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These hipster scarves need to stop

Rubin Farr

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They're called ''Apocalypse ready hipsters'' and thankfully it's a look which hasn't left the catwalk apart from the guy on the left who was arrested last year on the grounds of ''too much Mad Max chic with intent to irony''.

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You mean like this?



That guy needs to catch some serious zzzzzz's.

Eyes of the devil, he's seen things no hipster should see.

His own reflection.



Looks like make-up to be perfectly honest.

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They're called ''Apocalypse ready hipsters'' and thankfully it's a look which hasn't left the catwalk apart from the guy on the left who was arrested last year on the grounds of ''too much Mad Max chic with intent to irony''.


I believe it's more a case of - he's probably homeless?

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Hobo chic/ apocalypse-ready (fauxpocalypse, just made that up) is a zeitgeist term. It simply entered and exited our mouths without ever hearing it, but we have seen all the necessary art/media to give us the idea.


Look for heavy elements of that aesthetic in the new Apes movie. Mark my words. People are going to start wearing capes and yellow goggles and leather hats, and they are going to spend a lot of time walking around in dusty parking lots so they can get the weathered look in. Somehow E-cigarettes will fit into this.

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Yeah so tired of seeing dudes wear these all the time.




FLOL at that.



Actress needs to spend less time prancing on the catwalk and more time writing "finished" tracks.

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this seems more relegated to the yupster not so much the generalized 'hipster'. Alot of dot-com employee yupsters in SF. They are basically hipsters who got there late to the party and now get overcharged by the business and organizations who already felt like the regular hipsters had a field day at too low of a cost. The hipsters are the ones who clean out thrift stores of cool shit. The Yupsters are the ones who buy hipster procured thrift store items for 5-10x marked up value at boutique 'thrift' stores. Yupsters are also very much into personal hygiene and have a much lower facial hair quotient


YES! Yupsters is the word I've been looking for. The entire city of Austin is literally zoning areas for condos, restaurants, and shops that cater to this demographic, and the companies they work for. Local DIY and "mom and pop" shops are being bought out or forced out via taxes and rising property values and in their place are often modern faux "hip" developments. Most of it looks like Dallas or Houston but with a superficial "weird" name or image to fit Austin's trademark cool reputation.


People call said people are yuppies, d-bags, trust babies, etc. and usually blame California for the influx, but it's really not that demographic that has suddenly appeared here in the last few years. It's the yupsters. They're not the only people to blame and all but they're front and center for sure. People just call broadly them "hipsters"


Speaking of, here's a long story about that. My friends band played a house party on New Years Eve and when I went it was full of these people. The first thing I was asked (keep in mind, this is a house party) was if I paid by some bitchy chick. I lied that I did, and found out later the guy hosting it uses some app that lets you "pay friends back." This was after they asked for food and beer (which my wife and I brought). All they had were some kegs and some liquor, which again, MOST HOUSE PARTIES DO THIS AND ARE FREE AND THE PEOPLE HOSTING IT ARE USUALLY POOR OR WORKING CLASS. Oh, they didn't pay the band either, who assumed the party was free. Most of the people there worked for tech startups, marketing or ad firms, or ATX's other tech offices, including facebook. They were friendly but so odd and "calculated" as if they were trying to sell something all the time. Thankfully a few normal people were their too.


The icing on the cake was they interrupted a decent DJ set so a DJ they hired could throw a "Silent DJ Party." Basically a guy played EDM and top40 dance off of a laptop to 20+ headphones for people to dance too. So all you saw were people dancing and humming, half-singing, or moaning in what was otherwise silence. I get it (keeps noise down for neighbors?) but I didn't get it. I actually hated it. It was hilarious surreal though. The best part was when the DJ played this Miley Cyrus song and people danced in silence, unaware that the joke was on them...



it was called "Silent Disco" seriously wtf:


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oh my god, now i hate austin.

Most of the people there worked for tech startups, marketing or ad firms, or ATX's other tech offices, including facebook. They were friendly but so odd and "calculated" as if they were trying to sell something all the time.



this describes almost everyone under thirty in the northern virginia/dc metro area.

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