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The Martian Trailer


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During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring “the Martian” home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney’s safe return.



viral movie:


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So is this like the prequel to Prometheus?


also, When did Kristen Wiig become a serious actress?


oh I get it, it's actually a comedy.


edit: lol duct tape


edit 2: lol same planet dust storm from Prometheus.


edit 3: lol fuck this

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^^ that film is incredible. i watched it as a kid thinking it was going to be somewhat cheesy (considering he's also stranded with a monkey), but it turned out to be artsy and pretty amazing.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been reading the novel this is based on lately (great book), it's given me high hopes for this movie. And although the role is somewhat similar to his role in Interstellar (though less villainous) I think Damon's a great choice to play Mark Watney. If the movie manages to keep the level of humor Watney has through all his grim situation and portray all of the hard science that went into his survival it'll be good...


A lot of the more brilliant moments of the novel are just Mark pouring over his darkly humorous thoughts as he does things to survive, I'm hoping the movie keeps this in some form of narrative or Damon talking himself through the processes as his outlook and humor are a big part of his ability to survive and who Watney is. The trailer and couple viral videos seems to have accurately captured the vibe of the crew given by the novel, I'm thinking from what I've seen, they got it right. The film should be pretty good.

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I'm glad Scott is back in sci-fi mode, but doesn't every movie about Mars fail spectacularly at the box office? Robinson Crusoe on Mars is awesome btw. I loved that one as a kid.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been reading the novel this is based on lately (great book), it's given me high hopes for this movie. And although the role is somewhat similar to his role in Interstellar (though less villainous) I think Damon's a great choice to play Mark Watney. If the movie manages to keep the level of humor Watney has through all his grim situation and portray all of the hard science that went into his survival it'll be good...


A lot of the more brilliant moments of the novel are just Mark pouring over his darkly humorous thoughts as he does things to survive, I'm hoping the movie keeps this in some form of narrative or Damon talking himself through the processes as his outlook and humor are a big part of his ability to survive and who Watney is. The trailer and couple viral videos seems to have accurately captured the vibe of the crew given by the novel, I'm thinking from what I've seen, they got it right. The film should be pretty good.


Damn it, I was hoping to come to this thread to find someone who didn't like the book and see this instead. If it was darkly humorous it would have been alright but it was a bloke interjecting dad jokes throughout condescending science chat, I'm struggling to think of a more irritating narrator.

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watching these trailers/teasers i realize now how terribly weak matt damon's acting is. that must be the most unnatural lead role acting i've ever seen in a movie of such budget...

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