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LA Gangbangers Fighting in Syria (homie!)


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They're aiming their rifles wrong. The stock's gotta be held against the shoulder, not waved around like some first place trophy in the Indy 500.

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They over in Syria not givin a FUCK but givin a FUCK is what got them over to Syria in the first place homie

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I feel pretty ripped off that after living in LA for almost 10 years I've only heard a vato call me homie once or twice, at the most

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On the most recent photo he uploaded, a friend commented: “the turkish sluaghterer. proud to have you protect our people dawg, its people like you gonna be written about in our history books to come. modern day fedayi homies.”


:facepalm: mad douche chills

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oh snap. got some.




Me and my boi he has my back i have his in a front line




fuck snitches and bithces 187 on pigs.



i'm trying to figure out who the fine fox they shouted out is. she must be one serious broad

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read the comments to that report. The take home is not these muppets but to remember that It's pretty sickening what the US sponsored death squads are doing to christians in the towns and villages of syria.

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read the comments to that report. The take home is not these muppets but to remember that It's pretty sickening what the US sponsored death squads are doing to christians in the towns and villages of syria.



That's probably the most brutal act I've read about, easily not the first. There's been very little coverage on how often public torture and horrendous mob executions have been carried out by Syrian rebels. Same with all the focus on chemical weapons, that stuff is nasty but the Western focus on that over all the other atrocities shows some irresponsible bias. Even outlets like NPR aren't doing their job as journalists.


I wasn't alive in the late 70s and 80s but I always got the impression Lebanon was covered frequently in the news. Syria is horrendous and it's at best a "news item" like 20, 30 minutes after other headlines, even it's covered at all.

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