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The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy

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Guest bitroast

Fat of the Land was the only good thing Prodigy ever put out. Experience and Jilted are actually quite cheesy & dated if you don't have nostalgia for 90s raves.

I don't have nostalgia for 90s raves and i dig those albums. Jilted moreso. Experience is a once in a blue moon cheesy slice of prodigy techno ravecore.

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that's the thing though, i was a way too young to even know what that was and everything else i listened to was rock stuff. i guess kind of felt there was something a bit cheesy about experience but it somehow transcended that. didn't listen to them as a teenager at all but rediscoved experience in a big way after that. he was just really creative on that record i think just pure thrill of all these changes and ideas! it still holds up after getting pretty deep into all the other cocurrent hardcore stuff of the time.


so there's definitely some kind of nostalgic element but to me it's family summer holidays, mountain biking, reading-tolkien, boc-y childhood shit i probably associate with it. (distinctly remember thinking that weather experience would perfectly soundtrack the lead up to and battle with the balrog in lotr perfectly haha)

weather experience (balrog acid mix)



Still, I think nostalgia goggles are required to enjoy that stuff these days.


I mean, listen to this shit:



That's the kind of thing someone would make today ironically to upload to their alt joke Soundcloud account.

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Weird how there's a complete lack of punch in those drums since their last album had plenty of punchy stuff. Hope it's just a case of bad Youtube compression. The track itself is not that bad. Kind of inoffensive maybe? I guess that's kind of bad for Prodigy actually.


Don't know. That first track they shared from the last one was underwhelming too but the album itself had a couple of good things on it.

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Still, I think nostalgia goggles are required to enjoy that stuff these days.


I mean, listen to this shit:



That's the kind of thing someone would make today ironically to upload to their alt joke Soundcloud account.



Kind of bugs me that they didn't put the other version of that track on the album. It is much better. As for the nostalgia thing, not so much. Good music is good music. The Prodigy Experience stands up as good music to me.

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the youtube comments about that tutorial videos are all praising Liam because he did it back in 97 with few machines and whatnot making him some kind of god...

but in 2015 with ableton live this nasty nasty song is unacceptable... fuck this shit :catrage:

maybe its a grower? naaaaahhhhh lol


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Oh God, it sounds like "The Prodigy". Perhaps the progression over the first three albums and the out-of-leftfield nature of AONO spoiled me, but I just find it so fucking disappointing when artists decide to try and just sound like a rough impression of their overall sound. Music for people who have a rough idea of what The Prodigy sound like.

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I get people saying the first two albums are a bit cheesy but Howlett at least experimented inbetween some of the big dance tunes. Experience had Weather Experience, Jilted finished with the narcotic suite, even when they got more rock-orientated for Fat of the Land it was at least a change and Firestarter is still fucking wicked. But the last album and judging by this the new one is the same old shit, new album, they have buckled and it's a bit embarrassing.

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I think Fat of the Land still sounds great. It's just as dated as the other two (sounding late 90s instead of early 90s), but it at least has some top-notch sound design and the song 'ideas' themselves are pretty cool. No cheesy PLUR piano synths to be found anywhere.

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Hmm, yeah the new track is pretty much the same sound design as the title track on Invaders. Still, I like that sound design, particularly the snare. I'll still check the album out when it's released.

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i love experience and jilted generation and after hearing the single i'm not even gonna waste my time on album

so many shitty comeback albums lately from bands that lost their mojo a looong time ago

but there is still hope, i bet my only ball that the new faith no more will kick ass and so will the new afx ep, hell even bjork mabye might pull a stunt

come to ivan 2015

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btw I used to have a friend who could never say the word "prodigy", it always came out as "prodology". it was so weird and funny that it just stuck with me, now every time I read the word "prodigy" I think "prodology". cool story bro.

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So, the first track:



Completely generic, still the same sound as the previous album, completely unimpressive. Not going to bother with the rest of the album :)


edit: has to be said that I've been listening to the Prodigy since I can remember, there's home videos of me at 3 y.o. dancing to my brothers Prodigy records, my first English words were the lyrics to Firestarter, my first rave was at a vacation kids disco where I could play my Experience CD over and over again, saw them and met that singing prick at my first proper festival in 2005, etc. After 2005 I completely lost touch with them though.

compare this ^ to this:



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