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R.I.P. Pauline Oliveros


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As a founding member of the San Francisco Tape Music Center in the 1960s, Oliveros collaborated with Terry Riley, playing in the first performance of Riley’s ‘In C’, and modular synthesist Morton Subotnick. She later became director of the Center, where she developed a philosophy of listening as a ritual and healing process, an approach she described through her coinage “deep listening”. Her Deep Listening Band specialized in performing recording in resonant or reverberant spaces, and her touchstone album Deep Listening was recorded in 1989 in a disused cistern 14 feet beneath the ground.





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Posted it in the celeb death thread earlier but got overshadowed by Castro mourners. 

Been listening to her stuff throughout the day, I wasn't aware of her stuff at all but damn, I missed out. Leaving behind a lot to explore though!





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Posted it in the celeb death thread earlier but got overshadowed by Castro mourners. 


yes i saw that but only after i'd made this thread. sorry about that.


btw: i'd be curious if anyone picked up her reverberations set released a few years back. besides a song here and there, i honestly don't know if i have the patience or ear for an entire album of her work let alone 12 albums

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had the pleasure of seeing her twice.... she had a ...heavy presence, a real.... damnit can't explain. She was HERSELF. deep vibes.


sail on ms. oliveros


she signed my program..circa 01 02 03 or something.....




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I knew Pauline and wrote this when I found out. Deeply saddened by the news but thought it would be nice to share here.


"RIP Pauline Oliveros.


She might not be a household name, but Pauline was an important person in my life whether she knew it or not. I attended Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute from 2001-2005 to study electronic media. In my junior year I took a class called “Deep Listening”. To be honest it sounded like an easy “A” at the time.


While some of my classmates didn’t take the class seriously, I found Pauline to be a fascinating person and enjoyed learning about polyrhythms, ambient sound, and meditation through sound.


I soon learned that Pauline had been an influential figure in the budding electronic music scene of the 60s and 70s. She was friends with and worked with such greats as John Cage.


Pauline saw something in me I guess and pushed me to pursue working with audio after I went above and beyond on a few projects. Around the same time I was getting seriously into artists who would majorly influence me and flip my music world upside down such as Autechre, Matmos, and the Warp Records roster.


When it came time to do my capstone project or thesis, Pauline was the obvious choice for my mentor. I spent a year making an album entirely comprised out of sounds I recorded in my office, which to this day is one of my proudest creative accomplishments. It can still be heard on my Mixcloud here if you’re interested in checking it out.




From there I started composing music of my own and making the first Sparkle Motion DJ mixes, a passion which has only grown with time. Without Pauline, there would be no Sparkle Motion. There would be no Smash TV. My only regret is I didn’t reach out in time to let her know her influence on my work.


Thank you Pauline, for believing in me and inspiring me to make art. You truly made a difference in my life.


Brendan Shields"

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