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this show is pretty cool. jon nolan says he has 5 seasons ready to go, but hbo didnt renew it? fucking lame. hard to believe, actually. this is the best hbo show yet, as far as i'm concerned. i'd rather watch this than sopranos.

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there were 1 or 2 other radiohead songs in this one, too


i liked this episode, too. starting to like the wild west robot prostitute character now that she's a self-prorgamming neo.

Edited by very honest
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did anyone catch the nod to Yul Brynner's robot in the background?


yeah, nice touch.



looks like I was wrong about Dolores being an upgraded android, the original models were just a lot more advanced than I expected. was cool when the kid opened up his face.


I was also wrong to rule out my previous theory so quickly, the bicameral voice was the result of exterior meddling more than a simple manifestation of consciousness. though there were still some unexplained things going on there, so it could be a bit of both.


the threat level from the robots is starting to ramp up now, and the presumption of safety for the guests starting to go down. I'm guessing they'll end the season with one of them killing someone.



So I was right about the little boy, huh. Seems like some cataclysmic event happened in the past? How very LOST of you, JJ.


ahem: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/91687-westworld-tv-series/page-3?do=findComment&comment=2488843


don't think it was that cataclysmic, his da was just an alcoholic asshole.

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hope that the dolores/william/logan thing will become less shit than it is, didn't miss that thread at all during the last episode...


maeve thing is nice.


show is still deluxe trash but that episode was more fun.

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did anyone catch the nod to Yul Brynner's robot in the background?


yeah, nice touch.



looks like I was wrong about Dolores being an upgraded android, the original models were just a lot more advanced than I expected. was cool when the kid opened up his face.


I was also wrong to rule out my previous theory so quickly, the bicameral voice was the result of exterior meddling more than a simple manifestation of consciousness. though there were still some unexplained things going on there, so it could be a bit of both.


the threat level from the robots is starting to ramp up now, and the presumption of safety for the guests starting to go down. I'm guessing they'll end the season with one of them killing someone.



So I was right about the little boy, huh. Seems like some cataclysmic event happened in the past? How very LOST of you, JJ.


ahem: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/91687-westworld-tv-series/page-3?do=findComment&comment=2488843


don't think it was that cataclysmic, his da was just an alcoholic asshole.



There was some kind of explosion or fire on that sub base floor, everything it trashed and the plumbing is leaking right?

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Great twist, I suspect:



The machine in the cabin cellar was producing a replicant of Theresa, who will replace the dead one and enforce Ford's will, without anyone else knowing




Yeah, that would have to happen. Otherwise how to explain (               ) absence?

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so what about the Dolores William girlboy fairytale?

does anybody not think this part of the whole thing is utter shit? It's kinda bound to end very badly. Probably Dolores will get killed and William gonna ragequit. It's gonna be disappointing if that multiple timeline MIB thing turns out to be true.

the last two episodes have given me hope that something interesting is going to happen with that storyline.

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What the ___k happened to Marti?

who's Marti?

edit: ah, the token lesbian female guest. Guess they just forgot...? Think her purpose was just to show a woman guest.

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