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David Cameron put his knob in a dead pig's mouth


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I wonder if they specifically chose a dead pig because the texture of its tongue is a good simulation. I wonder how many different farm animals they tried and whether they took notes or surveys.

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Basically I don't want him to ever escape this pig, I want it to be thrown at him everywhere he goes, with people oinking behind his back until he gets so paranoid he can't tell if they are doing it or not. Does Richard Gere have nightmares of gerbils?

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How apropos. I've been calling that guy a pig fucker for ages.


that word, i don't think it means what you think it means.


  1. 1.
    with reference to; concerning.
    "she remarked apropos of the initiative, ‘It's not going to stop the abuse’"
    synonyms: with reference to, with regard to, with respect to, regarding,concerning, respecting, on the subject of, in the matter of, touching on, dealing with, connected with, in connection with, about, re;
    "value judgements apropos of particular works of art"
  1. 1.
    very appropriate to a particular situation.
    "the song feels apropos to a midnight jaunt"
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