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Arrival's music score by Johann Johannsson

Lane Visitor

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Has anyone seen the film? I enjoyed it thoroughly, and was heavily effected. I've never experienced an end scene that took me to such an emotional place. I literally cried, no balling or anything lol, but a few tears down my cheek, totally shameless. It was worth every minute. Typically movies give you bits of meaning throughout and big payoffs after the rising action or right before, with a nod and some reflecting on emotion at the end, but this film felt like a giant crescendo of emotion that just exploded, yet so gracefully at the end. Totally unexpected and a beautiful experience. I don't know if I 'd feel this way however, without the absolute masterpiece of a score which closed with that ending finale--a gentle but powerful pulsing through mountains of feeling, oozing out of those triumphant cello passages. It was like everything i could dream of for a film score in a matter of minutes. I immediately thought to myself. "This HAS to be Ryuichi Sakamoto", but after researching, discovered it was this composer Johann Jóhannsson, who I've never heard of. Looks like he's done work with Tim Hecker , Pan Sonic and other experimental electronic artists.


I'm left incredibly inspired.

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that Johansson man somehow triggers me. There's a lot of praise for him, but whenever I try listening it's same pretentious, tear-jerky, boring shit.


Seems to be an either love him or hate him kinda deal.

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that Johansson man somehow triggers me. There's a lot of praise for him, but whenever I try listening it's same pretentious, tear-jerky, boring shit.


Seems to be an either love him or hate him kinda deal.


feel this way about max richter. no opinion on johansson although some of the music in arrival was cool in a ligeti jupiter and beyond sort of way.

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The score to The Revenant was done by Ryuichi and Alva Noto in case you dint know

Yes for sure, loved that score/movie. Sakamoto was like 75% of the reason i went to see it lol... Have you heard their minimal / glitch collab album together? Brilliant stuff.

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Actually come to think of it, there are some Sakamoto / Morelenbaum similarities in those cadences in the piece from The Arrival, but looking back, I know if it was Sakamoto doing it, he would have added some slight jazzy dissonance in the variations and transitions--just enough to make the pretty parts even more pretty, and juxtapose them with darkness--creating an instant nut-in-your-pants effect. :D


The Johann piece was bursting with color and feeling for sure, I wonder if he borrowed a few lessons from the Babel soundtrack. The only piece that might be more beautiful to me is Ryuichi's Energy Flow or maybe Rain. I would say Ascience (my fav piece of his) though that piece is almost in a different category, because it's more spiritful, and epic with contemporary Asian elements than his other more reflective numbers.

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@xox & keanu


yea agree.. as film score, his stuff works.

he also did Sicario which I like a lot, including the soundtrack.


but aye, Max Richter bleh...

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Finally saw this a few days ago. Excellent film, and I love this flavor of sci-fi. Conversely with some opinions here, I didn't think much of Johannsson's score, but the one track I really liked was what turned out to be the Richter piece. I haven't really listened to much of his work, but a year or two ago I attended and enjoyed a performance of his piece "Infra."


Anyway, I also haven't dug around Johannsson's discography much but I can recommend that IBM User Manual one, it is pretty cool. I don't think it's as unnecessarily repetitious as his other work, as odd of a complaint that is coming from a fan of repetitive music.



The score to The Revenant was done by Ryuichi and Alva Noto in case you dint know

Yes for sure, loved that score/movie. Sakamoto was like 75% of the reason i went to see it lol... Have you heard their minimal / glitch collab album together? Brilliant stuff.



Cyclo - id is one of my favorite raster-noton releases. V good

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Ha, oh shit I confused Sakamoto with Ikeda, oops. Re: those collabs for real though, they're all worth checking out! There's one with a chamber string ensemble with a great atmosphere: utp_.

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that Johansson man somehow triggers me. There's a lot of praise for him, but whenever I try listening it's same pretentious, tear-jerky, boring shit.


Seems to be an either love him or hate him kinda deal.

 im a fan of  certain Johannsson albums 


since 2012, he only released 2 albums I really like: Copenhagen dreams (2012) (arguably his best work) and Orphée (2016) (one of my favorite release this year). 


dont miss Copenhagen dreams, a true masterpiece in the genre.

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  • 1 year later...

Really strange and very sad. I wonder what his story was.

I wondered if it was tied in with the Bladerunner 2049 score. There was never any official explanation as to why he was taken off the project. Maybe it was actually due to health concerns. Anyway, his death is a private thing for his family and shouldn’t really concern anyone else.

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I wondered if it was tied in with the Bladerunner 2049 score. There was never any official explanation as to why he was taken off the project. Maybe it was actually due to health concerns.

Oddly enough the same thought crossed my mind too, the whole dropping of this work definitely seemed ominous.
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