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the watmm GAS thread


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I'm starting to cool on the gearlust. I do have occasional cravings (I'm pretty sure I'll end up getting one of the first batch of trash80's M8 units) but I'm beginning to think I've got too much stuff and it's hindering me a bit. 

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I've got some of the parts and PCBs to start building a bunch of new stuff but I've got no plans to do it any time soon, the only thing I want to do is finish up the current project and use what I have.


I'll probably build one of those Gieskes video crossfaders but that's to fill a really specific job in something I've been getting together slowly for a few years and am finally finishing pulling together, not just because I want new gear. More like buying extra cables or something.

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5 hours ago, modey said:

I'm beginning to think I've got too much stuff and it's hindering me a bit. 

I'm feeling this too. I made a list of gear that's not sparking joy for me, and there's like 14 things on it. I'm digging DIY modular at the moment, but anything else is just going to get in the way, with very few exceptions. 

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4 hours ago, thawkins said:

Is this the Marie Kondo thing?

lol yeah. It's cheesy but I like the idea. When I look at my stuff and some things just don't give me good vibes, it makes it easier to let go of things.

Of course, the problem is that people tend to like the same kind of stuff, so the things that are less joyful for me end up being a harder sell in general.

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Now that I've found "my" sound, and that I get it ITB, I feel like I just need a computer and my monitors. The issue is, I need a damn fast CPU.
Considering building a super compact, super fast mini-ITX computer to run https://github.com/apohl79/audiogridder to supplement the laptop, so that I can eventually play my tunes live. Even my desktop is struggling.

Gonna sell my 3 Boutiques (SH-01A, SE-02, TR-08), all in mint condition. If anyone's interested, drop me a PM.

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12 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

I'm so against the new minimalism.

I could tell ?

I'm no minimalist either, for what it's worth, but I definitely have too much stuff and I want less of it. Having a healthy amount of space is more inspiring than any configuration of gear.

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Yeah, it's when people think that things like "healthy amount of space" and "too much" are objective, proscribable things that you get into Minimalist territory, and that stuff has more in common with an eating disorder than with finding and maintaining a healthy level of order in your life. Minimalism and hoarding aren't really that much different, it's just that one of them is usually more socially acceptable than the other at any given time.



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19 minutes ago, xox said:

What’s that?

It’s when you buy a new piece of gear and for a few blissful weeks you think you’ll never need to buy anything ever again.

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3 hours ago, rhmilo said:

It’s when you buy a new piece of gear and for a few blissful weeks you think you’ll never need to buy anything ever again.

Aaaa that ? ... but what do you mean a few weeks?! You mean yrs, right? Lol

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Minimalism is when you buy a piece of gear but you spend the minimal amount of time getting really deep with it, before you fall in love with the new shiny that you saw on YouTube presented by user RealColundiQ who is actually a deepfake of Uli Behringer.

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16 minutes ago, thawkins said:

Minimalism is when you buy a piece of gear but you spend the minimal amount of time getting really deep with it, before you fall in love with the new shiny.

Ding ding ding ding ding. Winner.

/ thread

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2 hours ago, thawkins said:

Minimalism is when you buy a piece of gear but you spend the minimal amount of time getting really deep with it, before you fall in love with the new shiny that you saw on YouTube presented by user RealColundiQ who is actually a deepfake of Uli Behringer.

That’s opposite of what @rhmilo said

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That lamp would make a kickass thing to tape full of contact mics and do an ambient percussion performance though.

Weird how a modern living room is essentially an altar for the TV that is absolutely dominated by the huge screen and a couch or something.

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I've been finding a bunch of really good new open source performance video software for Raspberry Pi this week, so I'm now GASing for more Raspberry Pi's (pretty reasonable) with Picapture cards (too expensive for now) so I can run all of it at the same time. Top picks so far:




r_e_c_u_r is going on the one RPi I already own as soon as I get a screen

Will get one Picapture when I get my tax return an then add another RPi every paycheck or two until I have three or four of them (might be nice to have two instances of r_e_c_u_r so I can use one as a source and use the other with a capture board for live sampling, processing and upscaling to 1040p downstream from all the rest of the stuff.


MIDI control over a big part of the video side of what I'm doing is the last missing link to being able to livestream fully improvised music AND visuals and having it actually make sense.


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