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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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"Gun Violence is a Public Health Crisis" - Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy


The rate of firearm-related deaths in our nation has been rising and reached a near three-decade high in 2021.

More than three-quarters of adults (79%) in the U.S. report experiencing stress from the possibility of a mass shooting, and one in three adults (33%) say fear prevents them from going to certain places or events.

Beyond the profound consequences of surviving a firearm‑related injury, those who do not experience direct bodily harm often grapple with mental health consequences related to firearm violence exposure, including community members, children and adolescents, and families.



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14 hours ago, ignatius said:

i'm all for exposing government bullshit and secrets etc.. and support things like the pentagon papers coming out back in the nixon era.. and i think what happened more than once in recent times with leaking of classified docs is simply a continuation of that type of event. the problems came when that data was shared with the wrong people who didn't treat with respect it needed and shared wrong info at wrong time and exposed people to harm who were either in middle of a war or some kind of clandestine action. lives were put at risk because of the carelessness of assange.  the people around the massive amounts of data did a mostly good job. but there's enough word of mouth type evidence that assange was grandstanding during all this and made some really bad choices that were self serving to his ego and profile. this, to me, makes me think he was the wrong person for this job. the wrong person to be involved in handling the release of this information. so, kind of a prick. 

there's documentaries about this and his interactions with newspapers and journalists etc.. so, if you go back through all that info you can see where he was selfish and went again better judgement of people around him.. like an arrogant prick. 

edit: but i don't think he's enemy number one like some seem to think. a lot of this was blown up to a big story because of US 3 letter agencies being butthurt. 

edit edit: also, who were you expecting to face trial? i didn't think there would be a trial. anything is/was possible  and i guess someone would step up to represent him but w/o snowden also around to play a part it seems like not all the details would come out. 

he carelessly exposed his contacts and sources, that is the biggest thing i despise about him. as for his journalist handlers, i bet no one dared to touch the stuff fearing for his/her life (or they were shills), which is fucked up as it can get.

i agree that his reasons might have been based too much on his ego-mania. i wouldn't care for it, if he was careful, thorough and professional.

i don't agree, however, on exposing clandestine actions. they are not clandestine for the right reasons (only on paper).

in the end, he really didn't make any favors for him. hi modus operandi soiled his plans and made him a sitting duck, but i'd attribute this more to his immaturity than outright assholeness, idk

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On 6/25/2024 at 12:14 AM, arti said:

That sounds awsome, what you're alternative?  Pepertual warfare with the Bidens and Clintons with the Middle East,  Biden has already initiated funding to Israel with upcoming war with Lebanon and HezBollah. Biden is so deep in pocket with China and Ukraine and Russia he dare call it out.  You do know everytime they 'aid' countries with missiles all these fucks working congress make a profit, why stop it.  Keep the money rolling..


Most of your posts are soundbyte snips of social media and corporate media, i do not take them that seriously and neither shoud you. Research is key.


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who cares what he's like. the Assange case isn't about him as a person. in fact that was an intentional part of the distraction from the leaks.

On 6/25/2024 at 5:14 PM, cichlisuite said:

it's entirely possible he was released for the election points and he probably also had some dirt to trade, or maybe even to forego his wikileaks gig in exchange for freedom, all of which is what really bothers me (aka no one responsible is ever going to face trial)

I've seen some analysts also say that the US is concerned for the freedom of some of their journalists who are being persecuted in Russia, and they're therefore motivated by the double standard optics in that context. either way, I doubt there will be any positive change coming out of this saga, in terms of freedom of information. my view is that Assange should never have gotten publicly in front of that information. leaks/whistleblowing should be done anonymously when there is even the smallest chance of you being targeted and having your entire life destroyed.

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5 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

he carelessly exposed his contacts and sources, that is the biggest thing i despise about him. as for his journalist handlers, i bet no one dared to touch the stuff fearing for his/her life (or they were shills), which is fucked up as it can get.

i agree that his reasons might have been based too much on his ego-mania. i wouldn't care for it, if he was careful, thorough and professional.

i don't agree, however, on exposing clandestine actions. they are not clandestine for the right reasons (only on paper).

in the end, he really didn't make any favors for him. hi modus operandi soiled his plans and made him a sitting duck, but i'd attribute this more to his immaturity than outright assholeness, idk

it's a fine line on what and when to bring some things to light. some stuff.. like the comanche helicopter wasting civilians had to come out asap. that was from chelsea manning... there was a lot of data from snowden and they didn't handle it w/so much care as they should've. there were a few key moments in the story where the journos were saying "wait a minute on that bit for reasons" and they had a point and he went around them and released info anyways and it was presented poorly. my memory is fuzzy somewhat on exactly how that went down but it's well documented w/who did and said what and when and it's the one thing that really paints him as an asshole to me. 

but whatever.. as said.. it's not about him as a person... and generally i'm all for letting people know what's going on w/domestic spying and all these other things.  keep the 3 letter agencies on their toes.. hold some feet to the flames. 

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17 hours ago, Nebraska said:

More than three-quarters of adults (79%) in the U.S. report experiencing stress from the possibility of a mass shooting, and one in three adults (33%) say fear prevents them from going to certain places or events.

yesterday I was in my local Kroger at the self-check out, and I see this guy walking into the store with a shoulder holster packing 2 pistols. skinny white dude, skaterish hair cut, biker gloves, black clothing. it definitely got my spidey sense tingling. first time I'd thought about the mass shooting issue in awhile... 

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Effective immediately, Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through 12, according to a memo Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters sent to all school districts. Schools are instructed to refer to the Bible and the Ten Commandments for their “substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.”

“Immediate and strict compliance is expected,” the memo noted.



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all hail King Biden, may he terminate all political rivals to his throne & the very court that granted him the powers to do so. use the powers granted to remake the nation.

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3 minutes ago, auxien said:

all hail King Biden, may he terminate all political rivals to his throne & the very court that granted him the powers to do so. use the powers granted to remake the nation.

It is his official duty to defend America against all enemies foreign and domestic, so execute Trump immediately. 🇺🇸 

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13 hours ago, auxien said:

all hail King Biden, may he terminate all political rivals to his throne & the very court that granted him the powers to do so. use the powers granted to remake the nation.

It may indeed, actually be time to fix that burger.

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On 6/27/2024 at 9:07 AM, Rubin Farr said:




I see a lot of conversation around the purse I wore to the awards. Normally, I don’t address rumors and stuff but I’m not like that. I’ve never been like that. I’m not violent. I have obviously been through a lot in my personal life when it comes to gun violence. It’s very personal to me, but I just liked the bag. I thought it was cool and a fashion moment. That was it. I didn’t have any intentions of ruffling anyone’s feathers … I’m sorry if it bothered anyone.


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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A company has installed computerized vending machines to sell ammunition in grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas, allowing patrons to pick up bullets along with a gallon of milk.


“I’m very thankful for those who are taking the time to get to know us and not just making assumptions about what we’re about. We are very pro-Second Amendment, but we are for responsible gun ownership, and we hope we’re improving the environment for the community.” CEO Grant Magers



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