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Alco simply cannot accept the idea that there could be a problem with a religion. He will do anything he can in order to deny it. It is a huge emotional struggle for hypersensitive naive people with their pinky glasses. It is similar to having an argument with a devoted believer. No logic, just irrational struggle and huge amounts of emotions. Pointless.



You have an utter lack of knowledge concerning history and biology. Please read up on these subjects and come back with a cogent argument that isn't littered with logical fallacies.


This should get you started on the last subject mentioned: http://www.logicalfallacies.info

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Guest WNS000


You have an utter lack of knowledge concerning history and biology.


You will have to be more specific than that. Very interested to see what you got. Hopefully you are also educated in psychology, psychiatry and neurology.

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What the hell is there to argue? It's not the fault of a dogmatic set of principals that are originally inherent in the teachings of the Quran. End of story, the argument of the religion being at fault falls by the wayside. If you've ever skimmed it, it's not all that different from the bible and even a bit more uplifting than the usual Judeo-Christian teachings. All this leads to the point that there are just very angry and reactionary people in the world who twist supposed 'holy' words to fit their weird emotions or craziness. No different than Christian crazies or really any extremist faction. It's the perversion of 'faith' that leads to incomplete people doing atrocious things and has for centuries.


How are we still on this topic? Painting in such broad strokes as "it's the religion's fault, bad religion, baaaaad" is completely missing the multitude of other reasons that reactionary and extremest 'terror' groups exist and continue to gather influence in places of the world that are war-torn, undereducated and pissed. For a triple threat like yourself, Jev2.0, I don't know how you're still arguing that point. It's not the suggestion that a religion may be responsible for the acts of shitty people that people can't wrap their heads around, it's more the complete lack of cognition and bigger-picture that someone like yourself must have to spout such nonsense above the multitude of other reasons things like this happen and keep happening.


If you mention Sam Harris, I swear to god...


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I am going to use the material in this thread to pen a comedy miniseries about a messageboard community overrun with socially-inept keyboard philosophers, called Curb Your Autism with Vej in the starring role.

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I am going to use the material in this thread to pen a comedy miniseries about a messageboard community overrun with socially-inept keyboard philosophers, called Curb Your Autism with Vej in the starring role.

can i be played by sam harris?

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you can play Sam Harris appearing as a heavenly vision to the aforementioned keyboard warriors if thou likest, Musulman.

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Guest WNS000

I am going to use the material in this thread to pen a comedy miniseries about a messageboard community overrun with socially-inept keyboard philosophers, called Curb Your Autism with Vej in the starring role.


Thanks man, but it is going to be expensive.

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Guest WNS000

What the hell is there to argue? It's not the fault of a dogmatic set of principals that are originally inherent in the teachings of the Quran. End of story, the argument of the religion being at fault falls by the wayside. If you've ever skimmed it, it's not all that different from the bible and even a bit more uplifting than the usual Judeo-Christian teachings. All this leads to the point that there are just very angry and reactionary people in the world who twist supposed 'holy' words to fit their weird emotions or craziness. No different than Christian crazies or really any extremist faction. It's the perversion of 'faith' that leads to incomplete people doing atrocious things and has for centuries.


How are we still on this topic? Painting in such broad strokes as "it's the religion's fault, bad religion, baaaaad" is completely missing the multitude of other reasons that reactionary and extremest 'terror' groups exist and continue to gather influence in places of the world that are war-torn, undereducated and pissed. For a triple threat like yourself, Jev2.0, I don't know how you're still arguing that point. It's not the suggestion that a religion may be responsible for the acts of shitty people that people can't wrap their heads around, it's more the complete lack of cognition and bigger-picture that someone like yourself must have to spout such nonsense above the multitude of other reasons things like this happen and keep happening.


If you mention Sam Harris, I swear to god...



I personally know a Muslim guy. Smiling, friendly, university education, no poverty (studying abroad in Europe). Believes in Sharia; absolutely cannot comprehend atheists, homosexuality and free sex; Quran is 100% pure, Muhammad too; European culture is completely opposite to his. I wasn't prepared yet to ask him about stoning for adultery and forced marriages.


Then you have this thing:




























Get your reality check, mate.

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look up the name "compson" on this forum and you will see that most of us have already spent years having this conversation, with the exact same links presented no less :cisfor:


needless to say, after much serious discussion, your viewpoint (and compsons) were thrown out after 50+ pages and we all went on our merry way, docking in the sunset. why do you have to make us do this again?

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Guest WNS000


lol, alco, you are so desperate. So you don't see the difference between Christians' "not accepting"/"discouraged by society" and Muslims' "should be illegal" (with Sharia law icing on top) approach to homosexuality? Have you been taking your pills lately for your emócion issues?


You also managed to miss the part post when I stated that religion (all religions) are the worst thing that happened to world after the existence itself only that Islam is the worst of them all at this moment? Yeah, I think so.


And you seem to have ignored this (as usual by emotionally unstable naive pinky-glasses flowers such as you):





























oh, and then there's just this little tiny guy:






Radical fucking Icelam


Alco, that was pwn as fuck! What was the point again, little flower? Are you trying to compare amount of deaths caused by accidents to deaths caused by an organized ideology? Would you present the idea to some of the surviving victims of Islamic fundamentalism? You would fucking shit your pants, you little pussy.


Alco, pleeeeeaaaaseee!! You are so desperate it is tragicomic, you are losing it completely.


An intelligent guy behaving like a complete idiot in order to defend his blind ideals. What the actual fuck, Alco.

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you can try to pretend that radicool icelam isn't a more nefarious conspiracy than radical islam if it makes you feel better. but i'm not going to be duped by your liberal propagandas. you're so committed to your pc ideology that you won't allow yourself to see the flagrant dangers facing the righteous morality of the Hot West by ICES.

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seriously jev. this is pathetic. you liberals are the new fascists and the genocidal blood of innocents soaks your hands. your camp has no problem when the media crucified Refridgeration, Air Conditioning, Beer Coozies, etc but when it comes to Ice suddenly you hypocrital lot start making all these excuses and being all like "look, not all ice is bad. it's just ice. some people use it for evil but the vast majority use it to just cool stuff down." Fuck off mate. even on this forum there's nothing but an alt-ice mob mentality. ICE WATER WITH ICE IS EVEN A FUCKING MEME HERE. you're a coward bro. read sam harris's The Moral Icescape and get back to me.

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