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Fucking Neighbors


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there was an earlier thread about the upstairs neighbors being insane & loud all day, thankfully they have quieted down and also I have speakers which go loud now so it's easy to signal them that they're being too loud. It's also an excuse to blast some tunes at 2 am without feeling bad.


the new situation is, the neighbors next door are 2 total arsehole dudebros. "chavs" for the English folk.

you say hello, they just look at you.. that's ok, but it's the level of communication that's going on.


They have a dog, and they keep it at home alone, the thing has been howling all day for a week now, wonder if they went away.. maybe they're in jail or died from crack or something? How long does a dog survive in a flat on its own?


anyway fuck em.




post stories about fuckable neighbors maybe,

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some new neighbors moved into one of the flats around me (one floor down, one to the right). they keep having people over and are making a right racket every afternoon. by the time I'm home from work it sounds like they've sunk a few beers and have lost the ability to talk in normal voices. WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO SHOUT AT EACH OTHER WHEN THEY ARE 5 FEET AWAY! THE FLATS AREN'T EVEN VERY BIG. FUCK


there are no windows in my flat, just balcony doors. there's a heatwave in the UK right now i can't not have them open, so i get to hear this goofy fucktard's voice all evening while i'm trying to relax.


smh v.v

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My closest neighbors are great, but the ones on the other side of the block have these kids that for some reason REALLY like hanging out in front of our house. I almost never see the parents, just these 3 or 4 shitty kids, aged maybe 5-9. They have these weird 2-wheeled toys that they just push around like a lawnmower or shopping cart or something. They sometimes bring their dog with them, and naturally it's off-leash, shits in our yard quite often, and the kids never pick up after it. One of kids will inexplicably scream for several minutes at a time too. These kids are terrible. One of my friends thinks I should just call CPS.

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Last summer the lady who lives in the lot uphill of our back yard dropped a dime on us, apparently some poison ivy was growing "from" our property (at the top of a slope about 8-10 feet above our backyard proper) onto hers. You know it's a bullshit complaint when the city dude has to squeeze in (read: make up) a hand-drawn checkbox at the bottom of the standard code violation form. Anyway I explained to this bureaucrat that it's poison ivy, it grows wherever it the fuck it wants; I'll try and take out as much as I can but I'm not a fucking sorcerer of flora.


This summer she's taken the step of putting a tarp over the fence so as to physically block the merciless march of the poison ivy. I take comfort in the fact that every other day or so the wind blows it off, plus she's got these two yappy dogs that go batshit when my kids are playing in our backyard, driving her nuts.


Otherwise our neighbors have been great. We live across the street from a very large religious/ethnic family (12 kids and counting, lol) which has been an interesting experience. The mom and the kids (esp. the younger ones that play with ours) are all really nice, though the patriarch has yet to acknowledge my existence the 1-1/2 years we've lived here. No time for heathens I guess.

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dont let the dog die :cattears: either call Dogman but he might be busy or more practical the RSPCA -




You can contact us in two ways Call our 24-hour cruelty line

Call us on 0300 1234 999 to report cruelty or an animal in distress. The call will cost the same as any call to a UK landline number.

oh wait you aren't in the UK, call your equivalent,... see what happens when you use the word chav? confuses the chav folk, shame on you!

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I live in a relatively calm/secluded street in Saigon but it's still LOUD as hell during the day and early evening. Karaoke a few times a week, whole families using the street as their living room, bi-weekly street parties. I don't mind really. They're all very friendly, I like the energy and they'll never complain when I feel like making some noise.


I used to live right next to an engine workshop. That was pretty bad on hangover weekends.


Every time I get back to Europe everything is so quiet.

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Sadly, I haven't fucked any of my neighbors. :sad: Once there was a pretty close call with my next door neighbor but I only got into second base.

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In my condo there's a family of five next door. The dad appears about my age, the mom maybe a few years younger. Nice folks, as I met them right after I moved in two months ago. But their three kids...whenever they leave they always slam the door. Sometimes the parents let them run around the hallway at night. And the infant would sometimes cry for about half an hour straight. I remember the dad telling me they'd lived there for two years and are hoping to move somewhere bigger...I hope they do, but I'm not so sure they can afford it. The condo is pretty much a shoebox for a family of five.

At least I'm getting temporary relief from the noise, as I'm still house-sitting for my buddy from work, watching their two pups.

