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List Two Strange Facts About Yourself


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Guest disparaissant

similar to yours, i have a hard time falling asleep unless i watch one of two television shows first: either mystery science theater 3000, or cosmos.


second strange fact is that i am legion.

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Guest RadarJammer

1. i haven't worn denim in many years

2. i religiously wear my socks and underwear inside out thanks to something sean connery said in a movie once

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1. I am the only person in my immediate family who didn't braces and doesn't wear glasses/contacts.


2. I didn't realize it until years later, but I spent numerous years living in the near vicinity of nuclear bombs on three different occasions: twice as I lived at RAF Lakenheath and for years as I lived at Dyess AFB. In other nuke related fact: both my grandparents on my mom's side and dad's side met at Carswell AFB in the late 50s and early 60s respectively, during the height of the cold war. It was a major bomber base akin to the one in Dr. Strangelove. They were then all serving rather short (4-6 year) enlisted stints in the USAF, and they all worked as civilians most of their lives in the Dallas Fort-Worth area.

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