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The 2000s

Rubin Farr

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Some of you grew up in the 2000s, but for liberals in the United states, it was a decade from Hell. Poisoned by 9/11, it just went downhill from there: one of the worst Presidents in US history elected by the US Supreme Court; two never ending wars that have seriously damaged our national morale, a deregulated housing market that almost caused a global recession; the Great Recession that cost millions of people their jobs and homes, no accountability from the banking industry, which just continues to plod along like business as usual, after the Feds bailed them out; the deterioration of our civil rights under the Patriot Act, etc etc. The art from that time is one of the only things I can look back on and smile.


What was it like outside the US, was it this bleak? I've heard it dubbed The Decade From Hell. opinions?

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was it really that bad a decade? despite all the shit you mention, by any objective standards, today's americans, and westerners in general, live some of the most comfortable lives humans have ever lived. less crime, less actual poverty (don't bring relative wage differentials into it pls), better health care, constant technological improvement, etc. etc.

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It certainly didn't deliver on the promise of flying cars, but the global economic state leaving its mark was probably the most noteworthy thing, which continued into the 10s. Shit job market that fucked a lot of people over.


I had good times though

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This is a discussion, not a question thread. Tell us your experiences that were positive? Like I said, the art produced was incredible; music, movies, games, tv shows, etc. Definitely a time of change, social media coming into its own. Just a lot of downers for us Americans, a lot of it was our own making.
I remember camping out for a PS2, then calling in sick for like a week lol. Plus my best friend was also my weed dealer, so you can see where that went. I also worked for a minor celebrity, Dolly Parton so that was unique. Life is a journey, and once in a while it pays to look back on it. WATMM sure came into its own. The whole file sharing revolution...

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Lots of money

Good music

Good food

Good friends

Successful in school

Kicked addiction



Was an addict

Shitty TV in general

Have to work hard because I'm an adult now

Price of beef is high

Last bowel movement felt like I was shitting hydrochloric acid so I may have a roid



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Well don't post in them then, you are reinforcing their creation are you not guys. As i've stated before, as .... as the threads might be, they are always well populated and popular and even mostly stay on topic. So despite everyone's misgivings, you like these .... threads yeah. So it's time to either just not post in them or stop complaining about them. Cause it's kind of rude to the OP, who's humon too.

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world was generally shit.


Australia was alright.


I went through a lot of personal changes, mostly in my worldview.

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Some of you grew up in the 2000s, but for liberals in the United states, it was a decade from Hell. Poisoned by 9/11, it just went downhill from there: one of the worst Presidents in US history elected by the US Supreme Court; two never ending wars that have seriously damaged our national morale, a deregulated housing market that almost caused a global recession; the Great Recession that cost millions of people their jobs and homes, no accountability from the banking industry, which just continues to plod along like business as usual, after the Feds bailed them out; the deterioration of our civil rights under the Patriot Act, etc etc. The art from that time is one of the only things I can look back on and smile.


What was it like outside the US, was it this bleak? I've heard it dubbed The Decade From Hell. opinions?


I feel like Eastern Europe and the Balkans got better. I can't really think of other examples though.


The irony is it wasn't just bad for liberals, it was bad for all the angry lower and middle class conservatives, particularly the tea party bunch, though all the things they complain about they blame on Obama and/or falsely on liberals. It's incredible and absurd that so many sincerely discouraged and angry at the federal government and wall street keep voting for the GOP.

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It's interesting how the bleakness rubbed off on music. The moody gloomy sound of Interpol after 9/11. Dubstep in the mid-00s. Radiohead's dominance. All that "emo" screamo and post-hardcore music that was big for awhile. Hip-hop seemed escapist if it was popular, all the socio-political stuff was underground, and now that subgenre seems nonexistent.

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