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Fat Shaming?


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Not really sure what fat shaming is, but being fat is objectively bad (for your health) and you should work to stop being fat and gain 20 years of life. Fat isn't what US culture defines it as though which has unrealistically thin expectations in magazines and TV. Nothing wrong with being bigger unless it gets into the unhealthy area.

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that sounds awful baph. fuck them for doing that to you.

S'ok. Thanks. I got over it except for sort of never wanting kids; tiny little groupthink douchebags.

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I can relate Baph, about the man tits part. Don't think I had it quite as bad, but there were times that somebody would give me shit for having "oversized" tits, even as recently as last month. But that was a situation where I would've gotten hypothermia had I not changed shirts, so fuck 'em.

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Would probably be easier to just call it Bullying. Fat shaming, thin shaming, whatever, it's all bullying in the end, one person assuming they're above another and mocking them for it.


Don't do that. Let's be cool to each other.




I'd also like to add that shame, by its proper definition, is not a bad thing and something that various other aspects of society could actually use a bit more of. If you engage in some sort of morally reprehensible behavior, you should feel shame, and that shame amongst your peer group should inhibit you from further engaging in it - of course this rarely happens until a person gets caught, and even then they're 1001 ways of cognitive dissonance dodging ways to short-circuit the process, but that's for another lecture entirely. People, especially your fearless leaders, should be held accountable for their ethics. If you cheat on your wife you should feel shame. If you send men, women, and countless civilians to die in a war under false pretenses then you should feel shame. If you brutally berate an flight attendant for serving you nuts improperly then you should feel shame. If you get caught sending dick pics multiple times then you should feel shame. If you appear on tv every night to spout lies and hatred only to further the agenda of powers that be then you should feel shame. If you're a supreme court justice (you know sworn to uphold freedom, justice, equality and whatnot) and vote/argue that corporations are people and that anything other than quid pro quo does not constitute corruption, then you should feel shame.


Sorry for the Foxworthian ramble, but anyway too many people who should feel shame have none whatsoever, which by some perverse corollary to natural selection benefits themselves to the detriment of others.


This is when I usually blast this:




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Man if the dude can fling someone who weighs enough to snap the suspension on the back axle of a van (I'm assuming Ford Econoline - the standard van for rapists), he must be packing a few pounds himself.

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Man if the dude can fling someone who weighs enough to snap the suspension on the back axle of a van (I'm assuming Ford Econoline - the standard van for rapists), he must be packing a few pounds himself.

hey man it's all muscle....

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Man if the dude can fling someone who weighs enough to snap the suspension on the back axle of a van (I'm assuming Ford Econoline - the standard van for rapists), he must be packing a few pounds himself.

hey man it's all muscle....



That's what she said.


*puts on fedora, drives van away*

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Ever look at the progress pics on r/keto? It's like fat people have no excuse anymore.


keto works dawg.

not only are these people losing weight, their triglycerides almost always stabilize, their blood glucose levels normalize, etc..



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Ever look at the progress pics on r/keto? It's like fat people have no excuse anymore.


keto works dawg.

not only are these people losing weight, their triglycerides almost always stabilize, their blood glucose levels normalize, etc..




It (keto) works for some people and not others. Like anything, everyone is different and responds differently. There's a whole host of physical and psychological (not to mention financial and other) reasons that might make keto unrealistic for some people...


Keto works for me like a charm btw, way healthier (mentally and physically) but lets be honest, eating whole foods is expensive. Healthy food is made expensive on purpose (dons tinfoil hat), probably to keep lower earning demographics unhealthy and paying into expensive health care etc.


And yeah, almost all scientists have completely reversed their positions on dietary fat and cholesterol, I've seen so many articles these days about how there is no link between dietary and blood level, unless you have an existing condition.


Edit: disclaimer... Keto works for me when I actually do it. I've gotten down to 208lbs (which doesn't sound great) but with a nice low 14.5% body fat, only doing a moderate keto diet (cheating on weekends type of thing). You also want to enjoy life, and stuff like pizza is just so f'en delicious. I don't want to give up those foods indefinitely just to look a certain way.

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yeah it depends. strict adherence to ketogenic diets almost always results in significant weight loss. i'll agree though, adherence is the hard part. even myself I don't find it easy to maintain ketogenic diet models. some people find it quite easy.


eating healthy can be expensive yeah. i'd argue that while processed junk seems cheap at first ($.99 bag of chips, $6 dollar pizza, etc), the inability for people to satiate themselves eating it leads to rather expensive daily habits. you think people just eat one $5 dollar mcdonalds meal during their day? add up the bowl of ice cream, the multiple sodas, the half bag of chips, and all the other garbage an unhealthy person eats in a day. it gets expensive fast, and arguably is often more expensive than cheap healthy staple food.


when i'm being frugal i go through phases of just eating eggs, rice, potatoes, frozen veggies, canned veggies. i get 10x the nutrition for very little comparatively.

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fat is the new skinny

It's getting that way. I'm seeing dozens of articles these days on facebook and otherwise with a headline about people of all sizes being beautiful usually with a woman (never see a really large man on the cover) exceeding 300lbs.


I don't think there's even a correlation between size and a person being a beautiful person per-se, so the headlines aren't inherently false... but I think it's misleading to impressionable people that might think that large is healthy based on the abundance of these articles. The issue here should be one of health, not broad sweeping statements about beauty that are subjective to begin with.


Really articles should just be encouraging individuality, individual beauty and uniqueness I would think... =/

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yeah it depends. strict adherence to ketogenic diets almost always results in significant weight loss. i'll agree though, adherence is the hard part. even myself I don't find it easy to maintain ketogenic diet models. some people find it quite easy.


eating healthy can be expensive yeah. i'd argue that while processed junk seems cheap at first ($.99 bag of chips, $6 dollar pizza, etc), the inability for people to satiate themselves eating it leads to rather expensive daily habits. you think people just eat one $5 dollar mcdonalds meal during their day? add up the bowl of ice cream, the multiple sodas, the half bag of chips, and all the other garbage an unhealthy person eats in a day. it gets expensive fast, and arguably is often more expensive than cheap healthy staple food.


when i'm being frugal i go through phases of just eating eggs, rice, potatoes, frozen veggies, canned veggies. i get 10x the nutrition for very little comparatively.

I agree for the most part, not sure what food costs for you in your area. Sadly I can't eat eggs anymore as I developed an intolerance. But things like fish/chicken/beef, needed to get most of the protein if you want to maintain some lean muscle mass, is REALLY expensive here. I supplement with protein powder quite a bit. Oh and nuts, I eat lots of nuts (waits for triachus testicles photoshop).


Veggies though are amazingly cheap, I wish more people bought and extensively used fresh veggies as they're cheap, can be made delicious with very little effort, and are just so damn good for you!

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My bro's done the keto gig for the past year or so and it certainly seems to be working for him. It'd be hard for me to give up carbs tho.

But even cutting (or at least greatly limiting) the consumption of soda and processed foods makes a difference in itself. I pretty much quit buying beef and pork products as well.

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Really articles should just be encouraging individuality, individual beauty and uniqueness I would think... =/



Nice sentiment. But, America Y'know.

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Really articles should just be encouraging individuality, individual beauty and uniqueness I would think... =/



Nice sentiment. But, America Y'know.



It'd be hard for me to give up carbs tho.



It's really tough man, at least I find the first 5 days tough. Try it for one day and see! (I'm sure you could do it though man if you wanted to.)


Your body is used to such readily available energy that it feels like withdrawal when you stop eating carbs lol. I actually feel kind of lightheaded the first day.

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