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good ideas for the internet


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kill media.

disable anything which isn't either text or code.

get rid of browsers where you click on shit.

this would make the internet completely unattractive to gullible people, click-baity and any other attention-grabbing crap-business would be unfeasible.

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kill media.

disable anything which isn't either text or code.

get rid of browsers where you click on shit.

this would make the internet completely unattractive to gullible people, click-baity and any other attention-grabbing crap-business would be unfeasible.

Yeah just force everyone to use this


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That was the joke, my friend



Sent from my Mind using Black Magic

Bad at detecting sarcasm lately, glad you were joking with that one :)


I think autism is just contagious on watmm


But yeah if you look back, I was among those loudly calling for Chunky's resignation

Fucking nutjob, that dude



Sent from my Mind using Black Magic

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He was definitely entertaining

In a Charlie Sheen-meets-Donald Trump kinda way

But the 'I hate Jews' thing and the wild conspiracy shit was ultimately just pathetic and revolting

(Fuck, I wonder what Chunky is like IRL)



Sent from my Mind using Black Magic

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That was the joke, my friend



Sent from my Mind using Black Magic

Bad at detecting sarcasm lately, glad you were joking with that one :)



But yeah if you look back, I was among those loudly calling for Chunky's resignation







lol, this is what that posts looks like in my head



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I mean, sometimes people get accused of anti-Semitism and I'll read/hear what they said and think uhh that's a bit of a reach folks. But in chunky's case it was so flagrant and unfunny that it was deteriorating WATMM (which is a feat by itself) and it might even interfere with his everyday life.

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Further to the idea of keeping meltdowns/shitposting to one area, if the meltdown becomes hysterical and cringeworthy to the point where they should be in a straightjacket then the user is sent into an exclusion zone called ''the box'', a non interactive sin bin of sorts, it's like a notepad document window where they can continue to vent but no-one can reply and they don't get out until they've sobered up. Users can look in and see how the subject is progressing in the box and assess the mental state/ramblings and opt to bail them out early by paying bitcoins, at which point the subject is out of the box and thrown straight back into the heart of the thread again.

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Political/sjw talk should be banned, lined up and shot. Everything in these threads is cringeworthy, not the opinions themselves but the way they're brought and discussed.


There are several people on this forum that are real nice, talented etc but instantly turn to shit in these threads. I know debate is important but I'm not sure the shitstorms that systematically occur are helping anyone or anything.

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I don't even mind the political discussions that much tbh, which I know certain members have an absolutely allergic reaction to, but you can always just don't read them if said threads gives you this reaction.


But again, it is a electronic music forum after all, so maybe it goes a bit overboard sometimes.


What I really mind are all the emotional outbursts, and when these very sensitive members get a bit shit back for these outbursts, which sometimes seem to come out of thin air, it usually develops into a meltdown of some sort, with proportionally high levels of self-pity and whine. That gets very old after a while.

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I don't even mind the political discussions that much tbh, which I know certain members have an absolutely allergic reaction to, but you can always just don't read them if said threads gives you this reaction.


But again, it is a electronic music forum after all, so maybe it goes a bit overboard sometimes.


What I really mind are all the emotional outbursts, and when these very sensitive members get a bit shit back for these outbursts, which sometimes seem to come out of thin air, it usually develops into a meltdown of some sort, with proportionally high levels of self-pity and whine. That gets very old after a while.

Yeah I should be more in control of myself too, curiosity gets ahead of me but when I look at these threads there's only dark and cold.

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