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Alien 5

Soloman Tump

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The fans wouldn't love that Sigourney. Shut the fuck up and make an appearance in the new Ghostbusters instead.


I really am quite unhappy that this movie is going to happen. Just kill me now u guyz :catsuicide:

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Got in a nerd argument with a friend the other day, who insists Alien 1&2 and Prometheus take place on the same planet. He still thinks the overturned Engineer's ship was the one discovered by the Nostromo. I was of the opinion "read the fucking placards at the beginning of the films FFS". Plus didn't they take off in that ship at the end of Prometheus?


Alien 1&2 - LV-426

Prometheus - LV-223

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I think they took another ship at the end, no? I don't think it's supposed to be the same one, in that case: where was the giant (or correctly sized) Space jockey with the burst chest, and why would it be on another planet?


Why did they even try to retcon all this shit. The mind boggles.

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Look guys its simple.


It is obviously a cunning ploy by Weyland.


In Prometheus 2 the company will rename the planets to throw people off the scent so they can send in scientists to secure that shit (Hudson).


Is Prometheus 2 going to be called "Lapetus"?


*waits for the phone call from the Fox writers team*

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Blomkamp said he sees his film Aligned with Alien/Aliens in the timeline. Looks like some time travel is gonna be taking place.


And when discussing Prometheus, can we start putting that under a NSFW tab. That movie is an abomination to god. Maybe a NSFG tab?



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I'm through the Gibson Alien 3 script now, it' sucking shite and probably a good preview of what this movie will be.

I.e. it picks up right after Aliens. There' some really shitty ideas in there and I mean total shit. E.g. the Alien reproduction becomes airborne, there's a shitload of aliens more or less appearing from thin air, and people just turn into grown aliens like in a fucking zombie flick.


imagine Resurrection, plus Hicks&Bishop, minus Ripley, plus Zombies & Russians.


the terrible thing is, the recent concept art does fit the Gibson script somewhat - they might have based the art on that script imo.

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Its pretty fucking brave to discount 2 complete films in the series if you ask me.


Regardless of what he thinks of the films, they are already part of the Alien world and they were made and released.

What if his new film turns out to be a steaming turd? I might prefer to disregard his film and stick with Alien 3 thank you very much.


Although in the broader picture, I disregard the Alien vs Predator films.

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Its pretty fucking brave to discount 2 complete films in the series if you ask me.


Regardless of what he thinks of the films, they are already part of the Alien world and they were made and released.

What if his new film turns out to be a steaming turd? I might prefer to disregard his film and stick with Alien 3 thank you very much.


Although in the broader picture, I disregard the Alien vs Predator films.

I dunno, I certainly discount them myself. Got just the first 2 movies on my dvd shelf and they work just fine for me as a pair.


I can't get too upset that they're having another crack at following those movies up as they screwed it up something awful first time round IMO. If they screw it up again, well, I'll still have those 2 movies on the shelf, same as before.

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I think they took another ship at the end, no? I don't think it's supposed to be the same one, in that case: where was the giant (or correctly sized) Space jockey with the burst chest, and why would it be on another planet?


Why did they even try to retcon all this shit. The mind boggles.

Yeah, they left in another Engineer spaceship, because David discovered there were many ships there (lending credence that LV-223 was a military installation for the Engineers).


Personally, I really liked Prometheus - was it perfect? No. Entertaining? For me, yep!


I lost respect for Blonkampt after Elysium and now Chappie (hating on Chappie because of Die Antwoord's inclusion), and honestly didn't find District 9 that entertaining, personally.

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Looks like more concept art from Blomkamp11393407_844484732311443_527990908376446

Mind-controlled Xenomorphs. Aliens mind-controlling humans has been an idea for some time, but now it seems to be the other way around. Well, I guess humans are technically the aliens if the Xenomorphs are the native inhabitants, but whatev.

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what? the humans are controlling the xenos? that's about as dumb a concept as pet raptors in the new Jurassic turd.

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I think they're just enjoying a VR rollercoaster ride.

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