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what does your username mean?


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Analog/digital, my initials, and how I used to think of the world (as a collection of binary rules to describe things which cannot truly be measured).

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It's the moniker under which I release.


Beyond that, it's a creature from Riven, the sequel to Myst. I absolutely loved that game and the Myst universe (ask me about my hardcover first edition of the first novel), so I decided to pay homage to it.


A wahrk is a whale/shark kinda creature with tusks to which villagers in the fifth age are sacrificed when they do shit Gehn's not cool with, because he's a crazy, controlling fucker of a dude and does shit like that. He has a secret underground room beneath the gallows that he uses to summon the thing. Finding the room is wicked surreal in the game, because the wahrk is so important to the folklore and mythology of the people of Riven that when you sit there clicking the big red button a few times thinking, "wtf? This isn't doing shit," and then it appears on the other side of a bunch of glass and you're like, "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCK!!"


So yeah, that's what a wahrk is. Here's an image search with pictures of it next to my art/face.


I've often considered changing my moniker since the foreboding nature of the wahrk is pretty far from my whimsical tunes, but whatever. Peeps are already used to it, so fuck it.



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It's the moniker under which I release.


Beyond that, it's a creature from Riven, the sequel to Myst. I absolutely loved that game and the Myst universe (ask my about my hardcover first edition of the first novel), so I decided to pay homage to it.


A wahrk is a whale/shark kinda creature with tusks to which villagers in the fifth age are sacrificed when they do shit Gehn's not cool with, because he's a crazy, controlling fucker of a dude and does shit like that. He has a secret underground room beneath the gallows that he uses to summon the thing. Finding the room is wicked surreal in the game, because the wahrk is so important to the folklore and mythology of the people of Riven that when you sit there clicking the big red button a few times thinking, "wtf? This isn't doing shit," and then it appears on the other side of a bunch of glass and you're like, "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCK!!"


So yeah, that's what a wahrk is. Here's an image search with pictures of it next to my art/face.


I've often considered changing my moniker since the foreboding nature of the wahrk is pretty far from my whimsical tunes, but whatever. Peeps are already used to it, so fuck it.



I've often wondered if that was where I thought it was from



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it was a nickname I was given as a kid because I was always fascinated by ghosts and spooky stuff, and have had a few experiences with ghosts I would tell my friends at bonfires and late night sleepovers. It eventually became my tagging alias and I have since used the handle for many things.

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it came to me randomly when I was registering. I like the sound of some Japanese words so I remembered this one. I don't watch Sailor Moon.


I thought about pointing that out at one point, but I didn't want to come off as a Japanese language snob.


Mine was originally the title of a track I made 13 years ago. The "amber" part might have been inspired by the title of Autechre's second LP. I think the "monk" part was to denote something meditative, like a regular practice by Buddhist monks. That track I mentioned is on my SoundCloud page listed as "Ambermonk Theme".


I think three or four years ago is when I decided to make Ambermonk my artist name altogether. I previously went by "Kfir" - the alias I used when I completed my album "90 Days" in August 2008.

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Through pure chance when I was quite young I acquired Gastr Del Sol's album Upgrade & Afterlife. Compared to the music I was listening to at the time (Mogwai, Godspeed, Radiohead, Aphex) this sounded so odd and uncategorizable it blew my tiny little mind.


Hello Spiral is one of two long tracks on the album and I liked the title so much I nicked it to use as my music making name as well as login name for most websites.


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Mine is named after the scientist Eugene Aserinsky, who was the first to discover the stage of REM sleep.


Mine is named after the scientist Eugene Aserinsky, who was the first to discover the stage of REM sleep.


Along with Dement & Kleitman yeah?

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ps: 'ganus' is short for 'gay anus,' which is the funniest WATMM name alive.


Mine is stupid -- 'encey' = the cute, pigtailed version of 'encephala' = 'things with minds,' lovely string of vowels there i fucked ur mom

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Oldest username Dropp: named after the chre track (obviously). How imaginative...

It was when I just discovered them, I thought it was a good idea to name myself after one their tracks.


My last username Npoess: named after the "National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System". The idea came from Biosphere, who tends to name a lot of his tracks after satellites, and my real-life name starts with N, so I picked that one. But I realized it was pretty fucking stupid (inb4 en poejse jokes).


New username Ceerial: named after the Ceephax EP. I'm not really that big of a Ceephax fan. But I just likes the sound of it.. and it's a bit silly. And it's the username that I've been using for a long time, everywhere else but watmm. so I identify myself more with this name. And you can actually pronounce it, as opposed to Npoess.


Whatever... I've always sucked at usernames. I'm always inspired by music tracks/albums names for some reason. Probably because I can't come up with something myself.

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Can't remember now, it's shortened though. I just like the simplicity and how memorable 'Obel' is, it's namey enough that I can attach a personality to it.


Since being Obel I found that there's a Danish musician/singer called something Obel. It's nothing to do with her. I like Obel enough that I'll keep it for ages. If I ever change it I'll probably change it to 'glicko'.

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