forum for winding eugene up, when there's so many other threads that already involve this. Everyone but eugene already accepts that israel is a paraiah state, and it's only a matter of time before that matter is rectified by those both internally and internationally. So why do we need to bash the poor kid about something that not years, nor millions of words have motivated a change of heart over. This is kind of an analogy of the problem itself, with our eugene the living embodiment of it. Nevertheless, beyond that he doesn't need the aggrivation of a fking thread like this. Live and let live.


/end thread

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Gonna reopen the thread as the op has stated quite clearly his desire was not to bait Eugene.

If things get out of control (in an Israel/Palestine thread? Lol) then it can be locked.


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Do you really think it's remotely civil to single out a watmm member solely based on his country of origin and ask him to morally represent his government's actions? I think it's just plain ignorant.


I agree + faq Israel!

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Watto is more of a Jewish stereotype that Goebbels would be proud of. But then again, both Jews and Arabs are Semitic people, so I guess it's anti-semitic. Star Wars is pretty full of racist stereotypes when you think about it.


Yeah I agree actually, he looks more like a caricature of a hasidic Jew. Wonder what Spielberg thought of that.


TBH I find the attributes used in anti-Semitic caricatures - the large and hooked noses, sinister eyes and facial hair, have a lot of crossover between both anti-Arab and anti-Israeli political cartoons. I remember looking through old Time and Newsweek magazines from the 1973 oil embargo, and the political cartoons were quite racist in their portrayal of Sauds and Arabs (most Arabs were portrayed in very stereotypical in the 70s overall). Didn't help that many Saudi Kings weren't exactly lookers:








I'm always baffled how much ethnic hatred, whether it's anti-Islamic and anti-Arab views help by Israelis, or anti-Antisemitism that is widespread in the Arab world, the fact is they both speak Semitic languages and are genetically not that different. Hell, Palestinians and Israeli Jews share very similar genetic make-ups. The divisions come down to irrational nationalism and religious zeal. Ok, that's generalizing and simplifying the current political situation too much, but I just had to point that out.


Either way, Arafat looks more like Ringo Starr than anyone else.



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Israeli settlements in the occupied territories[1] (commonly referred to as simply Israeli settlements[2]) are the Jewish civilian communities built on lands occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War. Such settlements currently exist in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and in the Golan Heights. Settlements also existed in the Sinai and Gaza Strip until Israel evacuated the Sinai settlements following the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace agreement and unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Strip in 2005. Israel dismantled 18 settlements in the Sinai Peninsula in 1982, and all 21 in the Gaza Strip and 4 in the West Bank in 2005,[3] but continues to both expand its settlements and settle new areas in the West Bank in spite of the Oslo Accords, which specified in article 31 that neither side would take any step that would change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations. However, Israeli settlement expansion has continued unabated.[4][5][6][7][8]

The international community considers the settlements in occupied territory to be illegal.[9] Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and communities in the Golan Heights, areas which have been annexed by Israel, are also considered settlements by the international community, which does not recognise Israel's annexations of these territories.[10] The United Nations has repeatedly upheld the view that Israel's construction of settlements constitutes violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.[11][12] The International Court of Justice[13] also says these settlements are illegal,[14][15] and no foreign governments support Israel's settlements.[16] In April 2012, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, in response to moves by Israel to legalise Israeli outposts, reiterated that all settlement activity is illegal, and "runs contrary to Israel's obligations under the Road Map and repeated Quartet calls for the parties to refrain from provocations."[17] Similar criticism was advanced by the EU and the US.[18][19] Israel disputes the position of the international community and the legal arguments that were used to declare the settlements illegal.[20]

The ongoing expansion of existing settlements by Israel and the construction of settlement outposts is frequently criticized as an obstacle to the peace process by the Palestinians[21] and third parties, including the United Nations,[22]Russia,[23] the United Kingdom,[24] the European Union,[25] and the United States.[22]

As of July 2012, according to the Israeli interior ministry, 350,150 Jewish settlers live in the 121 officially-recognised settlements in the West Bank, 300,000 Israelis live in settlements in East Jerusalem and over 20,000 live in settlements in the Golan Heights.[26][27] Settlements range in character from farming communities and frontier villages to urban suburbs and neighborhoods. The three largest settlements, Modi'in Illit, Maale Adumim and Betar Illit, have achieved city status, with over 30,000 residents each.




A penny for your thoughts Eugene?

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make no mistake, the settlements are indeed illegal.


eugene is simply making the case for legality based on what israel decides is legal for itself. it's perfectly "legal" so long as at some mysterious point in the future israel "swaps" the land it took for, like, some other totally cool land that's TOTALLY just as good and stuff.

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