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If a film is rubbish after 20 minutes do you still watch it?


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With the ticket prices here, I try to opt for movies I know I will enjoy instead of going in blind to some random movie. For movies at home, I watched some dreadful dross to the end, because I usually am bored when watching a movie and my life is so meaningless anyways, it doesn't matter if a couple of hours is wasted. It's not like I would be doing something else.

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Never walked out of a movie at the cinema, have occasionally fallen asleep during films (most recently Gaspar Noe's latest, Love) but will finish them off the next day or eventually. Only film I can actually remember finding completely unwatchable was Cosmopolis. I'm sure there have been countless movies on TV I watched 5 mins of while flicking around and have completely forgotten about, but if I sit down to deliberately watch something it'll be a near certainty I'll watch the whole thing.


Snowpiercer was great btw, a bit of a mess, and a rather silly political allegory, but great fun.

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I'm doing it right now. Watching a shit film way beyond it's breaking point, which was maybe two minutes into it. 40 minutes and counting. Finished it. Should've stopped watching it right away.

Edited by Gocab
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a movie would have to be really, really bad in order for me to not watch until the end.


I'm managed to never walk out of a film. Worst I saw was Cursed (2005), because we literally went to "see whatever is playing." Lamest Wes Craven movie ever. Bowling For Soup shows up in it for godsake. Long ago went renting DVDs was still a thing we rented Pauly Shore Is Dead And No One Cares on a whim (we went in to rent something else) and its the only non-streaming rental movie I've ever turned off 20 minutes in.


Now I only go to movies if I really want to see it in theaters. I avoid this situation as much as possible.

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yeh, no problem i ditch a movie. i have a pretty high tolerance though, but am really picky at the same time. tbh i don't spend that much watching movies anymore; currently mostly focused on the auditory aspect of creativity.


Only movie i fucking wished i could've walked out of was transformers 1 (why the shit did you guys even spend money on 2 & 3?). fucking horrible piece of shit. but yeah, was with some friends, and sat in the middle of a full cinema and at the time i didn't have 'lol, what the fuck do i care what you think of me" attitude that i have today. like now, i would walk out of that movie no prob. then, i wouldn't've been able to deal with the sound of their beedy eyes burning on my back

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i also have a really high tolerance for bad movies. as a youth i think i walked out on one movie (13 ghosts?) and the only other movie i remember walking out on was transformers 4 i think (is that the one with dinosaurs?) it was like 3 hrs before you see the first dino and then i realized the movie was still like 8 hrs long so i left. sorry to beat the bay horse but... jesus that fucking raygun sword thing jesus christ

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I enjoyed wondering at the awfulness of the Transformers movies, only saw the 1st one in the cinema though. I knew the rest of them would be terrible but watched them anyway, some kind of morbid fascination I guess.

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yeah pretty much don't pay for anything i watch so i have no problem of skimming trough it or even turn it off after a while... i'm pirate scum...

i don't go out to the movies, turns out a movie ticket is about 7 or 8 euros and there's very few films that actually worth that...

sometimes i regret that though...


last night i turned Macbeth off.... couldn't figure any of the dialogue...

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7 to 8 euros, that's nice. Here they are around 12-14 euros. That's like two bottles of cheap wine. I know what I will opt for 10 out 10 times.

or 1 bottle of not so cheap wine... xD

i guess in proportion to our income we might end up paying almost the same...

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7 to 8 euros, that's nice. Here they are around 12-14 euros. That's like two bottles of cheap wine. I know what I will opt for 10 out 10 times.

or 1 bottle of not so cheap wine... xD

i guess in proportion to our income we might end up paying almost the same...



you're from portugal right? you can get a bottle of perfectly drinkable wine there for €1.50! and a nice Alentejo for €3-4.

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7 to 8 euros, that's nice. Here they are around 12-14 euros. That's like two bottles of cheap wine. I know what I will opt for 10 out 10 times.

or 1 bottle of not so cheap wine... xD

i guess in proportion to our income we might end up paying almost the same...



you're from portugal right? you can get a bottle of perfectly drinkable wine there for €1.50! and a nice Alentejo for €3-4.


:orly: i meant over there, in Finland...



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I rarely watch movies, I try to pick good ones from reviews / trailers.


Last movie I switched off before the end was some real crap Alien rip off starring Lance Henrikson, it was total balls. Man that actor has sunk.


I've never walked out of the cinema partway through.

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Good to see everyone mentioning Transformers. It's the only film I've walked out on. I always thought the general consensus was that everyone loved the corny sexy thrillz and somehow it was only me that thought it was a horrible piece of shit/death of Hollywood etc

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Good to see everyone mentioning Transformers. It's the only film I've walked out on. I always thought the general consensus was that everyone loved the corny sexy thrillz and somehow it was only me that thought it was a horrible piece of shit/death of Hollywood etc


Haha, one of the most common go-to arguments on the IMDB forums(don't) is "you just don't understand film, go watch Transformers."

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I don't know how could someone seriously think that watching piles of fighting trash scored by Skrillex would help you understand film.

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I don't know how could someone seriously think that watching piles of fighting trash scored by Skrillex would help you understand film.


No, they mean your brain isn't sophisticated enough to understand Synecdoche, NY or Magnolia. Maybe Transformers is more your speed.


What's funny is when people say this after you point out how a film like Where The Wild Things are is a hotboxed elevator of farts.

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re:where the wild things are: appearantly the director (i forgot his name..was it spike jonze?) had to re-edit a lot, because his intended release was way too dark for a 2013 children's movie. hence the hot box of farts was produced for us to enjoy. funny thing is that the book is quite dark as well, but we all know hollywood is the city of mirrors.

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