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I keep bumping this tune every now and then over the years, I think I love it.

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13 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

life = not fair²

"what do i have to do?!?!?" - well, for starters.. stop punching your open palm with your other hand when you talk. eat a bag of mushrooms in the desert.. or a Guatemalan insanity pepper and wait for the magic coyote to speak to you... no doubt it will tell you to not punch your open hand when you talk.

listen to some Amyl and the Sniffers and go take your dog for a nice walk.


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longish video but i found it really captivating. nice to see the parts of the USA that have great trails/paths converted from old rail lines... and when he gets out west it's.. the west.. which is always epic in one way or another. also, small towns. many small towns. 


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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:


some tunes! that 1st one is a fckn jam. the 90s are coming back in big ways. seen the kids around wearing 90s styles lately.. i guess it's about time for a DnB type band w/female singer to emerge.

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9 hours ago, ignatius said:

some tunes! that 1st one is a fckn jam. the 90s are coming back in big ways. seen the kids around wearing 90s styles lately.. i guess it's about time for a DnB type band w/female singer to emerge.

Chenayder intentionally throws in these off-key notes, but doesn’t ruin her lilt, like old school goth singers.


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