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neighbours can be a nightmare that's why we bought an unattached house, noone troubles me, i trouble noone

i have nice people living next to us tough, one is a morrocan family and their kids, a boy and a girl, skate and play the drums, fuckin cool!!

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In the last three places I've lived either the sound insulation has been really good or the neighbors are really quiet. But in general I'm probably the loud asshole who everybody else thinks should tone it down. Although, I've only got one complaint which was when I was blasting gabber from old tapes I found through the sunday evening while cleaning up my apartment. I put the volume down because it wasn't really my intention to bother my neighbors and the lady coming to complain about it looked really fucking tired. So I felt I was bit of a dick.

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I've had no grief from the neighbours in the new flat thus far, the folks below us give us no trouble and on either side of my bedroom at the top of the house, I hear fuck all- either the walls are super-soundproof or, as I suspect, nobody actually uses those rooms, which is nice when I want to play choons or mix stuff, although I try not to play stuff loud after 11pm or so anyway out of a spirit of neighbourliness/ not wanting to deal with anyone complaining.


I live right next to a very studenty area though so occasionally I'll hear someone having a drunken meltdown at 4am; heard a fella wandering the street a few nights ago going "ADAM! ADAAAAAAAM... ADAAAAAAAAM?!" for an hour or so. Sounded like he was undergoing quite a full-on mental catastrophe. Fortunately none of that is near enough to bother me, though.

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Watmm, the home of the dullards.




When I went to cubs and scouts, there was a young lad called Tony (Nagle) so we kind of grew up together and he was a good friend of mine, though didn't see each other out of those circles. When we reached 15 we started drinking together a bit, going fishing together and then about 16 going to pubs together with other friends. I can remember the exact point of when everything went topsy turvey. Three of us went fishing for a weekend and got plastered saturday afternoon, me and the other chap were standing waiting for a taxi home when Tony just jumped out of a load of bushes and started attacking our mate, and beating the fuck out of him. Me and the landlord had to pull them apart. There was no justification or provocation for this. Those two never spoke to each other again. Me and Tony carried on being friends....


Everytime we went for a drink and he got drunk crazy shit would happen. I remember him smashing a chair over a landlords head when he came up to our table and told us to drink up, I remember him running out on the local indoor ice rink in his work overalls and starting a fight with a member of staff, then there was a time when we pulled up to a set of lights and a police car pulled up parallel to us and he got out the car and started kicking the police car while screaming You fucking wankers!!!! (lol that was funny though), he was also barred from all the pubs in the local area for beating up........wait for it....... his dad!, every weekend he would just get drunk and smash up his own flat I can remember times just sat there sipping a beer on his couch while he would be going round kicking all the doors in lol. I put up with this until he was 20 (I was about 21), then the lurid amazement started to wear thin. Not only that it was pretty clear that drinking set off some sort of schizo/psychotic reaction in him. I knew I needed to get away from him. So slowly but surely I edged away until contact was zero.


About six years years later our next door neighbor puts the house up for sale. And never guess who moving in? Good old Tony. And he still likes a drink. And he's got a wife, a baby and a Rottweiler in tow. I tried to explain to my mum (my dad had recently passed on with cancer) and 2 younger sisters that there was major trouble ahead. As in real fucking massive trouble. And so happened five years of hell.


The most notable incident is when he came home smashed out of his mind, and set fire to the house while going upstairs and proudly telling his wife what he had done. Fucking cunt of a human.


I'm off down the pub, see ya later.

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^ damn that suck beermate, i know a lot of people like that, i love some of them but for them to live next to me would be a total nightmare

don't let it get 2 ya pall, hope things will get better


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my neighbors are... ok. They're nice, but a bit of a hub of activity in the neighborhood (selling weed) so there are always people on my stoop, blasting super bassy hip hop out of their car, or shooting off guns in the air. I do actually like a lot of those guys, but my crippling social anxiety (and my lack of interest in getting accidentally shot) mandate that I check out my window before going outside to gauge the activity level, which sucks. Don't feel bad about how loud my shit is ever though.

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my neighbors are... ok. They're nice, but a bit of a hub of activity in the neighborhood (selling weed) so there are always people on my stoop, blasting super bassy hip hop out of their car, or shooting off guns in the air. I do actually like a lot of those guys, but my crippling social anxiety (and my lack of interest in getting accidentally shot) mandate that I check out my window before going outside to gauge the activity level, which sucks. Don't feel bad about how loud my shit is ever though.

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