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Earth Entering New Extinction Phase


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btw, in 1-2 years time there will be a new wave of harder stronger fedoras, fedoras 2.0, they will have girlfriends (this is the 2.0 aspect) and will be hardcore antinatalists instead of dawkins-type atheists, they'll rant about how true detective is superdeep and insightful, so much that in fact some will attempt to push a taxman ledger as the new fedora, but it won't catch on


earth entering new fedora phase

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this could mean a couple of things:

- jev works for google

- chatbot learns to chat from watmm examples

- monoid

- all of the above

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Here is a photo of me doing kung fu poses in boxer shorts circa 2009:



The point is, consciousness and choice of how one puts value to their brain chemicals is a choice, and if one chooses to be miserable, then that's fine. But don't be under the impression that it's anything beyond your personal choice on how you want to be, because if you can read and post in this thread, you are privileged as fuck.


Beauty and the "worth of life" can only be felt by those who have appreciation. There are tons of fucked things in this world, but if you can post in this thread, they are not happening to you. Nobody on WATMM is locked in a cell, getting tortured for hours, and then posting about Aphex Twin during lunch break. If you choose to live, you owe it to yourself to live it to the fullest, only because you can, and it is the best choice you can make in life. Not everyone can live a life that is full of IDM and sunshine, but if you are able, you are an insult to yourself if you choose not to. This is not a "other children are starving, so eat your vegetables you little shit" point-- the point is, "vegetables are healthy and this dinner is healthy, and if you don't eat this food, then you will not grow well, and then all the cool things you dream of being from cartoons and Bruce Lee, you won't be able to do, cuz you'll be a lazy shit whose brain is broken and body is broken, cuz your diet consists wholly of root beer, Big League Chew, and Jolly Ranchers, and then you will spend your later years dreaming of an idealized past, which will torture you in a downward spiral until death, so honey, please eat your vegetables and dinner".


You owe positivity to yourself. You are worth it. If you cannot see how much you deserve to feel happy, then you at least deserve a chance to take out your parents or schoolyard influences in the octagon; or whoever convinced you of the validity of their low-confidence bullshit. In a more cosmic sense, you owe it to humanity, because you've been given greatness. Because if tortured people are living shit, and the privileged people are living shit- then there is no point to life is there? OR, that would put all of us in the same boat.


Life is one of the greatest privileges. You have been given the gift of life and the divine opportunity to live it. You have massive power behind you. Do with it what you will..... Do with it what you will.


p.s. Each one of us chose to be born. Most just forget that. Being born is like sending demos to old school Warp for 10 years straight, then finally getting signed, then complaining about being contractually obliged to complete 2 more albums. Don't you remember how much you wanted this shit?! So sad..... So sad. If you help yourself remember how much you wanted to physically live, you will realize that you are indeed, LIVING THE IDM DREAM~

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I've been a naughty little shit for not eating enough vegetables. Forgive me.

Also I think I'm starting to realize who the true IDM Man is, and it's not a 50-something professor in a blue suit.

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Guest wyvern

Fucking watmm junkie. Getting him into rehab asap. Limpy, please gtfo, for the sake of your own health.

8 Days, 18 Minutes and 9 Seconds since LimpyLoo decided to leave and still hasn't left.

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Guest wyvern

Who gives a shit, leave Limpy alone

Looks like you do, lmfao. What a tard making a comment like that.

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If you really wanna play the anti-natalism game, then...


Yes it's true that one can't consent to their being conceived. But people can commit suicide whenever they want. Anti-natalism seems to presuppose that people are somehow required to live out their life in its entirety. (Paradoxically, it's mostly white middle-class men who commit suicide, rather than much worse-off people...definitely a bit of info worth adding to the equation)


But most of all, anti-natalism is just garden-variety pessimism elevated to the level of a philosophical system. I've never heard of a happy anti-natalist. People just take their personal neuroses and explode them into some grandiose pseudo-insight. There's that old psychoanalysis chestnut: when people talk about human nature, what they're really talking about is themselves...


Anyway, on balance I think life is clearly worth living.


I'm gonna have to disagree with this though. It's not easy to commit suicide. One can't just kill oneself, and there's a huge risk you will do a lot of damage and not die, or die hours later rather than right away. That and it's a lot easier with technology like guns or overdose on drugs (which many people don't have access to). Animals don't have any choice (whether mentally or physically to do it), and clearly, living things are not evolved to kill themselves, it is something we have to invent. Plus it is a huge mental burden to get the courage to do it, it's not something you just do like in Futurama by entering a booth.


Also it's a copout to reduce antinatalism to just pessimism. I think the jury is still out on whether life was a good event or not, but most of all its only purpose is itself. It doesn't have any outside purpose, so if you remove all life you remove all pain and meaning. Life was just an accident so it can be just as much of a mishap or bad event as any other event in the universe. For the most part I am happy compared to what a person can go through in life, I just don't disregard any debate until I've fully digested it, and no disrespect, but I don't think you've done that. A lot of the antinatalism comes from an empathy about how fucked up a life whether animal or human can be, whether horrible diseases, accidents and so forth. I think in a certain way it's the individualist nature of current society that makes us feel OK about that stuff happening. It's either you can't do anything about it or that shit happens and we're just going to have to live with it.


I can understand the inclination to put all the blame on people who are depressed or hurting in some way and that the ideas come from that, but that's precisely the feeling that can induce a feeling of being trapped and feeling it is pointless as well. Kind of like you can't understand math or computers until you're exposed to math and computers. Humans are the only species that can even talk about the concept of death and purposefully ending it, so how much choice do the animals have? None. And we are in many ways just like those animals. Children are sacred and death is something one shouldn't talk about. Taboos are never good imo

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Guest wyvern

8 Days, 18 Minutes and 9 Seconds since LimpyLoo decided to leave and still hasn't left.



Who gives a shit, leave Limpy alone

Looks like you do, lmfao. What a tard making a comment like that.





I dare you.

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/tames wyvern to use as mount then keeps in the stables on half rations.

Make that rations of old cardboard.





404 Error - Chris Crocker Not Found

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Who gives a shit, leave Limpy alone

Looks like you do, lmfao. What a tard making a comment like that.






where did all these poorly-behaved noobs come from?


dude with 37 posts owns the place, i guess

Wyvern = Pafr? So you're a dupe then?


oh shit that explains it

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