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Uber releases a guide on how to not get raped by their drivers

Rubin Farr

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I've never used Uber, but... have you guys never heard of a taxi driver rapist? This isn't terribly uncommon even if Uber "steps up" the background checks to cab-standards...

and I really don't understand the weird hate coming from logak and doublename, did you guys read an op-ed piece I need to see or something?? why such strong emotions?

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I personally don't mind uber. I use it when I go out to work functions and don't want to hassle with a DUI or parking tickets and have never been raped, believe it or not.


I'll sure as fuck take an uber over any of the cabs in Seattle. I had a dude try to rob me in his cab when I refused to pay in cash and asked to pay with my card. He started reaching for the money I had in my hand and telling me he had no change... it was a 100$ bill and fuck that. I got the fuck out of there and didn't pay, but still, scary shit.


Ladies, carry some pepper spray or a stun gun if you're that concerned. It doesn't make it okay that these people will do that to their passengers, but it'll stop them from doing anything while you run away.

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I've never used Uber, but... have you guys never heard of a taxi driver rapist? This isn't terribly uncommon even if Uber "steps up" the background checks to cab-standards...


and I really don't understand the weird hate coming from logak and doublename, did you guys read an op-ed piece I need to see or something?? why such strong emotions?

For real I was going to post the same thing. What makes uber drivers any different to another driver? Is it because uber is getting press? My ex was propositioned by a rapey taxi driver from one of the main taxi companies in my city but surely they are checked out in the same way uber check theirs. I don't get why uber drivers would be any different? (Or maybe I don't understand what uber is about?) Although the £30 thing is a bit of a piss take...
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whats the difference between this uber and a normal taxi?

when you ring a cab in scotland, if you were assaulted by a driver, you could immediately tell the police the company you booked it from and where and when it picked you up and the guy (or girl) would be identified easy as pish.

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I agree with the uber drivers are just as likely or unlikely crowd. Seems weird thing to get worked up about, like grabbing at straws for finally something to take down this thing that has been bugging you for a while or something.


Also, doesn't uber have a feedback system from consumers about drivers, which to me seems like a way to over time weed out the fuckwits. Some drivers have taken to carrying cold drinks and chocolates and other things to make the trip more pleasant for the passenger to increase their rep on the site. Apparently the driver can see the profile and a photo of the passenger and vice versa, this also seems like a way to pre vet the experience somewhat.


Years ago on here i was talking about having a similar reputation system for tradespeople, and ultimately anyone you'd be getting into some sort of business relationship with. So it's good to see this kind of thing moving along.

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i dread riding with just one other person in the car. that weird small talk. eck. id rather walk 5 miles than accept a ride from a sort of acquaintance. but most of my actual taxi rides have been fun.

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Uber is not a cab company: they provide technology for any person to use their vehicle as a means of public transportation.


The rape thing is neither here nor there in comparison to other cab companies. Obviously rape isn't great, but yeah now that taxi drivers are essentially independent contractors, there's no real liability for cab companies either.


However Uber is something we should all try and avoid. There is a large economic debate going on about this, but I believe this also goes beyond simple economics and relates viewing individuals as more than units within an economy. Rather it relates to striving to have a better place in society for everyone, including those in the service industry. I will present some simple thoughts here as to why this matters beyond economics. If you want to read about the economics of it: this gawker article does a great job of summing things up.



So going beyond the economics, why is Uber bad for society and those working in the service industry already? Well, Uber relies on a large pool of under-employed workers to make their business model at least look superficially viable (its valuation is quite over-inflated, as shown by analysis here). By using these under-employed workers to offer "ride-sharing" at cheaper rates than taxis, Uber is not only chipping away at a regulated industry, it is betting that the workers will remain under-employed, meaning they won't have the ability to regain sustainable full-time employment. So essentially, the company is hoping that the economy doesn't recover. Being a full-time Uber driver doesn't really make economic sense, and because uber is driving down fares, being a cab driver doesn't make sense either (who's going to take a cab when they can use a cheaper service). So cab drivers are now screwed, probably working as an Uber driver and some other low paying job. Cab companies are going out of business.

Now what happens when they economy recovers? Not enough workers for Uber so they have to fold, but no cab companies either. So those former cab drivers are down to their other shitty job. Maybe they have enough to get training for another career, maybe they don't, either way, they are certainly not better off than they were before Uber entered the market.


Additionally, because Uber is not a transportation company, but a technology company, they don't pay licensing fees to the city. This means a loss of revenue to the city, so less money toward services in the city. Furthermore, assuming that taxi companies are local, profits that accrue in the city are now also being diverted to Uber rather than to local companies, reducing money both spent in the city, and taxes paid to the home government. Again reducing services and potential income to the service industry.


Sorry, got distracted by dinner while I was writing this and lost my train of thought, but anyways, you can see that Uber is generally not good for society, and this whole sort of industry is one aimed purely at diminishing the middle class to establish a perpetual underclass.

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Autonomous cars will be a game changer, and something to plan for, but Uber is not.


Cities with fully automated fleets of cars are a long ways off unfortunately.

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Im pretty sure that would be illegal here. you cannot legally give strangers a lift for money without a cab license.


In Edinburgh? Or are you in Glasgow?

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Our government is trying to make it illegal in Montreal. As we've often heard before, the taxi business is similar to organized crime on a massive scale and Uber is kind of making fun of it. The taxi system is old and gangrenous, it needs to be changed, it needs to evolve. Uber showed the way, just like Netflix showed the way to old-fashioned cable. Every service has to be updated. I can buy myself a car with my iPhone but I can't order a taxi according to its location with a simple click? Do you realize how user-friendly and easy it is to use Uber? This is the Internet age! Instead of fighting it, the taxi business should take notes. Uber is here to stay.


We live in a capitalist society but suddenly, competition isn't fair when it means cheaper prices and better service for the public? ;)

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Whoever the hell 'Uber' are they'd be better off investing in training their drivers not to rape. Some therapy courses to control their animal urges or chemical castration. They are hiring beastly drivers with high sex drives which they can't control. Like the guy from Fake Taxi they should install cameras in the cabs.

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