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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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^^^ jesus.. rush.. what a load of crap. the clintons have taken it on the chin since forever. how long did the lewinksy shit last? impeachment hearings? c'mon. he's an idiot. and wtf is trump going to 'expose' that people don't already know?


$225,000 a speech? big deal.. ask how much reagan got.. more and that was many years ago.


people have no memory of this stuff.. short memory if at all. blah.. rush.. what a fat tub of pig grease that guy is.


but it may come down to "i both of them but i hate this one more! so i'll vote for the other one" which is awful really. american politics at its finest. trump. wtf. he's got plenty of skeletons in his financial closetbut he has plausible deniability etc. because he just licenses his name and uses subcontractors etc etc.. ugh. we're fucked.

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Just seen Nate Silver retweet something about people in Trumps campaign having ties with russia/putin. Havent seen any sources yet, but I'm grabbing my big bowl of popcorn. This will get nasty.

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Just seen Nate Silver retweet something about people in Trumps campaign having ties with russia/putin. Havent seen any sources yet, but I'm grabbing my big bowl of popcorn. This will get nasty.


that's some deep nasty for sure. if the media grabs on to it and there's some shred of something then there's a ding in his orange.

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Unless their demagogue really does go ahead and shoot someone in the middle of Times Square, do you really think there could be any developments that would move a Trump wahoo off his marker?

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Trump's foreign policy address was remarkable - for its utter lack of content.


So it was identical to every other speech he's given since he announced he was running for president?

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Trump's foreign policy address was remarkable - for its utter lack of content.


So it was identical to every other speech he's given since he announced he was running for president?



As in contradictory, vague on substantive ideas but full of edgy nonsensical ones, and pandering to ignorant fans? Yes.



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Trump's foreign policy address was remarkable - for its utter lack of content.


So it was identical to every other speech he's given since he announced he was running for president?



Yes. Worth mentioning for this one though because several pundits have somehow been blinded by the bullshit and praised it as being substantial.

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Just seen Nate Silver retweet something about people in Trumps campaign having ties with russia/putin. Havent seen any sources yet, but I'm grabbing my big bowl of popcorn. This will get nasty.

most of trump voters think putin is a great powerful president....

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If I was american I would go with Mike Huckabee 100% I don't care republican or democrat, it is pretty much the same crap there. The country is owned and governed by corporations, so the president should be at least a true american

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The guy had not a big budget on his back and it was for sure a better option in my opinion than Trump, Cruz, Hillary, and even Sanders. It is a Chuck Norris approbed politician, and seems like he is not a corrupted individual.




Edited by Milwaukeeeee
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The guy had not a big budget on his back and it was for sure a better option in my opinion than Trump, Cruz, Hillary, and even Sanders. It is a Chuck Norris approbed politician, and seems like he is not a corrupted individual.






the only corporation on his team is.. JESUS.


screw that guy.. he's nuts.. wants christian sharia law. mike FUCKABEE. he's awful really.


he's also full of shit. it's easy to sit an criticize when you get a big contract from Fox News to be a talking head. Of course he's not gonna run any more.. he's pretty comfortable. why would he risk that?


they're all politicians. they all.. even bernie.. have some stuff in the closet. they all can play politics and have in their careers... some more than others.. i think bernie is more on the up and up at least for now. obama had a similar campaign in regards to raising money from lot's of small donors vs big money through slush funds of pacs etc but as soon as he got his foot in the door he didn't exactly shun banks etc. of course there was a financial crisis of massive proportions to deal with and he had ample opportunity to put his foot in someone's ass but we know how that turned out...



edit: if you want to know huckabee go watch his comments on anything over the last 5 or 10 years. he's a fucking religious fascist.

Edited by ignatius
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Just seen Nate Silver retweet something about people in Trumps campaign having ties with russia/putin. Havent seen any sources yet, but I'm grabbing my big bowl of popcorn. This will get nasty.

most of trump voters think putin is a great powerful president....



it's true.. they see him as a strong leader because he doesn't get along w/obama on this or that. they hate obama so of course putin is admirable.

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Yeah Huckabee is indeed a fascist

He's like Rick Santorum (he's the one who wanted to outlaw masturbation, right?)

These people want to legislate and micro-manage everyone's behaviour to comply with their personal fundamentalist beliefs

"Christian Sharia Law" is pretty spot on

I would ask how people like this can get so close to becoming "leader of the free world" but the answer is very plain: challenging others' religious beliefs is taboo in this world and so you get awesome things like 40% of Americans being creationists in 2016

While a large portion of the left continue to enforce this taboo


/annoying anti-religion rant of the day

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Oops here's the real vid with the good stuff right up front:




(I mean...just imagine if Bernie and Hillary gave speeches alongside Anjem Choudrey...and them came out smiling to shake his hand...)

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Did people see this or did it fly under the radar?



That is some fucking scary shit...


I don't really care about Huckabee I was being sarcastic, I knowed he was a bit of a religious fanatic and that is always stupid, even more if you want to impose your religious view and rules in others. Obviating that religious nonsense he could be a better candidate than the others, but if I had to vote I wouldn't vote to any of the candidates at the time, not even a democratic version of Huckabee, unless he would dismantle the federal reserve and expose the 9/11, which is clearly an impossible thing for the moment

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