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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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So do you guys think Trump would be so radical when he's actually the president or do you think he is just showing off in order to get votes and then calm down for the real deal?


And how is Bernie Sanders going btw?


i think he would, the problem is a lot of what he is proposing is not really possible to do eg. halting all muslims entering the united states. i think what trump would most likely concentrate on doing is furnishing his ego and claiming it has a direct correlation with making america again like building a huge statue of himself outside the whitehouse or putting more ground troops in syria and claiming "we're hitting them hard"


and i think people would buy it because they're just as ignorant as he is on policy or much else for that matter since they support a guy who thinks the concept of global warming is a chinese conspiracy


how is bernie doing: he lost the nevada caucus by 5% to clinton who seemed to have A LOT of supporters (and more than 400 superdelegates) compared to bernie who has less than 30, but bernie killed her in the new hampshire caucus. i don't know when they do states like ohio but that will be real interesting.


one last thing: i really hope it doesn't turn out to be trump vs sanders because it will basically be logic vs ignorance and the way things are going, ignorance seems to be the trump (no pun intended) card.

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^ that plus

- Illusion of continued social progress - hey last prez had melanin, this one has vagine, yay

- Business as usual w/ (D) Executive / ® Legislative - aka "we could've made some real progress this term if it wasn't for those guys"

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the media is so biased towards hillary. it makes me angry enough to not show up and sit this one out. its hopeless

And the media would be very thankful if you'd just do that. Well played!

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Of course it is, but it's not going to change for this round. So what do you say - if you had to pick between Clinton, Trump and not voting, which would you choose?

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Would probably not vote. Voting would implicitly mean supporting the current system. Or then vote Trump and hope for a quick race to the bottom where hopefully more people realize that the current system just doesn't work and actually start actively demanding for change that is not just tweets and facebook likes every 4 years.

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more like Melon-ia Trump :dadjoke:



"a really big heart"


two of em :emotawesomepm9:

which would you choose?



at this point, probably Trump, just to see the world on fire

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i dont see what's wrong with hillary. i see a lot of vitriol against her online but the specifics of it is generally insubstantial or marginally significant. the emails and the bengazi shit was plainly empty. very reminiscent of the kind of undeserved antipathy received by president obama. not hard to imagine where it may be originating, psychologically.

Edited by very honest
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she was head of the state department when the massive world-wide sanctions where organized against iran. even china and russia agreed to them, which was amazing. this was after iran refused to swap their enriched uranium for prepared nuclear fuel rods for no good reason. these sanctions brought iran to the negotiating table and got them to allow un inspectors in, something nobody would have expected to happen.


she was also head of the state department when israel halted contested settlement development in both the west bank and jerusalem at the behest of the us government for the sake of negotiations with palestine, another thing that nobody expected to actually happen.


i believe she was also head of the state department when the new start treaty was agreed to between the us and russia, an agreement to diminish the nuclear weapon stockpiles by a huge percent.


just off the top of my head.


i expect i'll have to flesh out the list more as time goes on

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